By clothing-bag, 13/11/2022

COPE Why is he wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve?

New Year's Eve, the most desired night of the year is approaching.In addition to taking the grapes of luck, a very widespread custom is to wear red underwear.There is a belief that this color will give good luck to those who take it last night of the year.

The origin of this tradition

The most accepted version of its origin dates back to the Middle Ages.The red color was related to the demon and witchcraft, so it was forbidden to wear it in clothes.At that time it also began to believe that in the winter, when everything is white and there is no color in the streets, wearing something in red was a symbol of life and good luck.Being forbidden, to add all possible luck to their lives, the town wearing hidden red clothes and what better way than wearing underwear?In Spain the tradition has remained until this day.

They are beliefs, there is nothing scientific, but it is a fun way to start the year and for many red is a color related to prosperity, love and passion.Tradition also says that it will increase its effect if they give it to you.

COPE ¿Por qué se lleva ropa interior roja en Nochevieja?

Some choose to wear a red bow on the left wrist, or in the case of women, wear a red league.In Argentina they prefer that the underwear that is pink, in Colombia they prefer that it is yellow, in Peru they are put upside down and in Mexico and other countries choose according to what interests: yellow to have money and luck, red forHave love.

Tampoco olvides besar a tu pareja en Nochevieja, trae buena suerte para todo el año pero… ¡no tiene que ser un beso cualquiera!

Our best wishes for this 2020!
