By clothing-bag, 15/06/2022

The cause of whitish marks in female intimate clothing is the acidic pH of vaginal flow, which folds the area

In the case of women, it is common for the part of the underwear that is in contact with the vagina, sometimes, it is dismissed.Yes, the word is "usual" because it is a normal fact: the pH of vaginal flow is more acidic (between 3.8 and 4.5), enough to cause these marks in the tissue of underwear.A clarification: the lower the pH, the more acidic it is a substance (keep in mind that the pH scale includes values from 1 to 14).

Vaginal flow is a combination of liquid and cells that are released continuously through the vagina.This helps keep vaginal tissues healthy, provides lubrication and provides protection against infections and irritation.

According to Vicent Carmona, gynecologist and cursed that has lent us his super powers, along with the acidity of the natural flow of the vagina, similar to that of vinegar, "the moisture of the genital area causes the dyes of the interior garments to disappear and, bySo much, they fell out. "

La causa de las marcas blanquecinas en la ropa íntima femenina es el pH ácido del flujo vaginal, que destiñe la zona

We say "brand" and not "stain" when talking about these variations in color in intimate clothing because it is a faded zone.That is, it is not that menstrual blood or vaginal secretion has dirty the garment but that, due to the acidity of the flow, it is discolored: hence we notice yellowing parts in the underwear of less dark colors or lighter areas in lighter areas inblack or similar underwear.

According to the United Kingdom vagina museum, it would be the same process by which someone tries to clarify their hair using lemon juice.

Therefore, that this happens is not a sign that the person in question has poor hygiene or certain habits.It will happen whenever the vaginal flow between in touch with enough time with the cloth of the underwear.Conclusion: These faded areas are normal.

In this article, the damn Vicent Carmona, gynecologist, have collaborated with their super powers.

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