By clothing-bag, 08/12/2022

The most suitable fabrics to deal with the cold and how to keep them

The thermal inner shirt, the wool sweater, the window, the padded vest, the coat, the scarf, the hat, the gloves ... the so -called 'meteorological onion' was a trend a few weeks ago when the temperatures lowered, but with the arrival of the arrival of the arrival of the'Polar jet' has become an onion of more layers.However, not all garments warm the same and that depends on the fabric with which they have prepared.

What are those fabrics?Wool is one of those "fundamental" fabrics, as described in the clothing store."We can highlight the wool for several benefits," explains Ana Domínguez, from the Cloê de Zaragoza stores."On the one hand it is a natural fiber and one of the most effective in protection against cold," says Domínguez, ".It is also renewable and biodegradable, since only a few years are needed to decompose and can be used to give fertility to the soil ".There are several types of wool, which depend on the origin of animals.

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To all wool garments are added parkas stuffed with down or synthetic pen.What is the difference between them?"Synthetic filling are made with plastic fibers, they are more versatile and cheaper.However, natural feathers or down offer more warmth and louder, another point in their favor, "says Ana Domínguez.

From the Federation of Textile Industries and the Confection of Aragon (Fitca) they also indicate the skin as one of the most appropriate fabrics for these dates."It has always been used, it is a way to warm.

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Not all skins warm the same.In the 'ranking' of the most warm is that of lamb, mink and fox because they isolate, says Morales, who adds that among the lightest are those of Astracán and Rabbit.


For some time since Zaragoza's furrows has the Furmark certificate, which guarantees that the skins that are used in the garments "ensure animal welfare and that are carried out with a environment -respecting process, not polluting and that is biodegradable,"Morales details.These are pieces that have not been tanned with lead and do not produce allergies in the person who carries it.

Its conservation

With the arrival of winter the clothing premieres also arrive.And that fear also arises: to see how it is washed so that it does not breathe or suffer damage.As for wool is "resistant".Ana advises to be launched by hand, with cold water and neutral soap.In any case, "it remains in good condition for a long time," adds the head of these stores in the Paseo de Fernando el Católico and Gran Vía.

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In the case of the skins, the council is clear: "It is best to use it to maintain flexibility and if it has been touched with use, you can take a fight workshop".The closet in which it is stored must be free of moisture and without heat sources.

Lower mercury and raise interest in these shelter garments."Our work is related to the cold, the temperatures are more down, we better sell," says Belén Morales.Climate change causes winters.
