By clothing-bag, 26/07/2022

Vulvovaginitis is the most frequent sexually transmitted disease in Mexico

So far this year, 589.910 mujeres en México contrajeron la vulvovaginitis, según informó la Sección General de Epidemiología. De esta manera, dicha enfermedad de transmisión sexual (ETS) se posicionó como la más común en el país azteca.

La vulvovaginitis comprende la inflamación de la vulva o vagina, que afecta a mujeres adultas, adolescentes y niñas.The most frequent cause is a bacterial infection caused by a transmission virus, deficient hygiene practices, allergies or due to other factors related to hormones.

También se puede contraer esta ETS por usar ropa ajustada o no absorbente, así como utilizar mucha ropa sintética y poco holgada que no permita que la zona transpire.

Symptoms of vulvovaginitis

Vulvovaginitis es la enfermedad de transmisión sexual más frecuente en México

If you feel itching and burning in the outer area of the vulva, go immediately to the doctor.This situation could get worse even more when sexual relations are maintained.Likewise, changes can be presented in vaginal secretions, which can become whitish and dense.

Vulvovaginitis prevention

The important thing is to keep the vulva clean and dry.Therefore, specialists suggest powders or aerosols when cleaning that area.Also, they recommend wearing baggy clothes and cotton underwear, instead of those made based on synthetic fabrics.

When there is intercourse, the important thing is to have prevention and use a condom, because it is the only contraceptive method capable of avoiding an STI and STDs.

Most common ETS in Mexico

La segunda enfermedad de transmisión sexual más frecuente en México es la candidiasis urogenital con 148.556 registered cases. El tercer lugar lo ocupa la tricomoniasis urogenital, con 35 mil 569 casos, afecta también a los mexicanos.

The aforementioned conditions have in common that, although they affect people of both sexes, they are much more frequent in women.
