By clothing-bag, 11/03/2023

5 signs that you should throw away your clothes (or donate them)

FashionWe all have favorite clothes that are hard to let go of. However, every man needs to renew his closet from time to time, so we tell you when it is time to throw out your clothes and bring new clothes.

By Alonso Martinez

Throwing away your clothes might sound like a chore. How do you know what to discard and what to keep in the closet? The answer lies in instinct, since many times we only have to consider if we will put on a garment again or if we will forget it. However, at other times that gets complicated when we talk about our favorite clothes that already demand to be replaced but that we keep for the love we have for them.

If you can get over that fear, we can move on to the rest, and the signs that it's time to throw out your clothes and revamp your wardrobe. So if you are thinking of cleaning out your closet, think about the following points. We're not just talking about socks.

You haven't worn it for months

Those shirts in the most hidden part of your closet that you never wear anymore? We mean those. We know that everyone (or at least the majority) has some clothes that they usually ignore, either because of time or because they get used to newer ones, and some of them just keep making space in the closet. We may think "one day it will work", "I'll put it on later", but it's better to be honest and accept that perhaps we won't use them anymore. That is a good time to say goodbye, and if they are still good quality garments, you can donate them.

It looked better in the 90s

Do you still have clothes from your teens or a trend that has passed? It's time to get rid of her. Unless you think you can adapt it to a current style, the most likely – if you follow the trends – is that you forget about it and eventually have the same fate as the garments in our first point. Here too it is fair to follow your instinct. We've seen some clothes from the 60s and 80s come back, so the 90s have influenced some current trends as well, so if you think a piece of clothing isn't yet to die, stick with it. However, consider that it is in good condition and does not appear to be more than 20 years old. Think about the clothes you should remove from your closet to make room.

You don't have any more

5 signs you should throw away your clothes (or donate them)

Let's say you used to have a few extra pounds, but you decided to go on a diet and now you look thinner, plus you've lost size. What is recommended here is to leave behind all the clothes from the past, since they will look too oversized, although some may look perfect with some outfits, others will already look bad so it is better to avoid them. On the other hand, this also applies if you have gained weight. Some people may change sizes with age, so certain items may fit snugly. The option here is to send them to adjust or change clothes for ones that are not so tight.

The Obvious

If a garment has a hole that cannot be fixed with discreet stitching, it should be gone, particularly if we care about our image. We may love a piece of clothing so much that we are not ready to let it go, but it is better than having a sloppy look. The same goes for clothes that already have weird smells, like the kind you get if they're stored for a long time, or bad odors caused by sweat. Once they have an odor that we can't wash away, it should go away. Likewise, we must be attentive to the spots that no longer disappear.


In general, many clothes, mainly t-shirts and polo shirts, wear out after a while in the washing machine, but it can also happen to jeans, or other clothes, which It can be a tragedy, but it is part of the cycle of the garments, and it is necessary to renew them with new ones. In the case of shirts, it is essential since it tends to become thinner, and the neck loses its shape, which takes away all its poise, in addition to color, which is key in the appearance of many garments. In the case of some jeans, they can still look well washed, but if you have an outfit that seems to demand new clothes, it is best to forget about them.
