By clothing-bag, 16/08/2022

The wet swimsuit, the main cause of vaginal candidiasis

Being with the wet swimsuit is the main cause of the appearance of vaginal candidiasis, an infection produced by fungi that causes irritation, flow and intense itching in the vagina and vulva, tissues of the vaginal opening and that affects 3 out of 4women at some point in their life, reports Europa Press.

However, this infection is known as opportunistic since it depends, in large part, on the defense mechanisms of the person, the physical integrity of the cornea layer, the presence of skin flora and having a competent cell immunity.

«The vagina, naturally, contains a balanced combination of fungi and bacteria.Bacteria produce acid, which prevents excessive fungus growth.In this sense, if women carry the wet swimsuit for a long time, it will cause an imbalance between these two organisms, appearing vaginal candidiasis, ”explained the gynecologist of HLA perpetual relief from Lleida, Jaume Tarazona.

In addition, and although a sexually transmitted infection is not considered, the fungus can be transmitted by the contact of the mouth and the genitals, although, with a certain prevention and the appropriate medications can be treated with a very high percentage of effectiveness.

El bañador mojado, principal causa de la candidiasis vaginal

«Excessive fungus growth is usually due to several factors: the use of antibiotics, which decreases the‘ lactobacillus ’bacteria of the vagina and changes the pH of the vagina;the pregnancy process;un controlled diabetes;an altered immune system;and take oral contraceptives or hormonal therapy, which raises estrogen levels, ”said the expert.

Specifically, the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis can be mild to moderate and usually occur in the form of itching and irritation of the vagina, the tissues of the vulva and the vaginal opening;Sensation of burning, especially during sexual intercourse or when urinating;redness and swelling of vulva, vaginal pain and inflammation, secretion of the aqueous, thick, white and smell.

Candidiasis would be complicated if the symptoms worsen, if extended redness, swelling and itching that produce tears or cracks (fissures) or ulcers are suffered;If you have suffered four or more vaginal candidiasis in a year;If the infection is caused by a type of candid that is not ‘albicans’ or if the immune system is weakened due to certain medications or disorders such as HIV infection.

«We could reduce the risk of suffering this infection« wearing cotton underwear and loose pants, avoid dressing in tight underwear, immediately change wet clothes (swimsuits, sportswear), avoid jacuzzis or drink very veryhot and not abuse the use of antibiotics, unless medical prescription, ”Tarazona has settled.EP
