By clothing-bag, 17/06/2022
Art and Culture Guide: Week from October 4 to 11
Great sample of political posters, 50 years from "Malvenido Rockefeller"
"Malvenido FMI", the collective sample of political posters in tribute to the half century of the mythical action "Malvenid1969, to renowned plastic artists of different ideological, political and conceptual extractions, to symbolic and aesthetically reject Nelson Rockefeller to Argentina.
Cuándo: miércoles 9 de octubre, de 14:00 a 21:00
Dónde: Complejo Art Media (Av. Corrientes 6271), con entrada libre y gratuita.
The cycle is presenting its fourth edition, by the artist Camila Vilar.This exhibition shows the landscape without perspectives, where different elements of nature coexist, forming an invented place that does not exist beyond imagination.
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 17:00 ||
Dónde: Espacio Cetol, Av.Del Libertador 6188, CABA || Entrada libre y gratuita.
Gisele Freund at the Sívori Museum
This exhibition travels through the work of the great Franco-German photographer of Jewish origin through an unprecedented reconstruction that replenisures its audiovisual performances and illuminates its exile in Buenos Aires.It is part of the cross narratives / color axis carried out by the City Ministry of Culture, a fundamental component of current artistic practice, facilitator of direct dialogues with the viewer.
"Exhibition-spectacle" is the term used by Freund in describing the process of exhibitioning their portraits of artists and writers and comes from their "exhibition of exhibitions" carried out at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris in 1968.
Cuándo: lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes, de 12:00 a 20:00, sábados, domingos y feriados de 10:00 a 20:00 || Hasta el 9 de diciembre
Dónde: Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori, Av. Infanta Isabel 555(frente al Rosedal), Parque 3 de Febrero, CABA.
José Luis Dastugue presents “Baby” at the Thames Gallery
"Baby" has a way to walk: a way of walking that gets along with fantasy and introspection.Without supporting the feet on the ground, almost floating, we can go around the surprising universes of the plastic artist José Luis Dastugue.
The guide figure is a girl with a fuchsia bonet.Duende, unicorn, nymph or diabolical doll, the girl's girl appears and disappears, to enter the depths of the forest.That disturbing and at the same time harmless presence that the artist projects as a spirit of his work seems to have come out of a dream.She is a lonely creature, although then replicated in the maze.An hallucination that comes to meet her doubles from her around the world.It is the representation of lonely souls that roam the city.A man of man only expects, without gods or ties, and that modern life produced on a large scale.As in the lyrics of a song, "Baby" works as a lure and mantra.It is an inner voice, a distant vision and also the manifestation of the latent desire to be loved and remembered forever.
Cuándo: Hasta el 26 de octubre
Dónde: Galería Thames, Thames 1776, CABA.
"Alignments" by Carolina Cerverizzo
“Through the lines, color and planes I compose my works.They are my elements and I elaborate with them the images that arise inside me.I continue with my proposal delving into the limits and opening new paths within my path, I look for harmonies and dissonances, I buy the spaces and expand them, build and build, in a game of tensions and distances, aligning and discouraging.I hope you can receive through these works the spirit that flows, which emerges.And the magic, the rhythm, the vibration of the colors and the fantastic world of art appear.The fundamental participation facing them enriches this process contributing much more to the infinite world of art, of creation, of the unknown, ”says Cerverizzo.
Cuándo: lunes a viernes de 11:00 a 19:00, sábados de 11:00 a 13:30 || Hasta el 11 de octubre.
Dónde: Galería Rubber, Av. Alvear 1640, CABA.
Topographies of translation: the city, its cultures, its versions
With Gustavo Sorá (Córdoba), Mariana Dimapulos (Buenos Aires), Ulrike Draesner (Berlin), Daniel Saldaña Paris (Mexico City) and Aurélie Maurin (Paris/Berlin).Coordinates: Carla Imbrogno.
Organized by the Goethe-Institut and Malba-Constantini Foundation, this talk takes place within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Brotherhood between Berlin and Buenos Aires.
Cuándo: jueves 10 de octubre a las 19:00
Dónde: MALBA, Av. Pres. Figueroa Alcorta 3415, CABA.
Fernando Rosas in Bertuzzi Atelier
The multipremized Mendoza sculptor presents a selection of its wood sculptures.The opening is Saturday, October 5 with Cocktail and talk with the artist.Free and free admission.
The sample will remain, so the catalog could be requested on our Instagram account @bertuzziatelier
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a 19:30, sábados de 14:00 a 19:00
Dónde: Bertuzzi Atelier, Rosario Vera Peñaloza 450, Puerto Madero.
Photographic sample: Weegee "The Chamber of Crime"
Born in Austria, son of Hungarian immigrants (1899-1968) Arthur Felling known as Weegee arrived in the United States in 1910. He had a difficult childhood and was forced to abandon his studies to keep his family.From a young age he worked as a street photographer doing phenotypes, and was an assistant to other photographers, spending almost twenty years in the press laboratory.
Weegee is the graphic reporter archetype a sensationalist image.The images of crime scenes, the victims of an adjustment of accounts inside the cars, the overpopulated urban beaches and the grotesque scenes, are still impressive today.He was a teacher of the night, in which he performed most of his works, where the ironic criticism also had a space in his compositions.His pseudonym was a phonetic interpretation of Ouija, due to the arrival of him to the scenes only minutes after the facts occurred, before even the authorities.The sample opens Thursday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m.
Cuándo: de lunes a sábado de 10 a 21 y los domingos de 12 a 21 || Hasta el 27 de octubre.
Dónde: Centro Cultural Borges, Viamonte 525, CABA
New works, second collective exhibition of Laura Arce, Francisco Baggiani, Diego Díaz and Cintia Vietto, which brings together a selection of 35 new paintings by the artists.
Cured by Ana Aldaburu, Abreojos will be accompanied by a series of activities that propose a dialogue with other disciplines: in the opening an improvisation of music and drawing (09/19);A workshop in which, through archaeological analysis, a group of young professionals analyzes the materiality of art, artists, observers and contexts (09/28);a citizen music and poetry recital (28/9);and, at the closure (05/10), a great collective party with the participation of a DJ (see agenda at the foot).
In the voice of the artists, "it is a flexible device, capable of gathering works that are articulated in the atmosphere of the room, as if it were a gigantic kaleidoscope (...) thus, as we are spinning the meaning of the above,We approach possible answers to the questions Why is it exposed? What does it mean to show?
Cuándo: de martes a sábados de 15 a 20 || Hasta el 5 de octubre
Dónde: Galería de Arte Central Newbery, Jorge Newbery 3599.
"Forms of excess", Argentine contemporary photography
The National Museum of Fine Arts exhibits the exhibition, cured by Verónica Tell, which presents about twenty works by Argentine artists who propose a radical deconstruction of the ways of understanding photography as art, accompanying the 15th anniversary of Baphoto, the fair ofart specialized in photography in Latin America.
The pieces, which will be exhibited on the second floor of the museum, were made between 1985 and 2018 by Gabriel Valansi, Andrea Ostera, Julio Grinblatt, Gerardo Repetto, Francisca López, Bruno Dubner, Erica Bohm, Francisco Medail, Néstor Crovetto, Estefanía Landesmann,Paulo Fast, Pablo Ziccarello and the group of permanent provisional artists.
Cuándo: martes a viernes, de 11:00 a 20:00; sábados y domingos, de 10:00 a 20:00 || Hasta el 3 de noviembre.
Dónde: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Av. del Libertador 1473.
Banquete II, Performance and Reading Cycle
Cuándo: viernes 4 de octubre a las 19:00.
Dónde: Fundación Federico Klemm, Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear 628 || Entrada libe y gratuita.
Round trip images.Spanish and Argentine artists at the beginning of the 20th century
This exhibition begins the color axis of the annual cross narratives, a project of the General Directorate of Heritage, Museums and Historic District through which the different ways of understanding the artistic dynamics that cross the collections of the museums of the city,with the new samples and the public.Color axis curation: Sebastián Vidal Mackinson.
Cuándo: lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes, de 12:00 a 19:00. Sábados y domingos, de 10:00 a 20:00.
Dónde: Museo de Arte Español Enrique Larreta, Juramento 2291, C.A.B.A.
The early work of Julio Le Parc in the Fine Arts
"Julio Le Parc. Transition Buenos Aires-Paris (1955-1960)" celebrates the early work of the Argentine artist, born in Mendoza 90 years ago, with an inquiry about the impact of his first experiences, which preceded the consolidation of Le Parcas a key figure of local and international art.
Cured by the artistic director of the Fine Arts, Mariana Marchesi, the exhibition will offer the opportunity to see more than a hundred paintings, drawings, watercolors and engravings of Le Parc, some of them never exhibited.The selection of works focuses on a period dated between 1955 and 1960, since its epochs as a student at the National School of Fine Arts of Buenos Aires to its early years in Paris, where it founded the Visual Art Research Group (tax) andHe conducted his initial experiences with geometric abstraction.
Cuándo: Hasta el 17 de noviembre.
Dónde: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Av. del Libertador 1473, CABA.
Transurrealism program.Gender art and diversity
Transurrealism.Art and diversity of gender will present exhibitions, a public program, artistic interventions and diverse activities.It is part of the cross -narrative program / fashion axis carried out by the City Ministry of Culture refers to the daily elections that emerge from social and cultural movements.
With curatorship of Teresa Riccardi, director of the Sívori Museum, the Mariette Lydis exhibition.Transitioning the surreal will occupy the rooms A and B of the museum.It will gather more than 200 pieces: about 40 paintings from the Sívori collection donated in life by Mariette Lydis, more works and a chronology with archive material provided by the Correa family and the National Museum of Fine Arts.
Cuándo: lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes, de 12:00 a 20:00; sábados, domingos y feriados de 10:00 a 20:00
Dónde: Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori, Av. Infanta Isabel 555 (frente al Rosedal), Parque 3 de Febrero, CABA.
Nora Iniesta retrospective
The Argentine artist Nora Iniesta arrives with her work to the Museum of Contemporary Art of the South.The exhibition covers the imprint of its production over the years and travels, in a curatorial design with the rubric of architect Olga Correa, a path of concepts, realities and nostalgia that question us in the first person.
Iniesta, who had already participated in the playful exhibition, also cured by Correa, will become the second person who projects a retrospective of his work in the museum - the first had been Roberto Fernández, with the first cord sample.The museum also has a work by the artist in her cultural heritage after having acquired the "Argentine girl" piece in the 2018 edition of Arteba, through the Matching Funds program.
Cuándo: de martes a domingo de 12:00 a 20:00
Dónde: MACsur, Av. 25 de Mayo 131, Lanús Oeste || Entrada libre y gratuita
Schedule of activities in the Fine Arts
–Sábados ópticos. Taller abierto. Propuesta lúdica con juegos didácticos para las familias en torno a la muestra de Julio Le Parc. El taller no tiene comienzo ni fin: los participantes pueden ingresar en el momento que deseen para jugar con formas geométricas.
Para sumarse, los adultos acompañantes deben retirar su entrada en Informes y presentarlo en el ingreso al pabellón de exposiciones temporarias. Todos los sábados (excepto el 12 de octubre), de 14 a 16:45 || Hasta el 16 de noviembre.
Dónde: Todas las actividades se realizan en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Av. del Libertador 1473, CABA.
There was a time that was beautiful ...?
El Ministerio de Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires presenta la exposición There was a time that was beautiful ...? Esta exhibición forma parte del eje Modas del programa anual Narrativas Cruzadas de la Dirección General de Patrimonio, Museos y Casco histórico en el que se interrelacionan las distintas formas de entender las dinámicas artísticas que atraviesan las colecciones de los Museos de la Ciudad, con las nuevas muestras y el público.
The sample makes a tour of the fashion, music and habits of Argentine urban young people between 1968 and 1988. Within the inauguration, an audiovisual performatic installation will be carried out in which Dan Chelger generates images and sounds from mixed analog supportsWith other digital.In addition, there will be a hanger installation where the public will have the opportunity to test the clothes that young people wore between the 60's and 80's, and they can play to change image and style, exploring looks of the decades illustrated in the sample.
Cuándo: miércoles a lunes de 11:00 a 18:00 (martes cerrado). || Hasta el 4 de noviembre.
Dónde: Casa Altos de Elorriaga, Defensa 187, CABA. || Entrada: $50 (miércoles, gratis)
The original brand: Argentine art
It is a great collective and multidisciplinary exhibition that presents artists from all Argentine regions with recent productions that recover the spirit of accounting for the current art made in the large territory of the country.
The selection of works by more than 50 artists highlights the diverse character of our contemporary art and reflects on the effervescence and vitality of recent times.In addition, it addresses issues related to practice and artistic work, such as production based on recovered work and trades;the uses and technological processes and its link with poetics;reflection on natural and cultural heritage;Collective work and more intimate productions.
The program is complemented with guided tours and a cycle of talks, workshops with artists, curators and invited intellectuals;Encounters with the creators of the works of art;multimedia accomplishments and participatory proposals.The program is completed with multidisciplinary workshops for the whole family and guided visits for schools and the general public
Cuándo: de miércoles a domingos y feriados, de 13:00 a 20:00 || Hasta noviembre.
Dónde: CCK, Sarmiento 151, CABA.
My third eye
It is Aldo Sessa's first sample in a full sense because it is the first sample made entirely with the cell phone.Its use as a professional camera shows the constant update and experimentation of the artist with the new media.In this sample you can see the results.High resolution and large copies account for the scope and technical possibilities of this adventure.
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes de 11:00 a 20:00 y sábados de 11:00 a 15:00 || Hasta el 14 de diciembre de 2019
Dónde: Av. del Libertador 2475, CABA.
Emancipadxs.Stereotypes, struggles and conquests
The sample organized by the National Library spreads, through the materials of their collection, part of the struggle of Argentine women traveling the path of their fatigue and conquests and revealing the stereotypes to which they were subjected.
To do this, the National Library has the first publications written and/or led by women, dating from the nineteenth century, such as Aljaba, Camelia or Ladies' album, among others.Also with the theses with which the first Argentine university students such as Cecilia Grierson, Elvira Rawson, Elvira López and Alicia Moreau were graduated.
Las obras de mujeres de la cultura que tempranamente alzaron su voz para oponerse a los estereotipos dominantes −entre ellas Alfonsina Storni, Victoria Ocampo, Alejandra Pizarnik, María Elena Walsh, María Luisa Bemberg y Angélica Gorodischer− tienen su lugar.
In addition, the collective movements that with their struggle caused decisive changes in Argentine society, such as mothers and grandmothers of Plaza Mayo or #niunamenos, among others, are represented in this sample, as well as some of its protagonists.
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 21:00; sábados y domingos de 12:00 a 19:00 || Hasta marzo de 2020.
Dónde: Sala Leopoldo Marechal, Agüero 2502 || Entrada libre y gratuita.
Vertigo.Geometry and instability
Vértigo, Geometría e Inestabilidad propone una nueva presentación de la colección permanente de MACBA, a través de un conjunto de obras que, partiendo de recursos y juegos visuales característicos del "arte óptico", generan efectos de movimiento e inestabilidad.
The senses that unfold throughout the exhibition propose a possible reading line from the question for our relationship with time, duration, speed and restlessness of the rhythm of contemporary life.
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes, de 11:00 a 19:00. Sábados y domingos de 11:00 a 19:30. || Hasta el 1 de marzo de 2020.
Dónde: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires, Fundación Aldo Rubino, Av. San Juan 328 – CABA.
On the edge of the object
Andrés Sobrino exposes a series of small works that function as activators that give rise to works of major format, wooden cuts, objects found, remains of other free works and frames that result in a living system of operations on which nephew acts by forming formingseriesLarge format works make an appointment about themselves, on the main searches of it, color planes whose limits are the other color, color that partitions its tables in plots of the same surface.The sample is a set of paintings/paintings and each painting/paint is an object.
Geometric, simple, subjective compositions, unreal spaces;Point, line, diagonal, vertex, flat, space;transformations and displacements;systems, structure, symmetry, abstract entities;triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus;color, light, perception, reflection, refraction;Yellow, green, blue, white, black.
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes de 13:00 a 19:30 || Hasta el 18 de octubre.
Dónde: Smart Gallery, Av. Alvear 1580, PB.
Activities inside and province of Buenos Aires
Edition No. 73 of the National Hall of Rosario
35 artists will be part of the main section of the hall.In addition, in this edition Clara Garavelli was summoned (doctor in Latin American studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) as curator of the Cabinet section who will address audiovisual productions in their medial limits.
Cuándo: El viernes 4 de octubre, a las 19:00
Dónde: Museo de arte contemporáneo de Rosario (Macro), Brigadier Estanilislao López 2250, Rosario.
Dance and dance
I. Stravinsky Fire Bird in the CCK
The National Symphony Orchestra and the National Contemporary Dance Company will interpret a unique and didactic version of the Stravinsky Ballet, “Fire Bird”.With the direction of Ignacio García Vidal, the choreography of Margarita Fernández, the narration of Ana Hernández Sanchiz and dazzling costume of the renowned designer Francisco Ayala, will make this work an ideal show to be enjoyed as a family.
Cuándo: 4 de octubre a las 20:00 y 6 de octubre a las 11:00
Dónde: Auditorio Nacional - CCK, Sarmiento 151, CABA || Reserva de entradas:
Da dance
Ciudad Cultural Konex presenta la tercera edición de Da dance, una jornada que convoca a reconocidos artistas a emplazar sus obras en los diferentes espacios que ofrece su singular arquitectura.
Cuándo: domingo 6 de octubre desde las 17:00
Dónde: Ciudad Cultural Konex - Sarmiento 3131 || Entradas anticipadas: $250, el día de función: $300 || Combo para dos funciones: anticipado: $400. Día de función: $450
1919, what happened in Buenos Aires?
"1919, unfinished harmony", the new musical of the winners María Prado and Leonardo Napoli.A story that imagines the meeting of Paquita Bernardo, Osvaldo Pugliese and Leopoldo Marechal adolescents, on the night of January 9, 19, during the real events known as the tragic week.
The young cast is headed: Rocío Araujo, bandoneonist and singer, currently nominated for the Gardel award;Ignacio Bernárdez, protagonist of "Pencils, a musical with memory" and Rubén Santagada, recognized by his leading role in Gotán, by Julio Tahier, who in the work plays Pugliese adult, evoking the events.
Cuándo: todos los miércoles a las 21:00
Dónde: Hasta Trilce, Café teatro en Buenos Aires, Maza 177, CABA.
Anita or the tragedy of the parts
A love story that ends badly or perhaps ends well, this varies according to who takes out the final conclusion.
Three friends manipulating an avoidable destiny to unsuspected limits.The perverse mind of a girl from the High Society, raised in abundance, with her material resolved from her, who lives in a world parallel to that of common people.Anita manipula, Anita deceives, Anita perverts the established order.
Cast: Maia France, Pablo Sórenen, Maria Viau, Sebastián Politino.Author and address: Luis Lonchi.Live musicians: Nicolas Muñoz, Esteban Fioroni, Valter Izzo and Luz Merlo.Musical direction and original music: Juan Ignacio Lopez
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 18:00
Dónde: Teatro El Tinglado, Mario Bravo 948, CABA|| Entradas: $400
Friends of the Fine Arts
Latin American Cinema "Look Pa here", with free admission, in order of arrival, until the capacity of the room is filled.
Dónde: Av. Figueroa Alcorta 2280, CABA.
The Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Music invites Mercedes Sosa, a tribute devised by Master Daniel Zuker.
This tribute arose on the night of October 4, 2009 when, upon learning of the death of the singer, Master Daniel Zuker -director, composer and pianist -felt the need to write a song.After many years, he made the version for choir and piano that occurs in these two nights as a tribute after 10 years of the death of this great Argentine artist.
Cuándo: viernes 4 y sábado 5 de octubre a las 20:00
Dónde: Anfiteatro del Parque Centenario, Av. Lillo y Leopoldo Marechal. || Entrada gratuita.
Liliana Herrero cierra la gira nacional de presentación de su último álbum “Canción Sobre Canción”, dedicado íntegramente a la obra de Fito Páez. Con ese trabajo, financiado colectivamente, producido por IICES y editado bajo el sello Elefante En La Habitación, ganó el Premio Gardel a “Mejor Álbum Conceptual 2019”.
Cuándo: 17 de octubre a las 21:00
Dónde: Espacio Xirgu Untref, Chacabuco 875 || Entradas anticipadas: $500 por web o en la boletería del teatro. En puerta: $700
50 years of the album “Almendra” by the National Orchestra of Argentine Music
Filiberto Rock space: 50th anniversary of the album Almendra.Concert directed by Mtro.Mariano Chiacchiarini.The curatorship, arrangements and orchestrations will be in charge of Juan "Pollo" Raffo.Mariana Bianchini and Rubén Goldín will participate as guest singers.With the special performance of Emilio del Guercio (voice), Rodolfo García (drums and voice) and Edelmiro Molinari (guitar and voice), and the National Contemporary Dance Company.
Cuándo: Miércoles 16 de octubre, a las 20:00
Dónde: CCK, Auditorio Nacional, Sarmiento 151, CABA
Yosuke Oda, for the first time to Argentina
The Japan Embassy in Argentina invites you to enjoy a unique concert.For the first time in the country the artist, composer, director and former member of Kodo, Yosuke Oda will offer a Taiko show (traditional Japanese drum) next to the camera group headed by the great Argentine violinist Damián Bolotín.
Cuándo: viernes 11 de octubre a las 20:00
Dónde: Sala Argentina del CCK,. Sarmiento 151, CABA || Las entradas son gratuitas y se podrán retirar personalmente a partir del martes 8 de octubre, de 12 a 19, en , hasta agotar la capacidad de la sala (y hasta dos entradas por persona).
Fernández Fierro
The Fernández Fierro Orchestra continues with its already emblematic concerts every Wednesday at its own club, CAFF.This year, the shows have new themes, new scenic proposal and new light setting, while several national and international tours await for this powerful group of almost twenty years of life.
Cuándo: todos los miércoles a las 22:00
Dónde: CAFF – Bustamante 772, CABA || Entrada general $400 / Estudiantes y Jubilados $200. Anticipadas en boletería del club || Se solicita un alimento no perecedero para donar a comedores.
The Charango Route
The Charango Route, el Dúo Malosetti Goldman Trío, junto a José Balé en percusión, se reunirá con la añorada agrupación Viracocha (banda de los 80). Viracocha estaba integrada por Alejandra Lauría (voz, vientos y charango), Nuria Martínez (vientos), Marcial Sarandeses (guitarra) – reemplazado luego por Norberto Pedreira, José Balé (percusión) y Rolando Goldman en charango. La agrupación recorrió varios festivales, ganando el Pre Cosquín en el '85.
Cuándo: todos los segundos sábado de cada mes a las 21:30
Dónde: La Paila, Costa Rica 4848, Palermo. || Entradas: $ 300
Music at Bebop Club
-Paris Jazz Club presenta “Jazz Cartoons”. Un show que propone redescubrir la profunda relación entre el jazz, el cine animado y el humor. Fiel a su estilo, el grupo que cautivó a más de 40.000 espectadores en todo el país con el espectáculo “Woody Allen Night”, trae una nueva propuesta a la escena local con la idea de ésta vez viajar hacia un mundo ideal como regalo a ese niño que llevamos dentro. Las personas embarazadas en el público pueden verse doblemente gratificadas.
Cuándo: viernes 4 de octubre a las 21:00 || Entradas desde $250
-Daniel Mazza Cuarteto
Daniel Maza Cuarteto's proposal travels different musical genres with a personal style, full of freshness and good humor.A concert in which the public can enjoy Latin Jazz, boleros, waltz, Bossa Nova and always the candombe, which is the identity mark of this bassist and composer of the Cerro neighborhood (Montevideo, Uruguay).
Cuándo: sábado 6 de octubre a las 21:00 || Entradas $ 350
Dónde: todas los shows se realizarán en el Bebop Club, Moreno 364 Subsuelo.
Deconstruct love: straw + the "I love you" + the garche
Darío Sztajnszrajber and Luciana Peker gather in a conversation in the courtyard of Konex to think and deconstruct the idea of love as presented to us in the daily common sense, in an exercise that seeks to understand why a certain way of love expires and achievesestablish itself as "normal mode."
To deconstruct love is to depolitize it: show that all our links are crossed by power relations.This evidence, far from cooling it, makes it more intense and more human.
Cuándo: Nueva función, domingo 17 de noviembre, a las 20:00
Dónde: Ciudad Cultural Konex, Sarmiento 3125 || Entradas anticipadas: $350. Día del show: $400 || Patio - ATP - No se suspende por lluvia
Original copy, the death of the author or the ecstasy of influences
In the manifesto for the guerrillas of Awartz's open access he says: “Sharing is not immoral;It is a moral imperative.Only those who are blinded by greed would refuse to make a copy to a friend ... the information is power. ”
The battle is asymmetric.Culture is not a merchandise.Culture is not an event.May poetry, dance, thoughts travel like the wind and bring us new airs!For a free, inclusive and accessible culture.The workers of culture have given us a lot and it is always time to give back.We will perform free functions.Public Domain Collective.
Cuándo: todos los sábados de octubre a las 21:00
Dónde: Galpón Face, Dean Funes 2142 || Entradas gratuitas || Reservas:
The fachafarra
It is the new show with text and address by Alfredo Martin, from the novel "Ferdydurke" by Witold Gombrowicz.
Synthesis: Pepe, a man who wants to remain in his own immaturity flees from the city with a moth, a teenager.Both march to the field in search of a pure existence.In the house of Aunt Hurlecka, Pepe meets his aristocratic family.Ftererniza moth with a house servant, generating a violent family conflict by transgressing the class customs of it.Pepe is debated between the mandate of a normalized and mature life or the rebellion in the face of the forms imposed on him.
Interpreters: Gustavo Reverdito, Milton de la Canal, Marcelo Bucossi, Rosana Lopez, Julián Belleggia, Luciana ProCaccini, Natalia Chiesi, Angel Blanco, Matías Gonzalo Sanchez Sanda, Emanuel Cacace, Luis Cardozo and Leandro Cáceres./
Cuándo: viernes a las 22:30
Dónde: Teatro Andamio, Paraná 660, CABA || Entrada: 300. Descuento a jubilados y estudiantes.
Beat a dog's heart
Beat a dog's heart abre preguntas como quien abre los cajones del viejo aparador de la casa paterna. La condición extrema e irreversible de una madre, obligan a la convivencia forzada entre esa hija que se resiste a volver y ese muchacho que todavía hoy relata el amor de escuela con la vigencia de quien no quiere que el tiempo pase.
Beat a dog's heart se vale de la intrincada lógica social que opera en los pequeños pueblos del interior, y desde la intimidad de un vínculo difícil construye espejos que incomodan; porque reflejan aquello que evitamos durante toda la vida: parecernos a lo que realmente somos.
Cast: Mónica Antonópulos, Silvina Sabater and Diego Gentile
Cuándo: todos los domingos a las 20:30
Dónde: Espacio Callejón, Humahuaca 3759 || Reservas y compra de entradas: || Valor: $ 350 y $ 290 (descuentos a estudiantes y jubilados).
Macabra dance in accessible functions
El proyecto Teatros Accesibles impulsado por la Fundación Amigos del Teatro San Martín continúa con las funciones inclusivas acercando la cultura a las personas con discapacidad.
Accessible services include: individual magnetic ring, amplified sound, oversized, audio -description / audioIntroduction, Braille program and QR code.
Cuándo: domingo 6 de octubre 20 horas y viernes 11 de octubre, 20:30
Dónde: Teatro Regio, Av. Córdoba 6056, CABA.
Sleeping Beya (Dj Beya)
An actress-dj will take us for a poetic, musical and electronic trip, which will allow you to listen to the voice of a woman in trafficking.A performe-musical show based on the Nouvelle saw the face of God of Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, with the direction of Victoria Roland and the performance of Carla Crespo.
Unfolding to be able to speak, DJ Beya will try to unravel the mechanisms to survive in a dark fucking of Lanús, contemporary club of sexist violence.A woman shows meat and delirks holy.A woman is shielded to become epiphany.A woman transforms into Houdini or a Kill Bill from the conurbano, in the key of psycho-performatic uprising act.
Actress, Carla Crespo;Musical coach and artistic collaboration, Barbara Togander;Art Directorate and Scenography Design, Julieta Potenze;Scenography, Ariel Vaccaro.
Cuándo: domingos a las 18:00
Dónde: Xirgu UNTREF, Chacabuco 875, San Telmo || Entradas anticipadas en Plateanet || Para mayores de 18 años.
Lisístrata de Aristófanes arrives at the Faculty of Law: work and debate
The famous ancient comedy piece written by Aristophanes in the year 411 BC.under the direction of Silvia Gómez Giusto and adaptation of Agustina Gatto.After the work, Professor Miguel Ángel Onaindia will be the moderator of an interesting debate that proposes to reflect on the role of women in antiquity as today.
Lysistrata is daring and insolent, like many Greek heroines, and her character bursts the ideal of subordinate and silent woman for the men of the time, taking the spaces of power in Athens during the Peloponnese war.The genius of her leads her to want to deprive all men from the sexual act in exchange for achieving peace.Thus, the private threatens the public: this sexual strike will only stop, acclaim Lisístrata and her followers, when men give end to war.
Cuándo: sábado 5 de octubre a las 15:00
Dónde: Salón de los Pasos Perdidos, Facultad de Derecho UBA, Av. Figueroa Alcorta 2263 || Entrada libre y gratuita con capacidad limitada.
The world has lived wrong -4 stories4-
"The world has lived wrong" -4Cuentos4- is a humor show about texts by Roberto Fontanarrosa.The setting, starring Gonzalo Urtizberea and Guillermo Aragonés, assembles four stories by the author: "All the truth", "I do not know if I have been clear", "Ulpidio Vega" and "The world has lived wrong", a classic that gives it nameto the show.
Cuándo: todos los domingos a las 16:00
Dónde: El método Kairós (El Salvador 4530, CABA) || Entradas: $350 | Promo 2 x $500
El viernes 13 de septiembre regresa The SAP, adorable pieza protagonizada por Mirta Busnelli. Con dramaturgia y dirección de Ignacio Sánchez Mestre, destacado referente del nuevo teatro de Buenos Aires, la obra elogiada por la crítica y el público agotó todas las funciones durante la temporada en el Teatro Nacional Argentino – Teatro Cervantes.
The SAP propone un viaje poético, mágico y sorprendente por los mares de la memoria y el recuerdo de la mano de Elsa, interpretada por Mirta Busnelli, en compañía de los actores Agustín García Moreno y Constanza Herrera.
Cuándo: todos los viernes a las 20:30
Dónde: Dumont 4040, Santos Dumont 4040, CABA || Entrada anticipada con tarjetas a través de Alternativa Teatral $400 || Jubilados y menores de 30 años $320
The upset
Nidia and Mabel are two single sisters who have shared a man's love.In their old age, they transformed their house into a mood recovery center, a spiritual clinic where women who suffer for love receive and treat.One day the upset arrives, an enigmatic woman who they believe is silent until she begins to sing.Thus, together with a pianist graduated from the Falssi Conservatory, Nidia and Mabel must understand the unintelligible and explain the inexplicable: face that mystery that is passion, that wild love that is lived as madness and suffering, and that the upset (that "mute who sings ") fatally and lovingly expresses through his songs.
The work of Ariel Gurevich, is a co -production between the La Comedy Theater of the Province of Buenos Aires, the 25 de Mayo Cultural Center -dependent on the Undersecretariat of Cultural Policies and New Hearings of the Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of the City ofBuenos Aires- and the company of "the upset".
Cuándo: todos los domingos a las 16:00
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, sala Redonda (Av. Triunvirato 4444, CABA) || Entrada: $250-, descuento Estudiantes y Jubilados, $200-.
New proposal (for adults) of Libertabllas, based on "Life is dream", by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.Dramaturgy and Interpretation: Luis Rivera Lopez.Address: Gustavo Manzanal.
From the year 2000 onwards, the company created the "Classroom Theater" cycle, composed of different unipersonal shows that start from classic universal literature, in order to share this artistic/pedagogical experience with students.
There Segismundo came to life for the first time, in a very puppeteer that, in addition to schools, toured the country and the world in a suitcase.Today, without the pedagogical imprint or so specifically Titiritera, Libertabllas felt that the time had come to go even more thoroughly in Segismundo's mind;dive in his contradictions, his fears: his dreamy humanity.
Cuándo: domingos 6, 13 y 20 de octubre a las 20:30
Dónde: El Extranjero, Valentín Gomez 3378 || Entrada: $400, estudiantes y jubilados, $350)
An acrostic is a literary artifice, a way of playing with words to make time pass as if weighing less.
"Acrostic" es la obra que Diego Rosental se inventa cuando despliega el papel con las letras de su nombre que, desde 1984, guarda en el cajón de su mesa de luz. El manuscrito de aquella composición poética es el aliento que lo anima a crear un nuevo artificio, capaz de recortar el tiempo y componer con sus restos una figura que desteje los hilos del recuerdo.
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 21:00
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de mayo, sala Redonda (Av. Triunvirato 4444) || Entrada: $250 ||Descuentos Jubilados y Estudiantes.
Argentine customs
El Dirección de Patrimonio, Museos y Casco Histórico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, presenta Argentine customs, una obra de teatro inmersiva compuesta por varias performances en un lugar no convencional.
There, actions will be carried out to the idiosyncrasy of the inhabitant of this country/city with the participation of the public that will be part of without proposing it and at the same time, show habits, celebrations, their own customs.
La obra se desarrolla dentro de la exposición Hubo un tiempo que hermoso…? que hace un recorrido por la moda, la música y los hábitos de los jóvenes urbanos argentinos entre 1968 y 1988.
Cuándo: viernes a las 20:30 || Hasta el lunes 4 de noviembre
Dónde: Museo de la Ciudad, Defensa 219 || Entrada: $50 (miércoles gratis).
What the Guachas want
It is a work in which elements of the Villera culture and the culture of the upper class are opposed and that seeks to investigate the difference in classes between young people and how the same situation is faced in each social stratum.The staging proposes an interdisciplinary crossing of the scenes dialogated with song, and choreographies because through dance and music we can explore and expand the story.
Synopsis: Owen is a humble neighborhood kid who falls in love with Micaela when she sees her at the door of her school while he sells stockings.She, like her former boyfriend Valentino of her, are high -class family where to obtain what you want is not usually a problem.When the unexpected encounter happens, Valentino promises to take revenge on the couple in love.Both worlds begin to link: the humble neighborhood and the closed neighborhood, Barrios at last.
Cuándo: todos los jueves a las 21:00
Dónde: Teatro El Extranjero || Valentín Gómez 3378 (entre Gallo y Agüero)
Gourmet blind
The spectator will be able to know a bar from Buenos Aires from the 40s.The characters will tell the love stories of their life while waiting for the arrival of an important singer.Music and their stories will make the public travel through different and fun scenarios.Accompanied by the pianist Carlos Cabrera and guided by the cadence of the voice of singer Sofia Val, the viewer can be part of the scene living a unique musical and theatrical experience.
Este espectáculo propone también una cena diferente con opciones de menú vegetariano y apto para celíacos, los cuales deberán ser solicitadas con 48 horas de anticipación al día de función (con bebida libre opcional entre vino, gaseosa o agua). El menú podrá ser degustado en total oscuridad sin dificultad alguna, permitiéndoles a los espectadores concentrarse en los diferentes aromas y sabores mientras disfrutan del espectáculo.
Cuándo: de martes a domingos a las 21:00
Dónde: Borges 1974, CABA. || Localidades: $1500 (Incluye espectáculo de Teatro Ciego con música en vivo, cena y bebida libre). Promoción Especial: Martes, miércoles, jueves y domingos 20% OFF con todos los medios de pago.
I am Sonia
He is the only one of Virginia Pezzutti, written and directed by Gastón Díaz.
A young woman visits a man who is in a coma.She day by day she makes an inventory of her sexual experiences, as if that story charged a vitality capable of keeping it alive, or even, to recover it.A strange medicine that is inoculated in each meeting and that is drawing the map of an erratic relationship.
As the violent movement that changes one slide for another, each visit is a blow that tries to revive that unconscious body, inanimate as a photograph.
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 21:00
Dónde: Espacio Sísmico, Lavalleja 960, CABA. || Entradas: $250. Descuento jubilados y estudiantes: $200
September 24, almost first
"September 24, almost spring" is the story of an independent, curious, insecure, idealistic and adorable woman, who, with the desire to share her universe, displays a game of acute reflection, full of humor and irony with respect to thedifferent existential challenges of the female universe.Through different monologues and a handful of songs that run through various genres (tango, cumbia and ballad, among others), themes will be traveled such as: anxiety and exhaustion, the desire to link and isolation, the self -demand, the self -demand, theTechnology and the human, among others.
Dramaturgy: Caro Setton and Silvia Kanter;lyrics and music: Caro Setto (song "Internal dialogue", in co/authorship with Juani Spolidoro);Address: Silvia Kanter / Interpreter: Caro Setton
Cuándo: jueves a las 21:00
Dónde: Teatro La Comedia, Rodríguez Peña 1062 || Entrada: $400
Chéjov Suite
@saribethrose @girlsreallyrule We Told 2 Of Our 3 Girls (3rd is in Mid School) That They Cannot Take Ap Classses.ON ...
— sane rantings Wed Jul 21 15:10:11 +0000 2021
Dramaturgy and direction: Helena Tritak.This work is based on work notes, writings and letters from Antón Chéjov between 1880 and 1904.
This show has the support of the Embassy of the Russian Federation.
Cuándo: sábados a las 18:30
Dónde: Patio de Actores, Lerma 568. CABA.
"Here Gardel sang" is a Tanguero musical about the last time that the Creole Zorzal sang in Buenos Aires.Carlos Gardel appeared for the last time before the Buenos Aires public on September 10, 1933 at the stage of the old film Theater 25 de Mayo, today a cultural center recovered by the neighbors of Villa Urquiza.
Those who were present that the Chamber was girl at the attendance of so much public and Gardel had to go to sing to the balcony for the people who were on the street.
Dramaturgy: Mariano Saba.Musical composition and arrangements: Néstor Marconi and Juan Carlos Cuacci.General Directorate: Nelson Valente.Cast: Roberto Carnaghi, Omar Calicchio, Laura Silva, Alfredo Allende, Guido Botto Fiora and Ana Rodríguez.Live music: Orchestra of the Tango de Buenos Aires (OTBA) under the musical direction of Néstor Marconi and Juan Carlos Cuacci.
Cuándo: de jueves a sábados a las 20:30 || Hasta 16 de noviembre
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, sala principal (Av. Triunvirato 4444, CABA) || Entrada: platea $400, pullman $350 | Descuentos a estudiantes y jubilados: -20%. || Informes: 4524-7997.
Felicitas or the mute girls
Based on the real history of what some say, the first femicide that took public state in Argentina.Those last minutes in the life of Felicitas Guerrero, loaded with love and tragedy, remind us how little prepared Buenos Aires was - and the world - to accept a free, powerful and intelligent woman.
Even today it is unbearable for many.
A work by Adriana Tursi with Silvina Muzzanti.Address and staging of Laura D'Anna.
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 22:30
Dónde: Teatro Pan y Arte, Boedo 876, CABA || Entrada: $300
The Jewish nun
A work by Lázaro Droznes with Marta Bianchi and Gustavo Rey.It is based on the life of Edith Stein, a Jewish German philosopher that became Catholicism within the order of the Carmelite nuns.During World War II, she sent her to Auschwitz in retaliation due to the protests of the Dutch clergy for the treatment of the Jews and there she was killed.The Catholic Church La Canoniza in 1998, she declares her Santa and Copatrona from Europe.
The work takes place in Auschwitz and presents an encounter between Edith and Hans, his former colleague now turned into SS, who will ask for his collaboration to generate the doctrinal foundations of a new religion that is functional to the Nazi regime.Hans will reveal the true intentions of the Nazi regime and the mechanisms they used to achieve their objectives.Stein and the tremendous life story of him summarize the essential characteristics of the maximum tragedy of the twentieth century: Nazism.
Cuándo: todos los domingos a las 20:15
Dónde: Teatro El Tinglado, Mario Bravo 948.
The dead mare
The old man is an evangelical pastor who was thrown out of the church where he preached for having stayed with money.He is now exiled in the theater of a town where he meets an actress with a great resemblance to Eva Perón who inspires him to create a plan to make his return possible: they will film a video, with the help of his children, where the old man will resurrectThis iconic character.
The projection will be done while the new shepherd preaches, and before such a miracle the absorbed faithful will ask for their return.To great ideas, ridiculous details, make their execution more funny than possible.
Cuándo: viernes a las 20:00
Dónde: Centro Cultural de la Cooperación, Av. Corrientes 1543, CABA. || Entrada: $ 250
The evil of stone
The company The fertile vacuum, creator of Sharks and other Rémoras presents its new show.
Spain in the present.The Valley of the Fallen, the pharaonic monument that Francisco Franco ordered to build the civil war as a symbol of triumph, is collapsing from the inside.Locked in the basilica by a brawl between neo -Nazis and a group of historical memory, a restorer works to diagnose the imminent collapse of the place.Unable to get out of it, Miranda is forced to live with a security guard whose neutral posture will specify in her the political and moral contradictions of her.While the water horses the stone, the facts crack the speeches.What will fall first?Time flies.
Dramaturgy: Blanca Doménech;Address and staging: Tony Lestingi.Cast: Romina Pinto and Iván Steinhardt.Address Assistance: Emilio Zinerón.Scenography and lighting design: Eduardo Muro.Original music: Enrique Paret.Photographs: Ailín Moreno
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 16:30
Dónde: Teatro El Extranjero, Valentín Gómez 3378 (entre Gallo y Agüero)|| Reservas en este link || Entrada general: $ 400, jubilados y estudiantes: $350; menores de 28 años: $ 300
Eleonora and Emilia, two receptionists mired in the routine inertia of the corporate system find a libertarian enclosure in the new Happyless Chain.Going to lunch will then be a revealing mischief within the state of oppression and captivity that both experience.Get out of there or ascend?What is the free map?
Prima opera of the playwright Florencia Lorenzo and Paula Zaurdo, with the direction of Nicolás Sorrivas.Interpreters: Florencia Lorenzo and Paula Zaurdo.
Cuándo: miércoles a las 21:00
Dónde: Teatro Nün, Juan Ramírez de Velasco 419 || Entrada: $350
Tell the moon to come
The work has the dramaturgy of Pablo Rodríguez Andreoli, Florencia Lorenzo and Jorge Eines, inspired by Federico García Lorca and directed by Jorge Eines.Cast: Florencia Lorenzo and Pablo Rodríguez Andreoli.
Synopsis: Pol and Lori travel to Catalonia seeking to carry out an abortion in Spain in 1937 where even the voluntary interruption of pregnancy became a right.A woman who lives, enjoys and expresses the freedom of her strengthened by the germ of the Republican woman with a man whose courage allows her to accompany her assimilating deep values of a flourishing feminism.A love link in multiple contradictions is crossed by war, death and the imminent advent of the Franco dictatorship that will sweep everything, also with that love.
Tell the moon to come pretende descubrir y encontrar a la mujer de la República Española, triturada, destrozada, convertida en cenizas por el franquismo. Esa mujer está presente en buena parte de la obra de algunos que alimentan y generan espacios de inscripción en lo literario y también en lo filosófico a los cuales la propuesta pretende tener acceso.
Cuándo: todos los domingos a las 20:30
Dónde: Teatro El Extranjero, Valentín Gómez 3378, CABA.
The promises
Part I of the trilogy "Of the times I imagine", dramaturgy and direction of Juan Andrés Romanazzi, with the performance of Paula Fernandez Mbarak.
The first thing to see when it is going to be the altar that I speak every day.The altar is done with all the things he left me.The things that expect it too.When crossing the door it will be as if it had not happened ... time.When I open the door I will try to dominate my nerves and put this face.And put your hands like that.I hope it remembers that it was.
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 20:30
Dónde: Espacio Polonia, Fitz Roy 1475, CABA || Entradas: $300 y $250 (estudiantes y jubilados) || Reservas por Alternativa Teatral en la página:
A story based on a real case: the life of José, a Catalan immigrant, who arrived by boat in 1947. The memories of his native, of the Spanish Civil War, hunger and his life in Tucumán place where he settledAnd he formed his family years later, they are conducted as a precise mechanism to tell us some important moments of his life.
The creative duo made up of the director and granddaughter of the protagonist, Agustina Soler, and actor Martín Elías Costa is responsible for building this small and magical mechanized universe where José opens a window to her life.
Cuándo: los sábados a las 21:00
Dónde: El Brio teatro, Av. Álvarez Thomas 1582 || Entrada general $240, estudiantes y jubilados, $200
Hotel Roma
Six men who do not know each other arrive at a town lost in the mountains and stop at the Roma Hotel.None of them went well in their romantic relationships.They are evicted, they find no course and their lives become half suffering.In the hotel the janitor will receive them and which is also shaman, a symbol of its spiritual stage.
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 18:00
Dónde: Teatro El excéntrico de la 18, Lerma 420, CABA || Entradas, $ 300; jubilados y estudiantes, $ 250 || Reservas e informes:4772-6092 ó en
Bird's behavior
Is it possible to study the behavior of birds?Is the possibility of a social change to be trapped?The meeting between an intellectual and two heroes of history such as Rosa Luxembourg and Manuel Ugarte only generate more questions.With the only certainty that the question is the most important.
Bird's behavior es intentar saber por qué la paloma se equivoca. Litero el intelectual, Luxemburgo y Ugarte dos revolucionarios y caminantes se reunirán para seguir pensando al mundo y a querer saber sobre la conducta de los pájaros porque hacerlo es querer aprender a volar. Hermandad o nada, esa es la cuestión.
Cuándo: todos los martes a las 20:00 horas || Hasta el 27 de diciembre.
Dónde: Teatro Calibán, México 1428, CABA.
Like the air carnation
Eloísa Tarruella estrena Like the air carnation, obra de la que es autora y directora. "En esta pieza hablo del universo femenino a través del exilio de dos mujeres en tiempos distintos. El de Olivia, mujer mayor que en el 2018 debe forzosamente abandonar el hogar donde siempre vivió, y el exilio de Sara, que en 1976 sufre las consecuencias de la dictadura. Hay un meta-relato que se va fusionando y el pasado resignifica el presente", sostuvo.
The work navigates in the female universe of four women in two historical times: the last civic-military dictatorship and neoliberalism.Two exiles are intertwined, Sara's, persecuted policy of the dictatorship, and Olivia's, an old woman who is pressed to delivering her house where she lived all her life, a mega-understanding.Two times that merge, while the flowers grow in the cracks, such as the air carnation, looking for the sun.
Cuándo: todos los viernes a las 22:30
Dónde: Sala Tuñón, del Centro Cultural de la Cooperación, Av. Corrientes 1543, CABA.
The Avengers
In the act of Asunción de "La Orca" as curator, Benavidez - previous commissioner - will use the celebration to keep the payment of a traffic.Upon learning of this "the orca" and her right hand, "the cake", they decide to prepare an operation to intercept the bag.
To carry out the operation they call the musical duo the avengers made up of "Suricata" and "Nun", willing to revenge the name of her dead friend in a confusing episode with the same benavidity.
Text and address: Bernardo Cappa and the performances of Leilen Araudo (La Monjita), Maia Lanctioni (La Suricata), Sabrina Lara (the cake) and Silvia Villazur (La Orca)
Cuándo: todos los viernes a las 20:30
Dónde: El Camarín de las Musas, Mario Bravo 960. || Reservas: 4862-0655 || Entradas: $ 350 y $ 280 (estudiantes y jubilados con acreditación)
Teresa is hare
The naked story of Teresa's drama after the death of her best friend, rabbit.A real -time work, an hour in Teresa's life.Teresa dreams that she is a hare or she is, she doesn't know.She told her friend's friend.It is always the time of tea in her house.San Jorge protects her.Teresa is the broken and wonderful part of herself.She loves to dance, she dances with the melancholy of knowing double, triple, infinite ...
The mind is a powerful tool and imagination is usually very dangerous.The limit delineates each one.
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 18:00
Dónde: Nün Teatro, Juan Ramírez de Velasco 419, CABA.
Everything possible
Sometimes we see things as they are and sometimes we get dizzy, we stop seeing, to see each other.Sometimes others have a way of looking similar to ours and others seem to see from a completely different place.Sometimes we make decisions that we know they get us out of the way and we don't care.Sometimes we respect what others want and not others.And we don't care.But we always do our best to make sense appear.To understand.And in the end, we realize that absolutely everything mattered.
A work written and directed by Lorena Romanin.They act: Marco Gianoli is Daniel, Salome Boustani is Magdalena, Claudio Mattos is Álvaro and Guido Botto Fiora is Eliseo.
Cuándo: todos los viernes a las 23:00
Dónde: La Carpintería Teatro, Jean Jaures 858 || Localidades $350|| Entradas a la venta en Alternativa Teatral
These pieces
Lisa is a young woman who at 20 years is managed routinely, constant and off.She is persecuted by a disease that she does not encourage to name.From her lives her life destined for herself and deprived of hope of naturalness.Her plan is questioned at the moment she by chance she knows, several times, Nicolás, a naive young man dedicated to her work, his career, his family and an unusual romanticism.
A story, a story, a story.On the fragility of the body, its true substance.About his influence on the individual, in his personality and in his emotions.About young love and their contrast to the disease.
Cuándo: todos los domingos a las 20:00
Dónde: Cirujismo Espacio Cultural, Deán Funes 1267, CABA.
Charming prince
Luego de su extensa y prestigiosa trayectoria como actriz, Thelma Biral debuta en la dirección teatral con "Charming prince".
Eugenio Griffero draws the soul of two men who meet 50 years after having met and in love with intensity.A moving love story that invites us to reflect on desire, courage, the passage of time and nostalgia.A piece that, after being released for the first time within the framework of the open theater artistic movement, summons us in the question regarding how much we have advanced, as a society, about respect for sexual diversity.
Of Argentine playwright and psychoanalyst Eugenio Griffero, starring Edgardo Moreira and Fito Yanelli.
Cuándo: todos martes a las 20:30
Dónde: Teatro Regina, Av. Santa Fe 1235 || Entradas: $500 (Fila 1 a Fila 10); $400 (Fila 11 a Fila 19) y $250 (Pullman)
What place does art occupy, theater, when everything around is crumbled?How many times can reality be resignified, look for new signs?How many times can you say "I love you" above a stage?
Synopsis: St. Petesburg, 1905. locked in a theater room, the widow of Anton Chéjov reviews with a company texts of "The Garden of the Cherry trees" while recreating the last moments of life of the Russian writer.Outside, Sunday is bloody.
Author: Guillermo Calderón;Interpreters: Federico Grinbank (Aleko), Natalia Laphitz (Olga Knipper) and Laura Wich (Masha).
Cuándo: domingos a las 20:30
Dónde: Teatro IFT, Boulogne Sur Mer 549 || Entrada: $300
Republiquetas (1816 Terrible Year)
Becoming independent of an empire is not just going to sign a role ... How was a country born?1816 was the bloodiest and most terrible year in the history of South American emancipation.
An empire counterattacks.Mestizos, indigenous and Creoles resist.The heads stuck in picas multiply on the edge of villages and roads.A guerrilla priest takes refuge in caves and jungles.Will He live enough to see the birth of a new nation?
A nation that was born on July 9, 1816. A nation that does not exist today.This show was co -produced by the Cervantes National Theater.Declared of cultural interest by the Chamber of Deputies of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Cuándo: viernes a las 21:30
Dónde: Teatro El Arenal, Juan Ramírez de Velasco 444, CABA.
When the lake freezes
Six small works.Six intimate universes.Six actresses who tell themselves while telling others.What intermediate solutions are between meditating and killing?Inspired by the poetic universe of J. D. Salinger, a group of women tries to find an answer to this question in our world today.
In a space that is armed and disarmed all the time, they follow each other and intersect scenes, movement sequences, music and stories.
Cuándo: todos los viernes a las 21:30
Dónde: Moscú Teatro, Camargo 506, CABA.
Near, unfinished melody of a couple
A work by Eduardo "Tato" Pavlovsky with the direction of Juan Washington Felice Astorga.They act: Cumelén Sanz and Marcos Casetta.
Is love something similar to eating a chocolate cake?Should it be ingested, motivated by the desire to devour the cake or should it be cut into several pieces and then cold and have a cake for a while?Is love an element that must last and sustain in time or is it only that intense moment of binge with chocolate?
Cuándo: todos los viernes a las 23:00
Dónde: Teatro No Avestruz, Humboldt 1857 || Entrada general: $ 300. Estudiantes y Jubilados: $ 200
The balancer
My grandfather played the accordion next to a box that said "fragile."A box similar to what my father used to keep the works of art, which he finished.My grandmother dreamed of boxes that she didn't open.One day I told him that I also dreamed of one.She advised me not to open it.When I encouraged myself and understood my dad.Then I opened another and understood my uncles.Until in the last one I found me.My grandfather had gone through the sea with his hidden accordion in that box that said "fragile."The same sea that I had to go through, to know where he came from.Now I understand why.
Authors: Patricio Abadi, Mariano Saba and Mauricio Dayub.Address: César Brie.
Cuándo: lunes y martes a las 21:00
Dónde: Chacarerean Teatre, Nicaragua 5565, CABA.
Bacacay, a premeditated crime
The Judge of Instruction H presents to the hearing one of his most unsuspected cases.He addresses Mr. X with the purpose of helping him solve some problems concerning his properties.Upon his arrival, he learns that Mr. X has died the night before.
He decides to stay in the house of his late friend, who has died of natural death, confirmed by his family and the service staff.However, the Judge of Instruction H is convinced, although without evidence in sight, that his family behaves as if he had killed him.Following this criterion, he will not stop until the enigma will reveal.
Cuándo: viernes a las 20:30
Dónde: El Portón de Sánchez, Sánchez de Bustamante 1034, CABA.
The horses lover
A woman crosses her father's disease and death.While she remembers her history and her family tries to reconstruct the thread that unites her to her ancestors, that world of dancers and drunks, of the players and lovers of the horses.
Through his story - a place of memories, images and enigmatic episodes of his grandfather's life, his dad and herself - she discovers an intimate and particular way to say goodbye to her father.And finally, she finds herself.
Cuándo: domingos a las 17:30
Dónde: El Camarín de las Musas, Mario Bravo 960, CABA
La inquebrantable búsqueda de la felicidad de un joven artista y su familia a través de los recuerdos de Peter KIEN, figura prominente entre muchos artistas destacados encarcelados en el gueto de Terezín durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
A work written and directed by Martín Barreiro.Cast: Jonathan di Costanzo, Mimi Ferraro, Oscar Sandoval Martínez, Matea Molinatto, Lilia Cruz, Javier Altamiranda, Fiorella Lo Pinto.
Cuando: viernes a las 21:00
Dónde: Teatro El Convento, Reconquista 269, CABA. || Entradas: $250
The pillarcita
The pillarcita, celebrada obra de María Marull que viene agotando localidades en todas sus funciones desde 2015 en El Camarín de las Musas, festivales y giras nacionales donde recogió premios y nominaciones, vuelve a escena en su quinta temporada ahora los sábados, 20 horas.
Cuándo: sábado a las 20:00
Dónde: El Camarín de las Musas, Mario Bravo 960, CABA
The river in me
An industrial plant is installed near the city on the banks of the river.Nature is altered: the Rage and the Katupirí river grows by threatening to destroy everyone.
Esta obra resultó ganadora del premio ARTI 2018 a la producción teatral independiente. Es una una producción de Moscú Teatro Escuela
Cuándo: sábados a las 22:30 y domingos a las 18:00
Dónde: Moscú Teatro Escuela, Camargo 506, CABA.
Two works by Santiago Governori: poor Daniel and the ephemeral truth
His two new and applauded creations return to the Bravad Theater, an artistic space that Governor himself founded with Matías Feldman 10 years ago.Pedagogical and production usina, the room breathes theater 24 hours and offers a marathon of independent works that are the best of the Buenos Aires billboard.
Cuándo: ambas funciones se realizan los sábados. Pobre Daniel, a las 20:00 y La verdad efímera, a las 22:00
Dónde: Teatro Defensores De Bravard, Gurruchaga 1113
The best of me is coming
The best of me is coming, con dramaturgia de Jorge Acebo y Juan Carlos Rivera bajo la dirección de Acebo. La obra es una versión libre y contemporánea de Medea, de Eurípides, que tiene como eje central de su desarrollo: el patriarcado.
Medea is a country girl.A being who learned to be happy in the rural world of her.But by traveling adolescence and the beginning of her adulthood, she begins the great changes in her life.An inverse trip to the desired one.A trip to darkness.The intense depth of feeling that everything can be lost, even the sense of existence.
Cuándo: domingos a las 17:00
Dónde: El Arenal Teatro, Juan Ramírez de Velasco 444 – CABA || Entradas a través de Alternativa teatral o
What do we do with Walter?
Directed by Juan José Campanella.Written by Juan José Campanella and Emanuel Diez.The Consortium of Owners celebrates an extraordinary assembly to make an important decision that will change everyone's life, or at least, Walter's, the person in charge: throw it.That, the group that drives the dismissal manages to overcome the resistance of those who want Jáuregui's head, the administrator.
While accusations, fights, loves, grudges, alliances and betrayals follow each other after another, consortium members must seek an apparently impossible consensus and learn to deal with the side effects of their decisions in this spawning comedy oncoexistence, dialogue, prejudices and the search for recognition.
Cuándo: miércoles a viernes, 20:30 horas; sábados, 20:00 y 22:30; domingos, 20:00
Dónde: Multiteatro, Av. Corrientes 1283, CABA.
Dr. Lacan
Eighth season of this comedy suitable for analysts, patients and "civilians";which can be understood by all kinds of public, even when they do not previously know life and work of the great French psychoanalyst.
It is endowed with rhythm, spicy dialogues, action and a lotTo the Normal Superior School of Paris to dictate its famous and "box office" seminar, but, for the first time he meets the empty room, since for mysterious reasons nobody attended the appointment.
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 21:30
Dónde: Teatro La Comedia, Rodríguez Peña 1062 – CABA || Entrada: $300
Those of Barranco
En un mundo donde conviven crisis económicas, compradores de "favores" femeninos y jóvenes idealistas, Those of Barranco llegan a sus límites. Doña María, viuda empobrecida de un militar, usará cualquier medio para subsistir. Carmen, la más bella de las hermanas será la que soporte las mayores exigencias. Las dos menores tendrán que enfrentarse a una sociedad que les da el matrimonio como única opción de vida.
How far will Carmen get?Can she reveal herself to social mandates?What options do she have left if she does it?
This piece, released more than 110 years ago, reflects on the situation of women by putting them as protagonists and architects of their destiny.Today, we rediscover and value our Argentine classical theater portraying a Buenos Aires where the past and the present are dangerously similar.
Cuándo: jueves a domingos a las 20:30
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, sala principal (Av. Triunvirato 4444, CABA) || Entrada: platea $350, pullman $300. Descuento estudiantes y jubilados: platea $280, pullman $240.
Love is shit
A woman prepares to meet her recent former partner.She rehearses and a thousand times ways to appear to be well and practice ways so that nothing from her pain goes to the surface.
Dramaturgy and direction: Cecilia Meijide.Actress: Vanesa Maja.Production: Pablo López
Cuándo: todos los sábados a las 18:00
Dónde: El Camarín de las Musas, Mario Bravo 960. Reservas: 4862-0655. || Entradas: $ 350, $ 280 (estudiantes y jubilados con acreditación)
Joey, the Moreno Monster
Dramatic comedy with dramaturgy and direction of Cecilia Bassano.
Synopsis: José Ramos lives with his little son Pedro.He is a fanatic musician of the Ramones and is obsessed with the fall of the Perito Moreno glacier.José (Joey for the family) spends the hours in front of television playing the collapse of the glacier with his guitar.Surprisingly appears Carla, a 10 -year -old girl -compañera from the school of Pedro- who comes from the countryside and has to integrate into the new life in school and in the city, after the death of her father.It will be the Ramos family, who lives just below her department, the one that will best know how to accompany her in her duel.
Cuándo: viernes y sábados a las 21:00
Dónde: El Cultural San Martín, Sala 3 (Sarmiento 1551, CABA) || Entradas: $250 | Descuento jubilados y estudiantes: $200.
Workshops and activities
“Berlín. Una ciudad, dos miradas”, conmemoración por los 30 años de la caída del muro de Berlín
The Library of the National Congress and the Directorate of Culture of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation present a cultural program for the 30 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and the German embassy in Argentina.
"Berlin.A city, two looks ”by photographers Pepe Mateos and Lutz Matschke.In addition, they will project a trailer to start the film cycle “Footprints of the Wall” II Edition (programmed next to the Goethe) and there will be a debate panel on this theme by Maja Dimitroff (Germany Cultural Agredted in Argentina), FlorenceGonzalez (Coordinator of the Film Space of the Library of Congress) and Lutz Matschke (German photographer resident in Berlin).
Cuándo: 10 de octubre a las 18:00
Dónde: foyer del Auditorio de la Cámara de Diputados (Anexo A), Av. Rivadavia 1841, CABA.
History and sociology of translation in Argentina
El Fondo de Cultura Económica los invita a la charla History and sociology of translation in Argentina, que contará con la participación de Alejandrina Falcón, Alejandra Giuliani y Ana Eugenia Vázquez.
Cuándo: jueves 10 de octubre a las 19:00
Dónde: Librería del Fondo, Costa Rica 4568, CABA.
#It's me
En octubre y noviembre El Recoleta celebra la diversidad de identidades con una grilla enfocada en la transformación permanente que implica ser quienes somos. “Soy yo” es una afirmación existencial sin adjetivos ni límites, un manifiesto que solo acepta posibilidades y un lugar donde cuerpos, identidades, géneros y disidencias se darán permiso para ser y existir, desterrar los mandatos, estereotipos, prejuicios y viejos paradigmas.
Habrá charlas a cargo de Susy Shock, activista trans, poeta, cantante y actriz, y de la dupla de artistas Chiachio & Giannone que harán un repaso sobre su trabajo en distintos países del arco iris. Además, habrá recitales de artistas vinculados a las identidades disidentes como Dani Umpi, Flopa Lestani, Sasha Sathya, Amor Elefante, Luciana Mocchi, Diosque, Rebelión en la Zanja y Bife. También se destaca dentro de la programación el ciclo de cine “Así nos vemos”, y el de teatro “Diversas representaciones”, además de fiestas, charlas, talleres, ferias y lecturas performáticas que abordarán otras formas de ser, de pensar y de sentir. La primera semana de diciembre El Recoleta será una de las sedes de la Semana del Orgullo BA.
Cuándo: Desde el 6 de octubre hasta el 30 de noviembre || Grilla completa.
Dónde: Centro Cultural Recoleta, Junín 1930, CABA.
Presentation of the book "Criticism and nihilism"
Cuándo: 11 de octubre a las 19:00
Dónde: México 620, CABA
Emerging city in the Usina del Arte
The Government of the City of Buenos Aires presents a new edition of the Emerging City Festival that in its twelfth edition arrives at the Usina del Arte and its surroundings with a renewed program, totally free for 4 days.There will be more disciplines, 20 thousand m2 of proposals, 1100 artists, 130 bands, 9 scenarios, a wide gastronomic proposal and more than 450 activities to enjoy.
Lula Bertoldi, Emmanuel Horvilleur, Dante Spinetta, Jimena Barón, Coti, Kapanga Mono, Natalie Pérez, Emme, Bambi, Dak1llah, Walas, Leo García, Bhavi, Neo Pistea, Mya, Agustín Casanova, Nicolás Sorin, Francisca, Valenzuela, FedeBerdullas of Being, Paty Cantú, Nahuel Pennisi, Andrés Giménez, Silvina Moreno and Emanero together, only once, in the same opening show.A true party to discover everything that is happening and emerging in the culture of the city.
Cuándo: del 3 al 6 de octubre || No se suspende por lluvia.
Dónde: Usina del Arte || Grilla con todas las actividades.
New seminars in the Latin American film mastery of the Audiovisual Arts Department
CERTE: Tuesday from 18 to 21 ||From October 15 to November 26.
This course will study the different modes of production and aesthetics of the Latin American documentary.Both from the most significant films of each historical moment, as well as the texts and manifestos prepared by filmmakers and groups, as well as from the most recent investigations, this matter proposes to rebuild the main proposals of the Latin American documentary, analyzing both the problemsthat they raised in their production context as those raised today, interpreting our present.
-PRODUCCIÓN AUDIOVISUAL EN ARGENTINA. Cine industrial e Independiente / Largometrajes / series / Coproducciones / TV Pública con Jorge Sívori
CERTE: Thursday from 18 to 21 ||From October 17 to November 28.
Understanding Latin American cinema is also to understand the ways in which its production is determined.Taking as an example the Argentine case, the course will develop an integrative look on different approaches, possibilities and methods to produce audiovisual materials.
For more information write to:
The adversary
Cuándo: inauguración, miércoles 9 de octubre a las 19:00
Dónde: Fundación Federico Klemm, Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear 628, CABA.
October in libraries
October specials:
-Bibliobicis in emerging city, on October 5 and 6 in Usina del Arte and surroundings.
-There is permanent of animated shorts in the Park of the Station Library.
-Narration of stories from different animation techniques.Curatorship by Marina F. Gonzalez.
Production: Adriana Raffoul Sinchicay.Free and free activity.
Programming per day:
17:00 Training for library assistants.Start of this proposal in which participants are formed in issues that make the management of community libraries and reading spaces, through visits to the most representative institutions, such as the National Library, that of Congress and that of teachers, amongothers, and of days of reflection by experts in related themes.Ricardo Güiraldes Library, Talcahuano 1261
17:45 I present in libraries.Until you decide to return from María Laura Gambero.María Border will talk to the author.Leopoldo Lugones Library, La Pampa 2215
18:00 Buenos Aires sings.Different choral groups address various aesthetic themes and currents: "academic", "popular", ethnic, religious, etc.Organize adding.Repeat Saturday 5 at 6:00 p.m.Ricardo Güiraldes Library.Talcahuano 1261
19:00 I present in libraries.In music we go from Andi Nachon, under the moon editions.Diana Bellessi will rfore the work.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924.
-Domingo 6:
17:00 Oral narration show "Tales loom weaves the story."Narrators: Graciela Saita, Raúl Blasco, Pilar Cuevas, Elsa Marcha.Coordinates: Raúl Blasco.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924
-Cays 7:
9:00 - 16:00 Vocational Orientation.Guido and Spano Library.Güemes 4601
9:00 - 15:00 Young Strategy Program.Antonio Devoto Library.Bahía Blanca 4025
10:00 - 16:00 Young Strategy Program.Carlos Guido and Spano Library.Güemes 4601
16:00 Meeting between readers.Coordinates Juan Pablo Villalba.Readings crossed by theater, cinema, and plastic arts.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924
16:30 - 19:30 School support.Ricardo Güiraldes Library.Talcahuano 1261
18:00 Meeting between readers.Coordinates Juan Pablo Villalba.Readings crossed by theater, cinema, and plastic arts.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924
18:00 Borges and the South.Myths of Buenos Aires.Oliverio Coelho runs through the Buenos Aires neighborhoods through the texts of Jorge Luis Borges.Miguel Cané Library.Borges space.Carlos Calvo 4319
-Martes 8:
11:00 - 17:00 Young Strategy Program.Antonio Devoto Library.Bahía Blanca 4025
13:30 - 15:30 Reading workshop.Theater read, poetry and story.By Elizabeth Buonamassa.Ascasubi Hilario Library.Gral. César Díaz 4219
16:00 - 19:00 School support.Rafael Library forced.PJECrainqueville 2233
17:00 4 filmmakers/4 meetings to know the ABC of the film script."The script in the documentary."By Sergio Wolf.LUGONES LIBRARY.La Pampa 2215.
17:00 Meeting between readers.Coordinates Juan Pablo Villalba.Readings crossed by theater, cinema, and plastic arts.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924
17:00 - 19:00.Aura.Reading workshop on the work of Carlos Fuentes.Coordinate Josefina Delgado, Luisa Anastasio and Ricardo Steiner.8 meetings remain (it began in September).Registration in Güiraldes Talcahuano 1261 Library 1261
17:30 Drawing workshop.Dictated by Nicolás Russell.Leopoldo Lugones Library.La Pampa 2215
-Medenzia 9:
10:00 - 12:00 Plastic Arts Workshop.By Gisela Guardatti.Ascasubi Hilario Library.Gral. César Díaz 4219
13:00 - 19:00 Young Strategy Program.Carlos Guido and Spano Library.Güemes 4601
16:00 - 19:00 School support.Martín del Barco Centenera Library.Venezuela 1538
16:00 - 18:00 History Workshop.Read Eric Hobsbawm to read reality.Coordinates Hernán Paez Moritán.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924.
16:30 - 19:30 School support.Ricardo Güiraldes Library.Talcahuano 1261
17:00 Reading for early childhood.First meeting of the training that is offered as a space for training and exchange on how the link with reading in childhood develops, based on the vast territory of children's literature.Leopoldo Lugones Library.La Pampa 2215
18:00 Literary topographies: Professionalization strategies of the editorial and literary field.Talk with Víctor Malumián (Argentina), Aurélie Maurin (France), Timo Berger (Germany), and Enzo Maqueira (Argentina).Goethe Institut.Park of the Station Library.Perón and rooster
-Joves 10:
14:00 - 15:45.Pass and read.The reading in action: variety of short, read and commented choral works.No prior registration.Coordinates Juan Pablo Villalba.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924
14:00 - 15:30 "There was once ...".Oral narration workshop.By Virginia Turano.Ascasubi Hilario Library.Gral. César Díaz 4219
16:00 –18: 00 Reading Club.Guido and Spano Library.Güemes 4601
16:00 - 19:00 School support.Rafael Library forced.PJECrainqueville 2233
19:00 I present in libraries.In order of appearance of Gabriela Franco, dance editions.María Malusardi and Juan Pablo Fernández accompany the author.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924
At 10:30 and at 14:00.Myths and legends to go for a walk.In this meeting, at 10:30, Laura Migliaino and Belén Leuzzi will meet the kindergarten groups to play with these stories and the plastic arts.At 14:00, writers Mario Méndez and Laura Ávila will talk with different adolescents about versions and reversions.Gral. Paz and Constituents Av. Vicente López
16:30 - 18:00 A book per month.Reading workshop.Naná (1880), by the French writer Émile Zola.Through the degrading trajectory of an actress of Variethés, the author's naturalist eye analyzes without compassion the French society of the second empire, during the years culminating in the war against Prussia.In charge of Valeria Castelló-Joubert.Prior registration in Leopoldo Lugones Library.La Pampa 2215
17:00 Training for library assistants.Ricardo Güiraldes Library. TALCAHUANO 1261
19:00 I present in libraries.A house full of people from Mariana Sandez, shipping company Ediciones.Irene Chikiar Bauer and Walter Romero will talk with the author.Casa de la Reading Library.Lavalleja 924
Activities at the Teatro Colón
Cuándo: La instalación se podrá visitar de manera gratuita en la sala del CETC de martes a domingos entre las 12:00 y 20:00 horas.
-GUIDED VISITES: Every day, from 09:00 to 5:00 p.m. (schedule in which the last group comes out).There are visits every 15 minutes.||General entrance $ 800 and $ 650 ||Promotional rates ||Residents in Argentina presenting DNI $ 350 ||People with disabilities with a companion: they do not pay (they must present a certificate)
Dónde: Tucumán 1171, CABA.
Weekend at the Fine Arts
El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes ofrecerá este fin de semana una variada programación para todas las edades, que incluye visitas guiadas, actividades infantiles, talleres para niños, adolescentes y adultos, y las últimas funciones del ciclo de cine latinoamericano “Mira Pa’cá”, que culminará el sábado 28 de septiembre con la presentación en vivo de la cantante Déborah Dixon.
-Muestras temporarias“Julio Le Parc. Transición Buenos Aires-París (1955-1959)”Se exhibe un centenar de pinturas, dibujos, acuarelas y grabados de los primeros años del gran artista argentino.Pabellón de exposiciones temporarias. Hasta el 17/11.
-“Formas de desmesura”Curada por Verónica Tell, se presentan trabajos de los fotógrafos argentinos Erica Bohm, Néstor Crovetto, Bruno Dubner, Paulo Fast, Julio Grinblatt, Estefanía Landesmann, Francisca López, Francisco Medail, Andrea Ostera, Colectivo Provisorio Permanente, Gerardo Repetto, Gabriel Valansi y Pablo Ziccarello.Segundo piso. Hasta el 3/11.
Educational activities:
Dónde: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Av. del Libertador 1473
Troilo and Friends on Channel 7
The Argentine Radio and Television Historical Archive (RTA) and the Argentine Public Television Museum present a selection of three programs that Aníbal "Pichuco" Troilo starred in Channel 7 between 1966 and 1967, which will allow to appreciate how TV was done during thoseyears.
These are materials about the programs "Calle 7", "Tango 7" and "Stories that Tango tells", which show what it was to make television in the sixties and gave space to the Pichuco bandoneon.This material was recovered and put in continuity with the extensive task that the file develops to catalog the public heritage of Argentine radio and television.
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 18:00
Dónde: Av. Pres. Figueroa Alcorta 2977 || Actividad gratuita. Presentarse con DNI.
Chronicle workshop for adolescents
Cuándo: Hasta el 12 de octubre a las 17:00
Dónde: Biblioteca Nacional, Agüero 2505, Sala Augusto Raúl Cortazar.
Brief spring courses from the House of Letters
It will provide narrative writing courses under the face -to -face and online modalities.
-Objetos mágicos será coordinado por Pablo De Santis: 8 encuentros de 2 horas || Martes de 18 a 20 || Inicio: 8 de octubre
-En torno a lo oscuro: coordina Fernanda García Lao || 6 encuentros de 2 horas y media || miércoles de 19:30 a 22:00 || Inicio: 2 de octubre
-Contar un cuento. Romper un cuento. Taller de paciencia y narrativa: Coordina Santiago Craig || 8 encuentros de 2 horas ||Martes de 20 a 22 ||Inicio: 15 de octubre
-Todo relato es policial: Coordina José María Brindisi || 4 encuentros de 2 horas || jueves de 20 a 22 ||Inicio: 3 de octubre
-El comienzo y el fin: El texto como un todo. Coordina: José María Brindisi || 4 encuentros de 2 horas || viernes de 19 a 21 || Inicio: 8 de noviembre
More information: ||Tel. 5352-3355 ||
"Read to sit down to write: the story, pieces and enchas"
Practical theoretical workshop of reading and analysis of stories.The character as a propulsion force vs.Narration as a force of advance.Structures and narrative models.Narrators and points of view.Characters, voices and universes.
Note: For each class, participants will have to read between 3 and 5 classic and contemporary stories that will be delivered in advance.
Number of classes: 4 |Duration of each class: 2 hours |Wednesday 9, 16, 23 and 30, at 7:00 p.m. |$ 800 (the full course)
Pre -registration link |Cultural San Martín (Sarmiento 1551, CABA)
Visit to the Monumental Tower
The Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires announces the reopening of the Monumental Tower, known as the English Tower, Monument was donated by British residents in Argentina on the occasion of the centenary of the first national government.It can be visited by the public who can ascend to his viewpoint located on the sixth floor.
This neorrenacentist style work, typical of the latevictorian, is covered with a combination of red bricks and carved stone.It was inaugurated on May 24, 1916 and integrates a set of great patrimonial value in the neighborhood along with the terminal stations of the railroad.La Torre, the Kavanagh building and Los Palacios Paz and San Martín contribute a unique landscape set in South America.With more than one hundred years he witnesses an era where the constructions were determined by an intense migratory process that marked the relations of our country with the world.
Cuándo: de lunes a viernes, de 10:30 a 16:30. Sábados, domingos y feriados, de 9:30 a 18:30
Dónde: Torre Monumental, en Av. Dr. José María Ramos Mejía 1315, Retiro. || Ascenso al mirador: $100 || Jubilados y universitarios con acreditación. Menores de 12 años, entrada libre y gratuita.
Julio Verne's dream, a work for boys and old
It is an agile and modern adventure comedy for the whole family with attractive numbers of music and songs.
Two brothers -Lucía (scholar, executive and cerebral) and Manuel (clumsy, vague and dependent on the cell phone) - agree to clean and order an abandoned house.There they find a strange artifact that emits lights and sounds that will make them travel around the world and live extraordinary experiences inspired by the fantastic stories of the author of "twenty thousand leagues of underwater travel."
Cuándo: sábados a las 16:00
Dónde: Centro Cultural Borges, Viamonte 525, CABA.
Once upon a time there was a witch ... (a musical in deconstruction)
Once upon a time there was a princess named Bella, who did not want to be a princess ... she knows a witch, Rosa, who does not close her story of "the evil witch."
An encounter in the swamp, a footprint that awakens a truth.Meanwhile Barbie, Bella's babysitter, will try to follow the "Princess Instruction Manual", and do not deviate from the way.
Cuándo: los sábados a las 17:00
Dónde: (La Pausa) Teatral – Av. Corrientes 4521 || Localidades: General $300; abuelxs $250, Hermanxs menores de 3: S/C
The Urraka theater company returns to Konex Cultural City completely recharged with its new show.After a successful 2018 with three national awards and tours, it presents the new ideal work for the little ones and the big ones.
Cuándo: todos los domingos a las 17:30
Dónde: Sala Auditorio, Centro Cultural Konex, Sarmiento 3131. || Entradas anticipadas con descuento y beneficios exclusivos.
Childhood space
Experiencia única por su formato y concepto, el Childhood space del CCK renueva en su cuarto año de existencia su propuesta para chicos y chicas de todas las edades.
With curatorship of the renowned children's artist Magdalena Fleitas, the Ronda de laughs room proposes participatory encounters that use the musical language to generate a link with other arts.On Saturdays in March there are music and percussion workshops, and on Sundays, concerts at 17:30.
Cuándo: sábados y domingos a las 14:00 y 19:00
Dónde: CCK, Sarmiento 151, CABA.
Libertablas 40 years presents "the thousand and one nights"
Within the framework of the 10th anniversary of the reopening of the 25 de Mayo Cultural Center, Libertabllas presents the thousand and one nights.Libertablas is an independent theater cooperative that celebrates its 40 years of uninterrupted work.
The thousand and one nights is a famous compilation of anonymous stories in an Arab environment, which was rage in 18th century Europe, and that many children's classics made famous and for all audiences.
Cuándo: sábados y domingos a las 15:00
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, (sala principal), Av. Triunvirato 4444, CABA. || Localidades: platea $250; pullman, $200 || Jubilados y estudiantes: $200
One of pirates
Astronomical show for children.This fantastic story presents us with a pirate who, with his paper ship navigate through the seven seas overcoming the most terrible dangers, but ... when the sun falls and the night arrives, a very fearful fear seizes him.Tired of touring the oceans of planet Earth, he decides to travel through the universe where he discovers planets, stars, clusters, constellations and other distant stars.
Cuándo: todos los sábados y domingos a las 15:30 y 17:30
Dónde: Planetario Galileo Galilei, Avda. Sarmiento y Avda. Figueroa Alcorta, CABA || Entradas: $120
Singing on the table
It is one of the most emblematic works in the history of children's theater, "Singing on the table" by Hugo Midón, with original music by Carlos Gianni, musical direction of the prestigious Hernán Matorra and staging and direction of the multi -member Gastón Marioni.
Three tables, some chairs and the infallible imagination open the door to a surprising trip, accompanied by issues that have sung more than three generations of girls and boys.
Cuándo: todos los sábados y domingos a las 11:00
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, sala principal (Av. Triunvirato 4444, CABA) || Entradas: $220 Platea, $180 Pullman / estudiantes y jubilados $175 Platea, $145 Pullman.
What is inside Musiquitas?The same thing that is outside: a world full of not know how many things hidden behind the apparent.What is before music?The same as later.
Great with soul of childhood.Childhood with the big soul.Games.What is said games!And music that paints cloud factories, rainy poors and good friends.
By Jorge Maestro and Sergio Vainman, directed by Pablo Gorlero.
Cuándo: todos los sábados y domingos a las 15:00
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, sala Principal (Av. Triunvirato 4444) || Entradas: platea, $300; pullman$250. Descuento jubilados y estudiantes: platea, $240; pullman, $200.
Doña Shooting and Bambuco
Georgina Barbarosa returns to great love, children's theater.The first time she made this show was she more than 28 years ago and now she returns to the stage playing the beloved Doña Amparate, where she also debuts as director.
Doña Shooting and Bambuco es la historia de dos personajes del universo teatral creado por María Elena Walsh que emprenden un increíble viaje en busca de la naranja.
Cuándo: todos los sábados y domingos a las 17:30
Dónde: Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, (sala principal), Av. Triunvirato 4444, CABA. || Entrada: desde $200
Calls and contests
Bajo la consigna "Que sea ley. Aborto legal, seguro y gratuito", la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, a través de la Subsecretaría de Bienestar Estudiantil, abrió convocatoria a la comunidad académica, y al público en general, para participar de la próxima edición de MostrArte, una iniciativa cultural que pretende trascender las aulas a través de interpretaciones artísticas en distintas disciplinas.
The works to be presented should be framed in some of the following categories: narrative, performing arts, audiovisual or graphic.
Las ganadoras y ganadores de todas las disciplinas expondrán sus obras el 6 de noviembre en el evento del MostrArte 2019, que se llevará a cabo en el Espacio Cultural Ernesto Sábato.
Fecha límite de presentación de trabajos: 18 de octubre.
Regulation: Regmmastrarte19 ||REGISTRATION: ||Doubts or Consultations: Show
Performer journalism laboratory "do the real"
The call for journalists, researchers in alliance with artists, groups from all disciplines of living arts and time, and performances that propose to explore new languages to tell Non -fiction stories.
The laboratory calls unpublished artistic production projects that seek an expression through new devices and languages.Crossings between journalism and plastic arts, photography, cinema, theater, performance, dance, music, electronics, or any other art discipline can be generated.
These projects must address issues such as gender, environment, institutional violence, conflict and social protest, food, health, bodies, neurosciences, technology, big data, cyber manipulation, work, youth and education.
Three proposals will be selected;Each of these, in addition to receiving an economic stimulus of $ 7 million Colombian pesos, will have advice and tutorials with experts on the subject.
Las tutorías serán hasta el 15 de noviembre.
More information at this link.
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