By clothing-bag, 14/11/2022

The influencer that sweeps Instagram revealing the reality that his photos hide

The influencer that sweeps Instagram revealing the reality that hides its photoskip to digitalgaliciac content.Valencianaidas Finanzas.Cominversiónsocial Investored Books Gate -Stacked Dia

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  • Vida Digital
  • In social networks not always everything is what it seems

    Por Alba Carbajal

    It is nothing new than many times what is shown on social networks does not correspond to reality.Instagram has become a social network where they tend to show idyllic bodies or infarction lives that can make us feel bad without understanding that many times not everything is what it seems.

    It does not mean that a perfect life has to be that perfectly instagramerable and, nevertheless, that constant bombardment of photographs with dream filters and Chill songs can become truly frustrating.That is why some influencers choose to show themselves naturally to fight this idea.

    La influencer que arrasa en Instagram revelando la realidad que ocultan sus fotos

    In this case it has been the influencer Natasha Sandhu who has decided to show his body naturally in a video that has already become viral in the social network.In the video you can see how the model is incorporated into different poses and shows that the body looks different depending on the approach and angle you want to give to the photo.

    The reality behind Instagram's idyllic photos

    In the foot of the image, the model wrote the following: “As I promised, I just wanted to take this video to show them how it is possiblelight so that the skin looks softer/cellulite free and pulling up the underwear to create a more thinning illusion ”.

    As he explains in the post, she cost to upload that video, but she felt that she had to do it for her followers, to show that many times what we see on social networks is very relative.It has been one of the few people who have dared to take the step and break the established to show their reality behind the photos.

    The shapes of each body are perfect as they are and although tricks are often used to stylize the image in the photos, all bodies are valid with their nuances and imperfections.Natasha has managed to leave her grain of sand to avoid that frustration that can cause the photographs that are seen on social networks and her video is already viral on Instagram.

  • fotografía
  • Instagram
  • modelo
  • Redes sociales
  • tendencias
  • virales
  • Alba Carbajal

    Journalist and photographer.Master in Professional Multimedia Journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid.Currently studying social communication at the University of the Basque Country.

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