By clothing-bag, 30/06/2022

The most frequent causes of infertility in men and women

Infertility affects approximately 1 in 6 couples.Both male and female infertility affect 30% of couples.In 20% of cases it is due to a problem in both members of the couple, while 20% corresponds to an inexplicable cause that cannot be identified.

This diagnosis can be considered when there is an inability to achieve pregnancy after a year of unprotected sexual activity.María del Puy Sánchez Fernández, gynecologist of the Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Sanitas University Hospital of La Zarzuela, reveals some issues on this subject that she worries so many.

What tests should both be done to rule it out?

Both members must have a medical history and a physical exam.In the case of women, it is usually hormonal study through a blood analytics, an ultrasound and a hysterrosalpingography, although the number of tests can be extended depending on the patient.

While they must carry out a seminogram or study of the quality of semen.To study male fertility, an analysis is carried out where the number, mobility and shape of the sperm is tested.An ideal result to conceive is to have more than 39 million sperm in ejaculate, which must have at least 32% progressive movement and 4% of normal ways."When you have minor amounts, the probability of pregnancy descends considerably," explains the gynecologist.

What causes male infertility?

There are four main causes of infertility in men:

Las causas más frecuentes de infertilidad en hombres y mujeres

1. A hypothalamic or pituitary disorder (1-2%).

2. Gónadas disorder (30-40%).

3. Sperm transport disorder (10-20%).

4. Unknown causes (40-50%).

What can reduce the quality of sperm

In addition, there are multiple causes for a decrease in the number, mobility or morphology of the sperm or the lack of these:

1. A pre -existing genetic condition.

2. The use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

3. Supplies (paperras) after puberty.

4. Hormonal disorders.

5. Infections or presence of antibodies.

6. Alterations in the number of chromosomes.

7. Thyroid alterations, diabetes and extreme obesity.

8. Renal and hepatic insufficiency.

9. Take certain drugs.

10. Stress situations.

11. Exposure to toxic chemicals or radiation.

12. The use of tight or restrictive underwear.

13. Problems with ejaculation.

How is male infertility about?

It can be treated by conventional methods that include:

1. The taking of nutritional supplements with antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids that favor spermatogenesis or process of formation of male sex cells.

2. The antibiotic taking for the treatment of infection, if any.

There are also alternatives such as in vitro fertilization, since the number of sperm necessary for the achievement of pregnancy decreases a lot.

Can it be prevented?

There is nothing that can be done to prevent male infertility caused by genetic problems or diseases.However, the gynecologist does recommend avoiding the consumption of alcohol or tobacco.

Unlike women, for men age is not decisive since sperm production is maintained until quite advanced ages.Despite this, the expert ensures that there is evidence that it decreases over the years, as well as certain functional or genetic parameters.

What causes female infertility?

80% of cases of female sterility are due to four causes:

1. Advanced age.It is the most frequent in our current society.From the age of 35 the reproductive potential decreases and after 40 years, the possibility of pregnancy is under 10%.

2. A tubal factor.About 25% of female sterility cases are due to a tubal factor, that is, when fallopian tubes are found with some type of injury.If so, the only treatment indicated to get pregnancy is in vitro fertilization.

3. Endometriosis.It occurs when uterine endometrial tissue is outside the uterus.The most frequent is that endometriosis derives in pain and infertility.

4. Polycystic Ovar Syndrome.Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome have irregular menstrual cycles and even menstruation.For this reason, they will have trouble getting pregnant and will trigger fertility problems.

5. Other risk factors are: obesity, intense exercise, hormonal disorders, libs, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, cancer, thyroid disease, asthma, depression, or taking some medication as antidepressants.

Can it be prevented?

The same thing happens in the case of men, there is nothing to do in the face of genetic problems, chronic diseases or age.However, females just as they must follow the same advice as men - elaborate alcohol and tobacco - must also be special care to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

The best option for those women who decide to postpone motherhood and do not want to have problems is the vitrification of oocytes at an early age (around 35 years).

This technique allows the ovules to be achieved after ovarian stimulation are cryopreated to use them later when the patient decides, with the same prognosis he had at the time of being frozen.The survival rates of oocytes are high, allowing motherhood with reasonable guarantees.
