By clothing-bag, 18/11/2022

How to know if you have genital warts or herpes

Genital warts and herpes can be difficult to differentiate since both appear in the genital area.However, genital wart.

Both genital warts and genital herpes can be sexually transmitted through skin contact.If genital warts or herpes become inflamed or irritated, it may be especially difficult to notice the difference, says Brooke Grant Jeffy, MD, a Spectrum dermatology dermatologist in Phoenix.

The main difference between genital warts and herpes are the underlying viruses.Genital warts is a common term for a human papillomavirus infection (HPV), and herpes is a common term for a single herpes virus infection (VHS).

Here are more details about the difference between genital warts and herpes.

¿Qué son las verrugas genitales?

Genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections, says DR.Michael Cachovic, Maternal-Fetal Medicine of the Wexner Medical Center of Ohio State University in Columbus.

Warts are caused by a human papillomavirus infection (HPV).Many HPV strains can spread by sexual contact.If you have HPV, it is possible to spread the infection even if you have no active warts, says Jeffy.

Below are some symptoms of genital warts:

If not, an outbreak of genital warts can last months or even years.Sometimes they disappear by themselves, but they generally require treatment, says Cachovic.Treatments for genital wart.

Although topical treatments may take a few weeks to take effect, they are the easiest to prescribe because they can be used at home every day, says Cachovic.The US National Library of Medicine.UU.advises to avoid sexual contact while treatments such as imiquimod are used because vaginal condoms and diaphragms can weaken.

Some HPV strains can cause cervical cancer, vulva cancer, anus cancer or penile cancer, says Cachovic.If you have genital warts and did not know that you had an HPV infection, ask your doctor what other routine cancer tests you may need.For example, women with HPV need more frequent Pap smear tests to control cervical cancer.

Cómo saber si tiene verrugas genitales o herpes

There is also a HPV vaccine now offered to teenagers and young adults to reduce their chances of contracting HPV strains that are linked to various types of cancer, says Jeffy.Condons and dental barriers can also help prevent the spread of genital warts, reports Planned Parenthood.Because HPV can be transmitted through skin contact, internal condoms can provide a little more protection than external.

¿Qué es el herpes?

Herpes sores are caused by herpes simple herpes virus (HSV).According to Jeffy, there are two VHS strains:

Genital herpes is generally contagious until sores cure.However, even if someone does not have an active sore, they can transmit the virus to others, says Jeffy.

Symptoms associated with genital herpes include:

The outbreaks usually occur for one or two weeks.Although herpes lesions may disappear on their own, topical or oral antiviral medications, such as acyclovir, will accelerate their elimination and help prevent recurrences, says Cachovic.Sometimes, doctors recommend the daily use of antiviral medications to help avoid recurring sprouts of herpes and to prevent the transmission of the virus to other people.

If you have active genital herpes sores, there is a greater possibility of contracting other sexually transmitted infections because you have open injuries, says Jeffy.That is why it is better to avoid sexual contact while the herpes symptoms are experienced, according to the World Health Organization.

Having herpes sores can also make you more prone to bacterial infections and urinary retention.It is possible to transmit the VHS to a baby through vaginal delivery, says Cachovic.

Sexual contact is not the only form of VHS transmission.For example, young children often contract VHS-1 for kissing family members or putting game toys in their mouths who have also been in the mouth of other children.

Verrugas genitales contra el herpes

Here is a quick guide that compares genital warts and herpes:

Verrugas genitales/VPHHerpes/HSV-1 y HSV-2
¿Se propaga sexualmente?Sí para el HSV-2. Para el VHS-1, puede tener una causa no sexual, pero puede propagarse por la boca al contacto genital durante el sexo oral.
¿Es curable?NoNo
¿Los síntomas sólo aparecen en los genitales?No. También pueden aparecer en la boca o la garganta después del sexo oral.No. En el caso del VHS-1, las llagas son más comunes alrededor de la boca pero también pueden aparecer en el área genital. Aunque es raro, el VHS-2 también puede causar herpes oral.
¿Se puede prevenir con condones?Sí, hasta cierto punto. La vacuna contra el VPH para adolescentes y adultos jóvenes ayuda a prevenir la propagación de algunas verrugas genitales causadas por el VPH.Sí, hasta cierto punto. Practicar la abstinencia durante un brote es importante para evitar la transmisión. Los medicamentos antivirales también pueden ayudar a prevenir los brotes y la transmisión.

Although treatments can cause genital warts and herpes to disappear temporarily, the person remains a carrier of the virus that caused them.There is still no cure for HPV, VHS-1 or VHS-2.For some people, HPV disappears on its own;For others, no.Can remain latent and then return even years later.Stress is often a trigger for viral disease outbreaks.

Herpes shoots can also disappear but can return in the future.There is a continuous risk of transmitting the virus to others through sexual contact, even without active injuries.

The most important difference that must be understood between genital warts and herpes, says Jeffy, is that they are caused by different viruses.

La comida para llevar del interior

Both genital warts and herpes can be caused by sexual transmission.However, sores have different causes and treatments.Herpes is usually associated with more pain, says Jeffy.

"Once a person has infected one of these viruses, he is always infected and can spread the virus to others or sometimes have their own outbreaks," he explains.

The use of condoms consistently can help prevent genital warts and herpes, but will not eliminate the risk completely.

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