By clothing-bag, 16/11/2022

15 hospitals authorized to practice abortions in the state

After the decriminalization of the legal interruption of pregnancy in the state of Hidalgo was approved on June 30 of this year in the Local State Congress and that this reform entered into force seven days after it was approved , a total of 15 hospitals have been set up in the state where abortions can be performed.

The above was revealed by the Civil Association of Integral Inclusion Services and Human Rights (SEIIN AC), through the State Health Secretariat.

The hospitals where this practice can be carried out for free are: Jacala Regional Hospital, Tlanchinol Integral Hospital, Mezquital Valley Regional Hospital, Huichapan General Hospital, Cinta Larga Integral Hospital, Tula General Hospital, Regional Hospital de la Huasteca, Atlapexco Integral Hospital.

15 hospitals authorized to perform abortions in the state

As well as the Otomí Tepehua Regional Hospital, the Huehuetla Basic Community Hospital, the Actopan General Hospital, the Tulancingo General Hospital, the Pachuca General Hospital, the Altiplano General Hospital and the Obstetric Hospital.

The requirements to access this service are; not have a time greater than 12 weeks of gestation and go of their own free will. This procedure must be free of charge, in quality and health conditions that guarantee the human dignity of women, in accordance with the reform of the Health Law.
