By clothing-bag, 06/07/2022

The most bizarre wallapop: from coffins to used panties

The Jungle / Social

In the jungle.Wallapop has become the application par excellence when someone wants to sell anything.There is the key: anything.These articles that we have found in the app corroborate it.

13 julio, 201817:30
Iván Linares@ivsu

When something becomes so popular that it ends up using it everyone becomes so common that complexes evaporate when using it.One of the examples is the Wallapop application: it was not known five years ago, now it is part of us.Send a WhatsApp, search on Google, sell in Wallapop, three activities that have been associated with a specific company.And of course, there is so much offer in said Wallapop that one can find any shit.Eye, it is literal.

Surely more than a strange product that is sold in Wallapop has come to you.Those ads have starred memes, WhatsApp chains and all kinds of jokes, but are they really?Do people go both their heads and to believe that the most absurd products have a second hand?I set out to find out with a theory: look for the most peculiar words that occurred to me to see if they threw related ads.Do it.The results will surprise you.

I have seen Wallapop ads that you would not believe.And to show you I have collected a good sample: prepare to discover some of the rarest products you can find in Wallapop.

Shit dvd's

El Wallapop más bizarro: de ataúdes a bragas usadas

What can "find any shit" was not a metaphor: it is literally like that.For example, here we have these DVD's that you can use for something as useful as wearing tables.Or as Frisbee, that use has escaped.

Second -hand panties

It is hard to believe that someone sells second -hand in second hand genital, but it is seen that happens.At least that is what happened to the woman who sells the "bikini cut panties": by clarification at the end of the article (Den Me capital letters) there are more than a fetishist around wallapop.

Yes, it is seen that there is a market for the underwear of second genital.Eye: "used very rarely", I don't know if this calls the purchase or scares it.

I sell coffins

I didn't find any funeral coffers, but I came across a curious element of daring: a false coffin converted in furniture bar.Captain Haddock has already given him a favorite.

When you have it clear and you don't need description

There are products that are sold alone, you just have to see the photo.For example, a bug in a glass.Why explain the type of insect that appears mummified?Good understanding ...

No matter what they think about you, see it

Wallapop is great to empty the storage rooms and get some money in return.It is that there are no things that we keep for years and then end in the trash.For example ... a can of loin.And not any sausage, no: from "son of Anastasio de la Casa Carrasco".For the 5 euros that the can is worth the spine, it should be a 5 jotas.

Use a hook title

The headline is what any article sells, journalists know it well.A little humor and voila: you have achieved the click.I recognize that I spoke with the next announcement of Wallapop.

Pedro's autograph

Yes, there are people selling autographs by Wallapop, Agunos with a worse fortune than others.Is that a napkin?

Capillary transplant

We reach a point that almost seems surreal.Does anyone sell capillary transplants by Wallapop?You are right.And not only that, they offer the transplant in Istanbul with all included in the price, also the transfers to Turkey.I need a bangs, but I think it happened.

When the product has a story behind

There are those who sell their items without more and who suggests in the sale that the product has a certain story.Here you have a good example: someone who sells a mattress without hardly use.The reason?It has just divorced.

To our divorced friend, the next Wallapop announcement will be good.Because we all need a hug at some point in our life.

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