By clothing-bag, 24/09/2022

The power of order.Complete guide and tips to be ordered

In this article I will teach you an excellent method to be a more orderly person.The power of order. Complete guide and tips to be organized The power of order. Complete guide and tips to be organized

You will learn how to apply this method to keep the spaces in your home tidy over time and I will also show you how keeping your environment organized can bring fantastic benefits to your life in general.

If you feel like you tidy up every day but you never finish doing it completely and you're already tired of seeing your house always make a mess, this article is for you...

To begin with, think about just one thing: do you really need everything you have in your home?

The place where we live can become a true hell if we are very messy, and most of us tend to store and accumulate objects for years. Objects that we don't even know we have and all they do is take away our precious space.

There are many ways to be organized and orderly, but in this article I am going to teach you a technique that is worth learning, since people who start using it and learn how to apply it in their lives, begin to see the changes quickly and to finally be able to be organized autonomously.

In turn, this makes you use your time on worthwhile things and not waste it tidying up your home. As a consequence you also end up making yourself a potentially more productive person.

To start getting rid of these bad habits you need to get in the right mindset and thus become a 100% organized person.

To begin with, get rid of phrases like: “it is better to clean one room at a time” or “it is better to do a little each day” because the reality is that they are totally false, this only leads to you having to clean annoyingly constantly, since, in this way, the essential problem is not finished, but these methods only do it in a superficial and temporary way.

If you think that organization is an infinite task that we must do for the rest of our lives, I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong.

ATTENTION: It is important that before starting to organize your home you have read the entire article in order to carry out the process correctly. Then you can reread if you need to as you order.

You will never be able to organize if you haven't learned how

Surely your parents will have asked you more than once to tidy up your room when you were little, but did it ever occur to you that nobody ever taught you how to organize? organize? They just assumed that you would do it intuitively.

The reality is that it would have been much better if we had been taught from a young age how to perform this task, which for many is tedious, and causes many people to spend excessive time of their lives on this unnecessarily.

So here you will learn how to be more organized, which method is the most efficient and what benefits doing it this way brings to our lives.

Types of organization

1. Daily organization

Involves using something and putting it back in its designated place. Every object should have one and we should get in the habit of putting it back there when it is no longer in use.

At first it is a habit that is difficult to generate, but over time you will be able to implement it on your own.

Always do it consciously when you perform the action of saving an object, that way you create the habit.

2. Base organization

It is the most important and in which you should put more effort.

All you need is to give yourself time to organize all your objects, dividing them by categories and deciding what to donate, or throw away, and what to keep using the specific method that I will explain later.

Organize once and do it well

To begin with, you must be clear that it is never convenient to take the easy path if what you want is to have lasting results. If not, you'll only end up with the visible clutter, but not the root of the problem.

That's why I recommend that you take the time to correctly and consciously do each step of the basic organization.

The first thing you should do is know what objects you have in your home. For this, it is convenient to group the objects by categories, you should never do it by room, otherwise, you will never be clear about the total amount of a type of object that is in your house and you will not be able to organize it properly.

People often store the same type of object in more than one place, and sometimes even in different rooms. When you order each place separately, you make the mistake of repeating the same work in many places, so you will lose time and effort.

For this reason, instead of tidying up a place, it is convenient to set goals such as “clothes today, books tomorrow”

So the best way to group your objects is to do it by categories for each type of object. I recommend doing it in the following order:

Main Item Categories

Items with sentimental value are best left for last, as they are considered to be one of the hardest things to dispose of and slow down the process.

An object with sentimental value is the reminder of a moment that gave us joy or that reminds us of a certain person or special moment, the mere idea of ​​getting rid of it generates terror. That is why you must respect the order of the list and learn to analyze each object well.

Many people get stuck in the middle of the process because they start with the things they have the hardest time deciding on.

Keep in mind that, in addition to the physical value of things, there are 3 factors that add value to your belongings: their function, information and emotional attachment.

Each category implies a different degree of difficulty when organizing it. Think carefully about the different role that each particular object plays and pay special attention to your intuition, listen to it when deciding.

Use this method to parse each object:

Take object by object with your hands, analyze it carefully and think if that object really benefits you in some way or if, on the contrary, it has already fulfilled its function in your life. Take the necessary time with each of the objects.

If you use this method and do it in the correct order, it will be much easier for you as you progress towards the end, because you will have started deciding with objects that you can get rid of more easily and thus hone your decision making power and gaining confidence in yourself and in the method.

Reflect to eliminate everything you need

You already know the method, how to detect all the objects in a category and you are ready to discard what does not serve you. Let's start working with each of them...

This is the moment to discard each of the objects that you have left over, that do not contribute anything significant to your life. I assure you that there will be many more than you imagine.

Many think this is the hardest part of all, but it's not really. Simply, what you have to do is take each object in your hand and ask yourself:

Does this make me happy? Does this object make me happy? Why buy it? Who gave it to me? If it made me happy at the time I bought it, has it already fulfilled its function?

It is important to take each object in your hand and analyze it carefully, when you touch an object, your body reacts. It is really the most balanced way to determine if an object has already fulfilled its function for you or if you want it to continue being part of your life.

What's the point of organizing if it's not that our space and the things that are there give us happiness?

As human beings we tend to accumulate and we come to occupy too many spaces that we could use in a better way.

Think about it, do you really want to fill your home with things you don't use? Clothes you haven't worn for months or maybe years? Of those clothes or objects that are forgotten at the bottom of the drawers and closets?

Clothes that have gone out of style, clothes that don't fit you anymore or maybe even some with their packaging from the moment you bought them, of course, because you never wore them.

Accessories that you no longer like, books that do not attract your attention, useless papers of all kinds, letters from old friends, or even electronic devices that no longer work (you think that you will fix them one day, but the reality is that just add up and then you forget about them all).

I believe that nobody wants to live around so many things that no longer make them happy and that do not bring any kind of joy to your life, objects that you don't even use because you don't remember having them...

While organizing, think about letting go of everything that no longer belongs to you, even if it still remains in your home.

The power of order. Complete guide and tips to be tidy

If you do it this way, once you finish discarding all the objects that you don't need, you will only be surrounded by objects that you love and that generate something in you and believe me, this really makes a difference, it begins to notice a lot in the day to day.

The energy in your home changes, and consequently our energy too. Take the time to reflect on all of this for a moment. What is the use of turning our house into a warehouse for unnecessary objects?

Try it! Undo everything necessary and continue with the next step…

Divide each category and choose a specific place for each type of object

Once we have decided which objects to keep within each category, we will proceed to find within our home the most convenient place for each type of object. object.

We only have to assign a single place for each object once. Try it. You will be amazed by the results. You will never buy more than you need again, since you will always know what objects you have and how many of them. Never again will your possessions accumulate.

It is important that you try to keep each object that belongs to the same category stored in places close to those of the same type.

In this way you will optimize its use and you will remember exactly what the specific designated space is, since you relate the type of object that you must keep, or that you want to use, with the space assigned within the room for the category to which it belongs this type of object. If necessary, read this paragraph again to understand it.

The step that I described above is a basic rule, in fact, if you don't respect it, you may never reach the final objective: Being constantly ordered, achieving balance and generating order within our home and our lives.

Another technique that I think should be adopted as a habit is to create a routine when you get home after a day of work or another activity.

It would be something like: leaving the keys on the key ring, or changing our clothes should be fixed tasks in the routine, doing so makes us leave out all the energies of the day, obviously, we must make sure to put the used dirty clothes in the place corresponding and the shoes too, etc.

In addition, emptying our backpack or bag is essential, in this way these objects that contain our belongings can rest from being loaded throughout the day (even in some cases being loaded every day) and thus prevent them from deteriorating more quickly.

That is, when you get to our home, you have to put each object back in its place. That is why it is important that you have designated a specific place for each of them.

Doing this routine only takes 5 minutes of our day and it's really worth it, since each object stays in its assigned place and the house stays clean and tidy. Once you've gotten into the habit, you'll perform the routine automatically and you won't even think about it.

Now that you understand the basics of this method of organization in general I will give you useful advice for each type of object in particular...

Tips for Organizing…

1. Clothes

The key for this type of item is to open every wardrobe, cupboard, and drawer in your home and leave nothing unchecked. Go through all the rooms, gather everything you found and let's begin…

Decide carefully and using the method: What are you going to keep? You should only keep clothes that you love, that fill your soul and make you feel good.

Be careful with this that tends to happen to most of us: getting rid of something that seems to be in perfect condition could seem like a waste and, for this reason, you decide to keep items such as "house clothes" or "pajamas" that you never use later and it is because you really don't like them. You're just sorry to donate them or throw them away, but do they really add something to your life? Only you know the answer.

You have to start breaking the habit of turning clothes that you wouldn't wear on the street into ”house clothes”. I don't think it's nice to wear clothes that we don't like to be in our home, I think it's much better to wear clothes that make us feel alive.

Folding neatly = more space

There are two ways to store clothes: hanging or folding. For some types of garment it is much more comfortable to hang them, such as coats or dresses. But all the rest you should just fold and organize in drawers.

The space saved by hanging clothes can't even be compared to the space saved by folding them neatly. You will thank me and agree with me when you finish organizing your drawers.

Remember: fold it right! It takes almost as long to get it right as it does wrong. The correct way to store it is vertically inside the drawers. This way you will be able to choose better, since you will be able to visualize each garment, its texture and color well.

The garments will not remain at the bottom all squashed and with all the top ones exerting pressure on them generating more wrinkles. In addition, they will no longer be forgotten in the background and you will use them, because you will be able to see them whenever you open your drawer.

If you want to be a little more thorough and have a proper capsule wardrobe, order the clothes not only by type, but also respecting the range of colors.

How to fold clothes correctly

Simply fold each side of the garment towards the center and the sleeves inwards as well, to form a rectangle.

It doesn't matter how you fold the sleeves as long as the rectangular shape is respected. Then you take one end of the garment and fold it over to the other end (leaving a bit of room).

So you can continue folding it in halves or thirds. It should look like an envelope, something like this:

2. The Books

It is essential that you also remove each book from all the shelves. To truly decide if you want to keep or discard something, you need to bring things out of hibernation.

You can stimulate your belongings by physically moving them, exposing them to fresh air, and making them "conscious." As they are all distributed, you will be able to see exactly what you need and what you don't.

If you have many books, it is convenient to group them by subcategories such as: general, self-help, novels, practical, visual, magazines.

Once this is resolved, start deciding one by one by picking them up off the ground. Analyze them, you should feel pleasure, keep only the ones that catch your attention, but something important, do not read more than the title!

Reading clouds your decision-making power, instead of wondering what you feel, you'll start wondering if you need that book or not. When you carry out this process remember this phrase: Unread books “someday” means “never”.

Take the time to count how many books you have read more than once, they will really be few and you know it, discard the ones you have already read, they have already fulfilled their function.

As with clothing, you should stop and think about the purpose of these books. I believe that their true purpose is to be read, to transmit information to their readers. What do you think?

What about the books I still have to finish reading? With the ones I have but haven't started reading yet?

The problem with books that we intend to read at some point is that they are much harder to put down than those that have already been read. Unread books accumulate, you must get rid of them.

If you missed your chance to read a particular book, even if it was recommended to you or one you've been trying to read for years, then now is your chance to let them go.

From my own experience I must tell you that "someday" will not come. You should have only the necessary.

3. Papers

Simple rule: throw them all away!

It's time to take care of the papers, (does not include papers with sentimental value such as love letters or diaries) I'm talking about those that you accumulated without realizing it.

Surely you have brochures stuck to the fridge, old newspapers, invoices from the internet company and other services, instruction manuals, work papers, photocopies of notes, old notebooks...

There are several places in your house where papers tend to accumulate. The human being loves to accumulate things that he does not use, right? My basic principle for ordering papers is to throw them all away.

Papers never inspire us with joy, no matter how we store them. That is why it is convenient to throw away anything that does not belong to one of these categories:

When you're done getting rid of the ones you don't need, move on to tidying up the ones you're keeping. You easily divide them into two categories:

Make sure to put these types of papers together, never leave them scattered around other parts of the house. So you can take care of all of them when necessary. And you can easily review them like a to-do list.

These 3 categories (clothes, books, and papers) are the most difficult to organize and the most important, which is why I decided to be more specific.

In the same way you should organize the remaining categories until you finish all of them.

Some important tips

Feel the click

Sort by category, in the correct order and keep only the things that inspire you joy. Do it quickly and consciously, all at once.

If you follow these tips you will dramatically reduce your possessions. You will feel an emotion that you have never felt before and you will gain confidence in your life.

Surely most of your life you have lived surrounded by much more than you need. I think it's time to make this change and start living in a minimalist way, freer, owning less and loving more.

As you start to become more organized, you'll just know the right amount of belongings to have. The moment of clicking varies from person to person, but once you've passed that moment, you'll find that the number of things you own never increases.

That is why you will never have to waste your time ordering again, you will simply constantly maintain order, your order.

Final Conclusion

This method relies on your feelings for decision making.

Most of the methods propose clearly defined numerical goals for the objects that are supposed to be kept, but the truth is that each person is different and if the criteria does not adapt to the standard of each one, it does not have a lasting effect . Only you can know what kind of environment makes you feel happy.

The act of choosing objects is extremely personal. Identifying what you feel about each object you own is essential and that is why this method works 100%.

By putting our house or room in order, we put our lives in order, we put our affairs and our past in order. As a result, we can clearly see what we need in our lives and what we don't, what we must do to be able to focus on our projects.

When we honestly confront the things we own, they evoke many emotions within us. These emotions are what give joy to live.

If you act on your intuition, you will be amazed at how things will begin to connect in your life and the drastic changes that will follow. You will notice the change. Putting your house in order is the magic that creates a vibrant and happy life in order to achieve success.

I hope these tools have served you as much as they have served me and you manage to incorporate the method into your life to reach the goal of achieving the precious order that we should all be able to enjoy in our home.

If you liked the method, share it on your social networks so that more people can experience the joy and satisfaction of living surrounded by the things they love.

And if you have any other tools that you use to be more organized and save time, or if you want to share any other suggestions, don't forget to leave them in the comments.

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    Elías Sánchez
    I am dedicated to Network Marketing and I work as a Trader in the Forex currency market. I am a young entrepreneur living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am passionate about writing about the environment, personal development, travel and technology, always trying to make a positive impact...

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