By clothing-bag, 13/06/2022

Environment The death of Mar Menor: crime, co -responsibility and impunity

Of course, the agony of the Mar Menor must be attributed to a criminal agriculture, basic essence of a failed region and stimulated by an accomplice state.That is, this quasi -consummated attack is broad, intrinsic and organizedly institutional, even social or collective, to the extent that it is perpetrated inside a rotten and compliant society: they travel the region, they live with some intensity their socio -economic avatars andThey will be fulminated, in any of its corners, for an unpunished aggression, an unfair situation, a Caciquil power, an untouchable company.

The explanation does not give rise to any confusion, since we live in an environment of, on the one hand, systematic and cheerful abuse of much of the business, as well as political complicity;and, on the other, a public opinion mostly held in immaturity, which votes again and again to the infamous.But, it is clear that there is a part of that morally ruined society that is freed from such a hard responsibility, and it is the organized environmental consciousness (and very little more, it is true).

And let's not forget to point out the direction they have been taking, for years the abusers of the Campo de Cartagena and the Mar Menor (whose greed more and more water needs), which is towards the interior integer of the region, with special interest in the regionFrom the northwest (Caravaca, Moratalla, Calasparra ... even Cieza), the extensive municipality of Lorca, the Altiplano ... where they transfer their capital, their power, their predation and, of course, its well -acrisolada impunity.

It is necessary, therefore, to explain in an analytical and rational way the criminal organizational framework in the presence (that a few, well informed, attribute to the mafia form of control of a debased society).The crime scene appears, thus, rich in actors, participants and assimilated, and this can be described by any first -year researcher.The sad thing is that the criminals encaled and recalcitrant, with their protective environment, will never cease, no matter how identify them in their criminal effort.

Of course, there is no doubt that against the overwhelmed Mar Menor has threatened, and attentive, the entire business, corporate and administrative spectrum linked to criminal agriculture (to which he contemplates an insulted, but impassive penal code), which poisons to profit.The crime, an echocide without palliative, is responsible for a vast and nothing mysterious agropoder, which is the predatory prevailing system, which achieves exceptionally successfully, relying on a set of subsystems that faithfully work in the same direction.We must not refine much, then, to summarize, pointing to the leaders and characters of that agriculture as individual responsible for the crime;to enrichment, greed and benefit as mobiles;and to fertilizer nitrates and other chemical elements (such as the brine of the desalinationities: technology, in sum) as an echocid weapon.

The victim and crime are as eloquent, in a debased region as MurcianAutonomies until its entrails, deeply corrupted, will be sanitized.

Faced with the catastrophe without palliative, the fair and proportionateIt is reproduced, as an uncontrollable virus, consolidating since 1995. But, oh!, that the state is to blame for half, or more, of the misfortunes of the Mar Menor and much of the territory, due to the indefensible functioning of theHydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS): What is its legitimation to go against the irresponsible of San Esteban, even more than their occupants declare themselves in open and fierce rebellion against man and earth?Because the Mar Menor, Murcia, no civilized constitution should tolerate it.

Medio ambiente
Mar Menor, ecocidio anunciado
Pablo Rivas

The Cartagena Campo has suffered a deep transformation in just a few decades.The excesses of intensive industrial agriculture and mass tourism have collapsed the largest salty lagoon in Europe.The inhabitants of the area demand to stop the debacle.

Let us specify, then, with order and evidence, and recognize in principle eight subsystems of the submitted constellation, all of them contributing to the disaster and being the first of them that of the political institutions - regional government and assembly - that they work, expressly and carefully,For the dictatorial agropoder, since the dominant parties in them - socially the PP, and recently those of the same wave in these needs, citizens and vox - support, stimulate and subsidize in a thousand ways the terrifying the terrifying of that implacable power.

It is above all about the regional government, but very specifically it is necessary to indicate to the Ministry of Agriculture as a representation of this servile administration.After a long stage in which this Ministry and this subsystem were personified in Antonio Cerdá Cerdá, counselor from 1999 to 2015, nothing less, and multi -imputed after his departure (but without having to fear much of Murcia justice, although it has been during hisMandate When our lagoon has entered the comma path), this department is currently in the hands of the engineer (not agronomist) Antonio Luengo, with the skillful (that is, evil) inclusion of environmental powers in the framework of agriculture, whichIt seeks without disguise the surrender of the environmental before the roller of toxic agriculture.The change of person alters the detail, but not the Lacaya strategy.

It is an autonomous government of enthusiastic enemies of the environment, which captains a countryman devoid of luster or culture of any kind and that, leveraged in a false way, has been dedicated to blame for others of a disaster that to a large extent must be attributedHe and his people, as he knows perfectly.With a Minister of Agriculture and Environment that is environmental Ignaro and has no half conversation.What a moral asphyxiation, which mortal, this that sinks us into shame and helplessness!

The State, already indicated as the central administration, which now intends to be unscathed in the fight fleeing responsibilities with a cynicism as reddated as useless, occupies the second subsystem of the plot, although this observer attributes more to blame, even, than to theAutonomous Ministry of Agriculture: Let's say that among the direct and specific support to the machinery of the crime, the Hydrographic Confederation of the Segura (CHS), of state control/uncontrolEssential) throughout the basin, especially in the Campo de Cartagena, that is, in the Mar Menor.

Medio ambiente
La muerte del Mar Menor: crimen, corresponsabilidad e impunidad

To the State, that is, to the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the CHS, the Constitution assigns them (art. 149.22) "The legislation, ordination and granting of hydraulic resources", but the experience says that the legislation is systematically and artery, The ordination is oriented to benefit the greats and crush the little ones, and the concession is the key to daily prevarications, since it grants their whim and so many times against the law; and allows (without the slightest repressive intention) hundreds of wells and hectares of irrigation without prior concession, thus raising before the agricultural companies. Our CHS is a stone of permanent scandal since, speaking in silver, it represents and perennates the generalized agrarian predator system, as competitive as toxic, which is what all the governments of Spain have promoted and support for decades (as well as the EU). That the minister Ribera, caught flat for the incompetence and guilt of decades of her ministry, award the Mar Menor to "illegal agriculture" is a stupidity: the legal is equally lethal.

The third contributing subsystem to the echocide of the Mar Menor is that of mercenary science and technique, which avoid working with loyalty for the environment and folds to the antisocial and anti -economic interests of agropoder.There we have, as a maximum scandal show, to the chairs-chairpublic taking academic ethics to the assault.And where teachers, with public salary and complete dedication, take well -paid hours serving the predators of the world.As that chair of the University of Murcia, which sponsored hydrogea (waters of Murcia, multinational Suez) and whose head has placed the professor Miguel Ángel Cámara, without a doubt in gratitude for the services provided in his long stage of mayor of Murcia (andof number two of the PP).

Or those others, created with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and captained by engineers without consciousness or environmental training, who intend to pressure us the claim of sustainability to hide the shame of those who buy their science in Almoneda, retaining in return, in precarious, his dignity.How to teach these obnubilated teachers, that science, and do not say the technique, are to act at the root of environmental problems, not to apply poultice or raise unfounded hopes of a job that is not aimed at solving anything essential in thephysical-chemical, nor for common interest?

And of the scientific institutions of the region, for what to speak.The Spanish Oceanographic Institute, which the cruelty of destiny has placed on a waters, those of the Mar Menor, whose sufferings have gone comfortably, with some managers (almost) always oblivious to its declining environmental reality, it has covered itself with opprobrium and without itSociety asks for your ineptia accounts: What a paper!Or the Center for Edaphology and Applied Biology of Segura (Cebas-CSIC), illustrious absent of the sacrificed soils and ecosystems of that basin that should study, monitor and explain, pointing out without complexes the villania of which they have long knowledge for a long time:What a science, hear!

There we have the biologist and professor Ángel Pérez Ruzafa, so happily installed in the advice of the sublime predators of the regional government, without the modesty and political pollution making him resign;But to which the additional remuneration research projects rains to his (I suppose) healthy professor of the Public University, from which he serves the villains with such improper unconditionality.And with not a few pifias that leave him so pancho: when he proposes to "clean up" the Mar Menterer importing massively water from the Major Sea for his sweeps, he does as if the firefighters of an active fire front left, at the same time, free to the incendiary inThe rest of the perimeter of the fire: What a strategy, go scientist!

Medio ambiente
Medio ambienteEl Mar Menor agoniza de nuevo
Sergio Aires Machado
Los cadáveres de cientos de peces y ejemplares de otras especies marinas se amontonan, de nuevo, en varias playas murcianas.

The room of these subsystems is that of envelope civil society, although ignorant, perplexed or, for some reason, submitted.It must be recognized that, in a region of so poor, and punished, cultural level, the pernicious manipulation of the slogan "water for all", the ridiculous joke of the "Huerta de Europa" or the intimidation advertising of the "40,000 jobs" of theRedeemer field, they are not easy to face with balanced judgment, although they challenge any middle -type intelligence.

But we must also refer to civil and professional institutions, to the decent business, associationism in general ... so quiet.Looking at professional schools, for example, that so many times prominence and rights are shown based on never well explained motives (being unions of vulgar professional and economic interest), we can barely exclude the Biologists College, which has been expressed several times on several occasionswarning of the environmental situation Murcia, and has done so in relation to Mar Menor.Because of the lawyers, has anyone heard them protest for the riot of a region without law?Do not they seem more interested in this disorder than in judicial peace?And engineers, for example, of roads or agronomists, traditionally more interested in infrastructure projects, irrigation and water mangone, on any environmental or social issue?

Our Murcia society, the civilian, which should structure everything giving a minimum of quality to political, social and environmental life, has not yet appeared, and I am looking, as who says, in the last century, on which you can alreadyspeak.This society is still unstructured and, with regard to environmental dramas, the reality is that it is raided and subjected.

The fifth of the agronomic sin subsystems is the institutional means of information, understanding the two traditional paper newspapers, which now join, so delivered, to the choir of regrets remembering even how much they have been worried about this; Although forgetting that, when information arrives, say, thick, they do the impossible to block any disassembly (with power institutions, it is understood, be political, be economical). This is the case of the opinion, with its official political chronicler, Ángel Montiel, who breaks into striking column ("that is Mar Menor Man", August 22) to give birth (rightly, of course) to the regional authorities pointing to them - with lump errors, but well - the unfulfilled contents of the Statute of Autonomy; But it is forgotten to browse the Constitution, specifically the aforementioned article 149.22, which attributes the essentials of water management to the State for, I suppose, cover up its (few) socialist friends or for not hindering any substantial advertising contract with the CHS.

Montiel, that the years of service have inevitably done it, a faithful carrier of his newspaper, is highly sensitive when the noticas that come to him, for example, to pro -men of the agropoder or to agroterritories without law, endanger the peace of the peace of the peace of theHouse, which is when he wrinkles and scares, choosing to liquidate the messenger (after insulting him: I have the data, believe me).

Or the truth, which informs of the catastrophe with informative packages of four or five pages daily, so alarmed by the situation, although without blinding in its effort, certainly historical, structural, vocational, of justifying the status quo of the agropoder, with the support constant that business. From my newspaper library I have provided one of the jewels with which this newspaper supports such a sacrosanct Agropoder, which he will never criticize, and it is the interview that, in the very first year of the great Marmenorense soup, he made the editor Jorge García Badía to Vicente Carrión , one of the visible heads of the dominant nomenklature, but untouchable (“the 'alpha' of the Cartagena Campo”, June 13, 2016), of very castiza description of its qualities and raising it little less than a hero of the people. The news of Carrión, the one that deserved the interview and the semblance, had motivated her her fight, no doubt heroic, against the intention of the CHS to cut the spills (criminals, they already know) of the Rambla del Albujón, the main channel of the Death pollutants for Mar Menor: vomiting interview, yes, of which Carrión was not responsible.

In the sixth subsystem we have to locate the police complex, of which we must highlight the Seprona of the Civil Guard, but in which we must also include river nursery (of the CHS) and the forest (Autonomous Community), all constitutedin the portentous example of ineptitude (the facts must be sent) and to serious breaches of unavoidable duties.Although, specifying, perhaps we should qualify to the minimum impact that on the criminal and criminal situation they exercise, of inefficiency in general, due to reasons that, even well known, must be explained.

Indeed, the surveillance of compliance with the law is in this region the closest thing to an entelechy, especially if we contemplate the disorder and illegality prevailing in the sphere of waters, both superficial and underground, and especially in the environment of the environment of the environment of the Mar Menor (but also in most of the region). As the predatory system does not want surveillance, since it obtains its greatest benefits of freedom with which it predates, the subsystem of police forces and d cultures languishes with less and less effective, both human and material. The Seprona is illustrative not only because of its declining capacity but also because of the perverse uselessness of their work since its agents are not usually in places of flagrant prisoner of the law; When they are and denounce, their reports go to the drawers of their dependencies, without significance; And when they transcend and their bosses are deigned to process them, they go to organisms (significantly, the CHS) that usually hide them without even opening the sanctioning files. What a few complaints see the light and prosper, even if they are formulated by hundreds! What wound panorama offers our land before the opaque gaze of the guardians we pay!

The worst thing is that the police chiefs - and I refer above all to Colonel Arribas, head of Murcia of the Civil Guard - the pressures are puff up so that the complaints and the humiliations so that their complaints sleep in shameful offices are not to pass:Doesn't this deserve a resignation, a protest, a punch at the table?The other nurseries, river or forestry are usually adornment, repressed, monitored and threatened so that they do not bother.What a panorama, yes!

Of course, although it worked (which is not the case, we have already clarified it) the crime and illegality surveillance subsystem, its effectiveness would be relative and instrumental, at most.Because crimes, crimes against the environment, waters and territory, as is the case of Mar Menor, need to end, sooner or later, in the courts of justice, generally with the prior intervention of the Prosecutor's Office;And here we find the seventh of the subsystems, the judicial, one of the most dramatically incompetent, in fact allied (before the blockade of the law) with the riot and the illegality.

It is evident that judges and prosecutors have been contemplating the Ciénaga of the Mar Menor with the closest to indifference, forgetting their obligations and that there they claimed the work for which they charge privilege salaries (and so many times undeserved).For force, the chief prosecutor, Díaz Manzanera had to intervene when in 2016 the “green soup” put it between the sword and the wall: he himself recognizes, in his imputation, that the first degradation warnings date from 1980 (which were environmentalists).

In this new wave of contamination and mortality of fish, repeated crime against life, again the Prosecutor's Office says it will act.But to those who have been suffering the incompetence of this prosecution, especially in its environmental section, in the hands of the Mata prosecutor, specialized in archiving most of the complaints that come to it (it must contemplate the region as a remains of justiceAnd of ecological peace!), We are not too touched by these outbursts of modesty, because it is still unlikely that the true culprits fall and be punished as it should be.Meanwhile, and in the absence of the tightening of the malignant “soup”, this prosecution has been, and it is unable to act against that nest of prevaricators that is the CHS, an enemy of the Water Law, to which he manipulates anddiscredits from practically the day after approval (1986).And, you know, works are love ...

Of course, a more competent and endowed prosecutor would be worth it if - as Díaz Manzanera himself usually recognizes - then the judges show an Olympic indifference towards crimes against the environment;It is assumed that more for not getting into conflict with the evil than because it is unaware.Indifference that is a very generous qualifier, because it is not a simple anecdote, but typical scandal of this region that gives us so much shame, that a magistrate of the Superior Court of Justice, Mariano Espinosa, agricultural entrepreneur and water merchant, against whichIt has been necessary to launch the law (without success, until now), he has been the signatory, with the Plácet of his superiors, of numerous sentences in which they are ventilated contentious, precisely on waters.What a judicial apparatus, which does not respect the forms (decisive in law).

With these notes, it should not be surprised that the instruction against the defendants of 2016 is still unconnected after a (first) five -year period of ineffective which seems to spread in those halls of the Palace of Justice, much more Kafkianos than comfort. It should not be ruled out that the trial comes out when the "green soup" has mutated in "black pasta", and the Mar Menor can be exploited as an accessible source of saloreos nitrates. On the other hand, the defendants hope to escape the penalties deserved, or for the prolongation of the instruction deadlines (and, consequently, the wide margin for the maneuvers of accused and lawyers), or for the easy "dilution of responsibilities" (Given the enormous payroll of intervenings, which should increase, as well as by the complicated classification of their responsibilities), or because of the difficulties of the monetary evaluation of damages, something that must inevitably accompany the strictly criminal.

Finally (although the analysis is incomplete, but it is intended that it constitutes an advance and be intelligible), an eighth subsystem is prefigured with great advances in its identification, due to its accelerated evolution.And it is that of the fakers who act within what we know by environmental movement, but who play the well -known role of the opportunists who pursue, with subtlety or with impudence, the alliance with the anti -economic administrations, despite unworthy, and polluting companies, despite guilty.The walk of the president of the Association of Naturalists of Southeast (ANSE), Pedro García, next to the minister Ribera in her cynical excursion through the exhausted Mar Menor, belongs to this strategy of impostors (since the minister supportsto that guilty CHS, which depends on it and to which you have to attribute very great responsibilities of the disaster).

But groups of this type already swarm that, exploiting voluntary work, rejad subsidies for tasks whose results - if they are delicate - keep jealously, they and the administrations that commission them, contributing to deception.

It is a plague of conservationists, or environmentalists, again, perfectly adapted to the imposture of the establishment, be it as opportunists without true environmental awareness, whether as a quintacolumnistas that erodes the ethical power of environmentalism.And that, in short, they favor that predatory system that has always sought to weaken and sow tares among its main enemies.

This is the plot, or set of subsystems or sectors that revolve, useful around the beneficiary agricultural, with different degrees of consciousness, complicity or guilt of its protagonists, of course.An omnimous power, so far untouchable and that reinforces its channel with the impunity from which it comes, long and extensively, enjoying.That is why it is not safe - reflect on our analysis1 that the tragedy of the Mar Menor will make it sensitive mel, or that the region of Murcia will be improved in its frightful ethical image.
