By clothing-bag, 06/08/2022

What is, causes and treatment of teleangiectasias

También conocidas como arañas vasculares, las telangiectasias son las dilataciones de capilares de pequeños vasos sanguíneos de color rojizo o violeta que afectan más a las mujeres que a los hombres. Qué es, causas y tratamiento de telangiectasias Qué es, causas y tratamiento de telangiectasias

Telangiectasias are asymptomatic and can appear any internal part of the body, although they are usually seen more easily in mucous membranes and sclerotic of the eyes.

Why do I have vascular spiders

There are different causes to develop teangiectasias, such as rosacea, the disease that causes red skin redness.Some genetic problems, aging or pregnant women can also favor the appearance of vascular spiders.

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Having varicose veins also favors the appearance of this disorder, in addition to the overexposure to the sun, the excessive use of steroid creams or suffering trauma in the area.

Qué es, causas y tratamiento de telangiectasias

Although we cannot prevent vascular spiders from appearing, we can follow tips and include healthy habits on a day -to -day basis to prevent the appearance of telangiectasias.Do physical exercise frequently, avoid wearing too tight clothes, crossing our legs when we sit or control our body weight are some of the recommendations that will help us avoid the appearance of this disorder.

How can I take off the telangiectasias?

Treating vascular spiders is more a matter of aesthetics than health, since, this type of disorders is asymptomatic, so it only realizes who suffers them when he discovers them by view.

Chemical sclerotherapy is one of the methods to eliminate teangiectasias, and consists of injecting a liquid into the small dilated capillaries to get obstructed and thus do not have the accumulated inside.

Another way to treat teangiectasias is through thermal sclerotherapy.The purpose is the same as that of the previous process -obstructuring dilated blood vessels -, although this time instead of injecting a liquid is performed with laser, which burns the glass through the epidermis.

Microcyrgey is another way to end this disorder by removing the small dilated vessels through a microscope operation.
