By clothing-bag, 12/06/2022

The rule could be different from 40 years: this manages the change

In the same way that we are scheduled to anticipate the arrival of the first menstruation with a certain panic, we also anticipate its disappearance.But the years that precede menopause (which does not officially begin until 12 consecutive months are passed without menstruation; the average age to which it appears is 51 years) can, due to the continuous hormonal changes, present their own challenges.

And they are challenges for which many women (including who writes) do not feel prepared."It's like being in puberty, but at 40," says Gynecologist Shamsah Amersi, from Santa Monica."You go through an imbalance in which your hormones begin to occur asynchopada."

And although we are increasingly familiar with the term perimenopause (which is defined as the transition stage before menopause), there is still a lot of confusion around what happens to our body during this time, especially with regard toto menstruation.

Some basic aspects to consider: in a typical menstrual cycle, ovaries produce a hormone called estrogen, which forms the lining of the uterus, where a fertilized ovule could be implemented.In the middle of the cycle, ovules, which releases a mature follicle that carries an ovule.If you are not pregnant, the production of the progesterone hormone is triggered, whose purpose is to eliminate the lining of the uterus and also regulate your mood.(It is often known as the welfare hormone).

How does menstruation change with perimenopause?

La regla podría ser distinta a los 40 años: así se gestiona el cambio

According to Dr. Amersi, as when she is a teenager, when you are 40 years old, not necessarily every month.For this reason, you can lead to "a state of estrogen dominance", which thickens the uterine lining and can lead to what some of us have affectionately called “a period of crime scene”, characterized by abundant flow and pain and painextreme.The decrease in progesterone at 40 can cause a roller coaster in moods, insomnia and sleep disorders, which is aggravated with the usual serotonin fall (the hormone of pleasure) that accompanies them.

What is a normal cycle?

To discern alterations in the cycle, you have to understand what constitutes a healthy period: "I always try to avoid the word 'normal' when I talk to women who come to see me with concerns about their period, since I do not want anyone to feel abnormal"Somi Javaid's gynecologist and surgeon says by Hermd, based in Cincinnati. He states, when medical professionals describe menstrual cycles, take into account three factors: the duration of bleeding, cycle duration and flow."Normally, the duration of the period is 7 days or less, the duration of the cycle ranges between 21 and 42 days, and the flow has an average of 4 to 5 compresses or blood tampons per day, "says Dr. Javaid, addingthat the flow is currently measuring the consumption of compresses or tampons and that women simply declare whether they consider it abundant or not.

What many women begin to experience from the age of 40 is a change in the flow, duration and length of their cycles.Some may be intense and others very light;Some last longer and others not so much;Some feel insignificant pain, others feel weaker.According to the gynecologist, it is inevitable that some change occurs, although some of them should not be considered typical.
