By clothing-bag, 18/06/2022

8 clothing tips for people with hyperhidrosis

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La sudoración excesiva puede afectar la calidad de vida de quienes la padecen. Sin embargo, evitar las molestas marcas de sudor en la ropa es posible. Te contamos cómo lograrlo.

Revisado y aprobado por el médico Leonardo Biolatto.8 consejos de vestimenta para personas con hiperhidrosis 8 consejos de vestimenta para personas con hiperhidrosis

Written by Alejandra Maria Gonzalez Bonilla

Last update: December 25, 2021

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes the body to secrete more sweat without having performed a physical exercise.It occurs unpredictable and it shows in the hands, armpits and feet, especially.For this reason, clothing for people with hyperhidrosis must adapt to it.

According to a study, the condition affects almost 3 % of the population.Likewise, this type of sweating usually becomes a psychological problem that affects people's quality of life.

Given the above, it is necessary to understand that we can minimize its effects if appropriate garments and tissues are used.Physical appearance will not be compromised and a life can be taken more comfortable.

Tips for dressing with hyperhidrosis

The clothing for people with hyperhidrosis is a tool to deal with excessive sweat.Here are some tricks to put into practice.

1. Think about sizes

8 consejos de vestimenta para personas con hiperhidrosis

Very tight clothing can generate greater friction.In addition, in summer season it is recommended to avoid this type of garments, because they do not let the air circulate.

On the contrary, clothing for patients with hyperhidrosis should be baggy.Here freshness is the key to avoiding heat excesses.

2. Choose certain colors

Black, dark gray, deep blue or patterns of prints (pictures, flowers, camouflaged) can help hide sweat spots.On the contrary, very striking or cake tones are more evident and advise against.

A fundamental aspect is that white clothing retains less heat.So if you are outdoors, you probably give a feeling of greater freshness.

3. Opt for breathable fabrics

The most breathable fabrics and that better absorb sweat are the natives.Lino, cotton or silk are recommended.However, for winter the best alternative is natural wool.

And for those who do sports, technical fabrics are designed to combat body humidity.That is why they are considered allies to deal with excessive sweating.

Know more: hyperhidrosis: causes and symptoms

4. Use certain pants

Although everything depends on the style of dressing, keeping sweating under control and covert is the function of jeans or denim garments.These fabrics are made of cotton, generally.In the case of men, Chinese pants and those who are less adjusted to the body can work very well.

5. Select proper underwear

Dress in people with hyperhidrosis cannot ignore underwear.These garments play an important role in the face of sweating.In this case, men can carry boxer or cotton underwear, which allow better ventilation.

6. Change clothes

Sweat becomes an inevitable reaction.Therefore, if it is known that it will be in a special or high stress situation, or it has been all day with the same clothes, it is best to wear a mute and even a towel.

7. Dress by layers

This is an infallible trick.Although in the winter it is customary to dress in this way, the truth is that it can have a favorable effect for those who suffer excessive sweating.

You can start with a thin layer and then cover it with a loose or warm garment (depending on the weather).For example, men can add a sleeveless shirt under the shirt to their wardrobe.And if necessary, a jacket or a sweater.

Discover: What to do to end excessive sweating?

8. The right shoes

Synthetic sneakers, as well as suit shoes accompanied by thin socks, affect sweat secretion.Therefore, the best option in terms of perspiration is sports shoes.

Some extra considerations that people with hyperhidrosis must have

Although the correct choice of fabrics and shoes help a lot to prevent sweat from transparent, there are other aspects to take into account.Let's see two considerations in more detail.


In addition to spots, sweating can generate wear and tear wear.This makes its durability affected.Washing the garments is often an effective process that prevents bad odors, as well as damage to clothes.

Apply antitranspirant

Although the deodorant is used to prevent odors, antitranspirators are directed to the sweat glands.In this sense, it is recommended that when applied, let it be dry.In this way, product will not be wasted.

You can have quality of life improving your dress

Hyperhidrosis can be annoying or uncomfortable for those who suffer from it, but self -care means a practical exit to excessive sweat.Garments that allow a better air flow, comfortable shoes and technical textiles can help you deal with this condition.

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