By clothing-bag, 17/11/2022

They accuse him of overweight and Neymar replies: "In the next game I ask for a size m"

World Cup 2022

Durante el partido Chile-BrasilVuelven a acusarle de sobrepeso y Neymar responde: Vuelven a acusarle de sobrepeso y Neymar responde:

During the summer a debate on social networks opened because of an image in which Neymar could be seen without the top of the shirt that betrayed to be in low shape.

Vuelven a acusarle de sobrepeso y Neymar responde:

Now the controversy with the PSG star emerged from its appearance during the Chile-Brazil match corresponding to the classification for the next World Cup in Qatar.Social networks did not let Neymar's detail and his appearance.

Many accused the Brazilian star of being weight, however, far from taking it badly, Neymar himself faced the issue comic way.In his social networks he published a comment next to a photo of the game: "The shirt was L.I'm already in my ideal weight.In the next game I ask for a size m ".

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