By clothing-bag, 20/08/2022

Heat wave: 12 recommendations to meet high temperatures


Drinking water before being thirsty, avoiding leave in the central hours of the day and ventilating the house at night are some of the tips to support the cannula

Marta PinedoMadrid -

The first heat wave arrives in the summer and the thermometers rise strongly.The State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) has warned that this "adverse phenomenon" that begins this Wednesday will predictably last until next Monday or Tuesday with an rise in general and progressive temperatures.According to forecasts, as of Thursday, 44th or 45th could be reached at some points in the south half of the country.

High temperatures can mean important health risks, according to Alejandro Blanco, an emergency expert nurse from the General Nursing Council."In a heat wave, temperature regulation is stress for our body," he says.The ideal body temperature is 35 to 37º, but if it exceeds these degrees, it must make an effort to cool.The expert explains it with an example: “You are sitting, but it is as if you were running.You dehydrate and consume a lot of energy ".In an extreme case, high temperatures can cause heat blows."The body temperature regulation system breaks down and the body is exhausted to do thermoregulation," says Blanco.

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The effects of heat do not affect everyone equally.The cannula can be especially dangerous for the most vulnerable groups, such as older people, children under four, pregnant women and people who work outdoors, according to the Ministry of Health.You should be careful with this group, according to Blanco: "If you have in your family or you know people in this situation, call them, remember the guidelines that your status must fulfill and monitor".Every year deaths occur due to heat blows.We review the main tips to survive the rise of mercury.

Avoid going out at the central hours of the day

Going to the street in full heat wave can be a health risk, especially in the central hours of the day."The sun affects vertically, has influenced for a good part of the day on the ground and the ambient temperature is very high," says Blanco.The nurse recommends avoiding the strip between 12.00 and 20.00 hours, especially in vulnerable people."At that time it is preferable to stay at home or in a heated and fresh place," says the expert.Give.

Do not wait to be thirsty to drink

The main problem of heat wave is the dehydration it causes in the body, according to Blanco."When you are thirsty, you're already dehydrated.The air you breathe is dry, you get much less water in breathing and you need to drink to compensate it, ”says the nurse.The effects are more harmful to vulnerable people: both children and older people have less water reserves in the body, according to the expert.To avoid risks, the best solution is to drink before having thirst and with a continuous rhythm.“If you drink a lot of water, the kidney discards a good part of it.It is better to drink little by little, ”says Blanco, which recommends always having a bottle of water by hand.In addition, cooling the body can help the body regulate its temperature more quickly.

Refrain from copious foods

Ola de calor: 12 recomendaciones para hacer frente a las altas temperaturas

Digestion is a physical effort that the body exerts even if it is at rest."If you make a very heavy meal, the body loses a lot of energy to process it," says Blanco.The Ministry of Health recommends consuming light foods that help recover salts lost by sweat, such as salads, fruits, vegetables or juices.Blanco underlines the importance of maintaining a balanced diet: “If we do not eat fat, the body has to generate them and it is an extra stress.The key is to have a varied diet and pay special attention to fresh foods such as fruit, high in vitamins, hydrates and water ”.

Decrease the consumption of drinks with caffeine, sugar and alcohol

Coffee and alcoholic beverages can be the enemy before the heat wave.“Caffeine is a stimulant and accelerates our metabolism and against sugar, our body has to discard excess.These types of drinks generate energy wear and can suppose a problem when the body also has to fight in front of heat, ”he says.Something similar occurs with alcohol, with a large caloric component that generates a dilation of blood vessels."The organism breaks down and dehydrates us, so after drinking beer we are thirsty and we need to drink water," says Blanco.The Ministry of Health recommends reducing the consumption of drinks with caffeine, sugary and alcoholic during the heat wave.

Avoid sport outdoors until night

Sport is a great ally for physical health, but it can mean a risk to high temperatures.Blanco recommends sports at night and especially early in the day."The atmosphere has cooled much more at dawn, the temperature will be expected to.The expert highlights the importance of hydrating before, during and after exercising.

Photo gallery: The heat wave in Spain

Close day and ventilate at night

Keeping the fresh house is now a challenge.Blanco recommends closing windows and lowering blinds whenever possible during the day and ventilate during the night.

Breathable clothes

The Ministry of Health advises to use "light clothes, baggy and let it perspire".The latter is the most important point for white: "The tissue must protect from the sun, but above all allow sweat to evaporate".Recommends to leave synthetic clothing in the closet and bet on fine cotton.In addition, light colors reflect more the sun's rays and keep the body cooler by preventing heat from concentrating on clothes.

Always walk in the shade and wear a hat

In case of going outside, the ideal would be to avoid the areas in which the sun directly incides."You have to look for sites with trees to walk, shadow and prioritize that the efforts are lower," says Blanco.The General Nursing College recommends that the elderly avoid going out to prevent them from sunbathing.A hat or cap can also be an option in front of heat.

Showers with warm water

At the time of shower it is preferable to opt for warm water.“If you arrive from being at a temperature of 40 degrees and you get into very cold water, the thermal difference can cause an impact on the body.The skin is constrained, the central circulation can give a peak of hypertension and can even generate cardiovascular accidents, ”says Blanco.The result would be hydrocution, which is popularly known as digestion cutting.The expert recommends the water temperature progressively to reduce the temperature impact.

Avoid air conditioning at a very low temperature

Turning the air conditioning can generate instant relief against extreme heat, but this option can lead to risks."Dry the air and if you do not increase your water intake you can suffer dehydration," says Blanco.In addition, temperature contrast is dangers for our body.“All the skin dilates to thermoregular, the blood goes to the skin and lowers the tension.Heat and dizziness syncopes can occur, ”says the expert.Despite the air conditioning, the ideal temperature of our body should be maintained between 24º and 28º degrees.Red Cross recommends not using the fan if the 35º are exceeded within the house, because this device only moves the air, does not cool it.

Do not leave people or pets in parked and closed vehicles

A closed car, exposed to sunlight and in full heat wave can be "a true oven," according to Blanco.A report by the Spanish Pediatrics Association and the Mapfre Foundation reveals that with an exterior temperature of 39, the interior of the car is heated to more than 60 ºC in just 15 minutes.The Ministry of Health recommends not leaving any person in a parked and closed vehicle, especially minors, older or chronic diseases.

Consult the doctor in the face of high temperatures related to symptoms

The Ministry of Health recommends going to a health center or hospital before symptoms that are maintained for more than an hour and may have been caused by high temperatures.The symptoms related to a heat stroke are asthenia, fatigue that becomes discomfort, dizziness, vomiting and even fever."One of the most important signs is that you stop sweating, it means that the body is not thermoregulating and is a serious picture," says Blanco.These symptoms can demonstrate to both or three days that a person has been exposed to heat.The expert recommends observing the signals that the body can launch.

More information

More frequent heat waves, more lasting and more intense in Spain

Manuel Planelles | Madrid

The heat wave in Spain, in images

El País

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