By clothing-bag, 22/05/2022

The best products for intimate hygiene: breaking taboos

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When Chilly. landed in Spain in 2011, only 1 out of 10 women used a specific product for intimate hygiene.

Today, after 10 years of educating in intimate hygiene and disassembly taboos, Chilly. has consolidated itself as the leading company in the sector, making almost 20% of women usually use a specific product for their intimate area. And it's just... If you use a specific product for the face, body, or hair; why not use it also for the vaginal area?

In large part, this is because traditionally, female intimate hygiene is a subject that has been surrounded by bullies, disinformation and false myths. Among the most common:

Tenth anniversary Chilly.

Intimate hygiene can be done with any product. As Dr. Drs. points out. Belén Gómez, gynecologist at the Millennium Sanitas Hospital and Infanta Leonor, this belief is false. "Body gels and soaps are designed to remove sweat and dirt accumulated in the skin, not to clean mucous membranes, such as the vagina. This area does not require such strong cleansing power and maintaining the acid environment is the most important thing.

Genitals shouldn't smell. The particularity of the vaginal area, makes its smell too, the obsession with the clean smell can cause it to wash too much to completely eliminate the genital smell. Excessive washing destroys the acid ecosystem and favors the colonization of fungi. It is reasonable to wash the intimate area once a day, and repeat in case of physical activity, rule, etc.

It's not good to shave at all. Hair has its function and when you have folliculitis or atopic skin, it can be dangerous to wax completely because it can produce an infection. Although, today, hygienic and climatic conditions do not require both hair and protective barrier as in the past, the Spanish dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) stresses that this fashion has led to a significant increase in venereal diseases, such as genital condylomas.

Los mejores productos para la higiene íntima: desmontando tabúes

If it bites you, it's because you have mushrooms. Intimate itching does not have to occur solely by fungi such as Candiasis. Hair removal, infections, vaginal dryness, menopause, poor intimate hygiene, or postpartum are some of the causes that also cause itching.

The best thing for the intimate area is lizard soap. Most people think that body gel is the same as an intimate gel and that the latter is just a marketing product. But it's not, intimate gels have a more acidic pH, softer cleaners and are tested under gynecological control. Therefore, it is necessary to use a specific gel for the intimate area, just as we use a different soap for the body, hair, face, or hands. And classic lizard soap doesn't work for everything, as it can cause irritations.

Chilly. products

The intimate area has to be washed with water alone. There are those who believe that no product should be applied in the genital area, which should be washed only with water. But then why do we use soaps on the rest of the body? Dirt doesn't just go away with water and our intimate area is no exception.

The safes are the best option to keep the intimate area fresh and clean on a daily basis. This type of protector should not be used on a daily basis as it does not allow proper ventilation of the intimate area. This practice can favor moisture, heat, and with them vaginal infections.

The thong and tight clothes damage the vagina. Beyond trends and fashion, we must choose the most suitable clothing for our body. The constant use of tight pants can damage the vagina, as it does not allow the natural perspiration of the genitals, increasing infections or chances of disease. The ideal is to alternate skirts or slacks of fluid fabrics. As far as underwear is concerned, it is recommended to use cotton. In addition, it should also be borne in mind that the thong facilitates the exchange of bacteria between the vagina and the anus.

To ensure good intimate hygiene it is important to normalize the application of specific solutions and gels that care for your natural barrier against infections and protect your vaginal flora, Chilly. has developed a range of intimate gels with a variety for each type of woman:

Chilly. gel for the fresh and vital woman. It is the intimate hygiene gel that provides intense freshness and durable "non stop" protection.


Chilly. delicado para la mujer con pieles y mucosas sensibles. Su fórmula suave con aloe vera y la hamamelis aporta una placentera sensación de alivio.

Chilly. protect para la mujer activa y dinámica. Ideal durante el embarazo y cuando se frecuentan lugares públicos como la piscina o el gimnasio.

Chilly. hidratante para la mujer cambiante. Ideal para épocas en los que se sufre de mayor sequedad, como períodos de estrés, toma de píldora y cambios hormonales.

Chilly. 3.5 para proporcionar un extra de protección gracias a su pH 3.5. Ayuda a mantener el equilibrio de la flora vaginal y a prevenir molestias.

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