By clothing-bag, 17/12/2022

Super absurd things that prohibited us from doing at school 🙅‍♂️🙊

¿Te acuerdas cuando el prefecto (alias capataz escolar) siempre te amenazaba con que te iba a mandar un reporte? ¿Tiro por viaje te ponían en tu libreta de tareas el sellito de “Mala conducta”? ¿Te sacaban del salón casi casi por respirar? Si respondiste que sí a todas las anteriores, este paseo por las cosas absurdas y prohibidas en la escuela te va a traer buenos y rebeldes recuerdos.Cosas súper absurdas que nos prohibían hacer en la escuela 🙅‍♂️🙊 Cosas súper absurdas que nos prohibían hacer en la escuela 🙅‍♂️🙊

If magically you would teleport by school bus at this precise moment, which of these forbidden things would immediately send you to the address of your school?

Eye: If in the end you add more than 100 points, we reproach you and go straight to the address of the Chilango school.

Si hablamos del “uniforme”… esto era sacrilegio

The uniform was not only something you used to go to school but also represented the image of integrity, respect and honor for your school.Any foul in the uniform was prohibited and was a reason for a call of attention or even a dedicated note for your parents in your homework notebook.

All the following were prohibited things (each of these is worth 10 points, watch adding, chavo):

Cosas súper absurdas que nos prohibían hacer en la escuela 🙅‍♂️🙊

Continue reading the confessions of children of the CDMX about their worst mischief.

Si hiciste esto seguro te corrieron de la escuela

Remember that if you accumulated 3 reports automatically sent you to "rest" to your home.So if you accumulated more than one of these forbidden things, they were sure to be expelled from your school (and then you were school in school and already flat your parents had to change your school zone).

If you already remembered that you did any of these, be honest and contend (these are worth 50 points):

Con esto te volviste la leyenda urbana nivel: vándalo escolar

We will be very clear with this section.If you did any of these forbidden things you have to know that the safest thing is that you cannot step on your school ever.And if you wanted to demonstrate that your ill -behavior scale would be legendary, you did it, and you did very well (or, in this case it would be very bad?)

And don't even tell him because you automatically did one of these prohibited things in school you have 100 round points like the rating zeros that they put on your ballot.

Segurito add more than 100 points with this list of prohibited and absurd things that once did you do at school, not.If you seemed to return to school as soon.

Before you go, think that doing school mischief without their respective school junk, is not a mischief.Lee: Delicious scrap metal that we all ate from boys at school departure.
