By clothing-bag, 20/02/2022
These can be the consequences of a blow to the testicles
All men, to a greater or lesser extent, have suffered blows to the testicles. This is one of the most sensitive areas for men, so the pain can become very important. The testicles, being suspended inside the sac on the outside of the body (scrotum), are not as protected as other areas covered by bones or muscles, and this makes them a very sensitive area to blows. To this we must add the location. The testicles are in an area where accidental bumps or sports injuries can be very common.
The good news is that, in most cases, the pain disappears after a short time, and this is because, despite the fact that the testicles are very sensitive, they are organs that recover quickly and without any effect, not even on the sexual function or fertility. However, it is important to know that blows in this area can lead to minor and serious problems that you have to be aware of.
Among the less serious ailments is, for example, hydrocele, which is a benign process related to the testicles. Specifically, it is "the accumulation of fluid between two of the layers that surround the testicle in the scrotum, between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis of the testicle," according to CuidatePlus Josue Alonso Román, resident medical intern of Urology at the University Hospital Jiménez Díaz Foundation, in Madrid.
"It is estimated that approximately 1/1,000 men who come to the consultation have hydrocele," says Javier Romero-Otero, head of the Urology Service at the HM Montepríncipe and HM Puerta del Sur university hospitals in Madrid. Some studies indicate that 50% of cases of testicular hydrocele are derived from trauma in this intimate area of men.
According to the experts consulted, the hydrocele is not a direct cause of infertility, nor does it usually drastically affect the reproductive capacity of the male. Despite this, there are cases of hydrocele in which other factors that can influence fertility are compromised, such as an infection, as pointed out by Esther Marbán, a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Tambre Clinic, at . Therefore, according to the expert, "the hydrocele could indirectly make it difficult to achieve pregnancy and, in these cases, the option of surgery should be considered."
Other problems that can result from a blow to the testicles are cysts in the epididymis or organ associated with the testicle that begins the seminal pathway, or a varicocele, which is the dilation of the veins of the testicle. This dilation, in turn, "causes the temperature to increase in this area and decreases the production and quality of sperm, which can lead to a decrease in fertility in men", as pointed out by Ángel Delgado, from the clinic Ginefiv.
The incidence of varicocele is, according to the expert, "greater on the left side, for anatomical reasons, since on this side the vein empties into the left renal vein at a right angle, is 10 centimeters longer and lacks valves in a 40%”.
In addition to these more or less minor injuries, a blow to the testicles can cause other types of serious consequences that cause acute pain such as testicular rupture, testicular torsion or displacement of the testicle.
According to the experts Ana López Alonso, specialist in Family and Community Medicine of the Emergency Service of the Vital Álvarez Buylla Hospital, in Mieres, Asturias, and Guillermo García Velasco, of the Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group of the Spanish Society of Medicine of Family and Community, "in a person who reports acute testicular pain, it is a priority to rule out testicular torsion as soon as possible, between 4 to 8 hours after the blow, to avoid irreversible ischemic damage to the testicle."
According to their data, "65% of testicular torsions occur in young people between the ages of 12 and 18, and in adults under 25 they occur in 1 in 4,000."
As stated above, pain in the testicles after a blow usually goes away quickly. However, if these discomforts do not disappear after an hour, the best advice, according to the experts consulted, is to go to a specialist. It will also be important to consult with the doctor in case the area becomes inflamed or in the presence of bruises or wounds.
The best prevention of this type of problem will be to "keep the testicles and scrotum free from injuries, for example, by wearing adequate protection and tight underwear, if you participate in contact sports or if you work in activities that carry the risk of concussion" Romero-Otero concludes.
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