By clothing-bag, 14/02/2023

Why do the Tuaregs wear dark colors despite the desert heat?

The heat arrives and it's time to change the wardrobe. The sweaters and coats go to the storage room and the t-shirts, the frequitos dresses and the shorts return to the hangers.

And, as everyone knows, preferably in light colors, which are the ones that best reflect sunlight and help us withstand high temperatures.

But if light colors have that effect, why do the Tuareg always wear dark blue and even black clothes?

When you spend your life under the relentless Saharan sun, you know something about how to withstand the heat, so the Tuaregs have very good reasons to choose such clothing.

In the desert you don't just have to protect yourself from high temperatures. The effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin is even more dangerous. And to stop them, nothing better than covering most of the body and doing it with dark colors, which let in much less radiation. They work as a 'full screen' filter in a place where there is not much access to sun protection creams.

Why do Tuaregs wear colors? dark despite the desert heat?

Dark shades absorb more heat, yes, but in return they reduce the risk of skin cancer. And the Tuaregs have their tricks to stay as cool as possible: they always wear loose clothing, which allows the air to flow under the clothing and the body to cool off.

The same effect has the tents in which the nomads of the Sahara live. They are made of black fabric, to protect its inhabitants from the sun, and have two openings, with which currents are generated that help to soften the temperature inside. Thus, in the lower part of the store -just where its inhabitants are- the air is cooler and this also pushes the warmer air towards the top, so that the interior is always kept at a much more pleasant temperature than the outside. abroad.

Tricks of the desert.

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