By clothing-bag, 27/07/2022

John Kelvin breaks his penalty silence of Lurigancho: "Abencia Meza wrote me a letter"

Since July 2021, Cumbia singer John Kelvin has been fulfilling the seven months of preventive detention in the Lurigancho prison, which was imposed for the alleged crimes of rape and physical and psychological aggression in the detriment of his ex -partner Dalia Durán.

Since he arrived in jail, the national artist has struggled with a deep depression due to the impossibility of being close to his six children and other members of his family

“It was very hard, many things happened for my mind.Here the ‘account’ is at 5:30 in the morning and when I heard my name I felt ashamed.I cried every day, I still cry.It weighed 74 kilos and went down to 69 ″, confessed the cumbiambero for trome.

In addition, John Kelvin, who is in the industrial pavilion with another 200 inmates, plans to take out an autobiographical book to tell his experiences in jail."At the time they will read it, it already has 100 pages".

Now that he has turned four months in prison, John Kelvin confesses that his mentality has changed for good."When my emotions came here, my brain began to reconnect, my chip began to change and now my chip is as I always had to have it.".

Incluso, se ha comunicado con Abencia Meza, cantante de cumbia que cumple condena en el penal de mujeres de Chorrillos por el asesinato de Alicia Delgado Hilario, quien le escribió una carta para desearle fuerzas.

“He wrote me a few inspiring words telling me what she happened and gave me many strength.He also told me that when we are outside we are going to sing together, ”he said for the aforementioned media.

John Kelvin rompe su silencio desde penal de Lurigancho: “Abencia Meza me escribió una carta”

New entrepreneurship

John Kelvin said that a small wallet business has started, called ‘Fashion in the hands of Resilentes’, along with other penalty inmates.

"People who acquire these products will help us have more work to solve our expenses here and those of our families outside ..." he said.

In addition to making wallets, John Kelvin confesses that he has also entered guitar, singing, painting and has participated in Hip Hop championships.He has even been encouraged to write songs in his cell. “Tengo ya diez temas y el primero se titula ‘Salsicumbia canera”, dijo.

These activities are carried out not to fall into the ‘Pensalona’, since at the beginning I was alone with their thoughts by not wanting.However, today it gets along with other inmates.

“My colleagues treat me with respect and say: Hey, John Kelvin!, 'Alako' (friend), and others have approached me to tell me that they went to my concerts and wanted to take a picture with me in Huaralino, but they couldn'tAnd now that we are facing us, we can't take the photo either ... ”he said.

He spent his birthday behind bars

On September 19, John Kelvin turned 35 away from home and his six children to be held at the Lurigancho prison for four months.

In this regard, the singer explained that his three minor children called him to sing ‘Happy Birthday’.However, he could not explain why they did not spend that special date together.

“They told me:‘ Daddy, why don't you come to see us? Are you still in Japan? Is your phone bad?.It was very hard, but my colleagues raised my spirits, ”he said.


John Kelvin says that he now believes in God more than ever and that he is also carrying psychological therapy to forgive himself.

However, the former member of Group 5 did not want to talk about his ex -partner Dalia Durán, who works as a model in the program because today is Saturday with Andrés.

Confío en la ley de mi país y en el poder de Dios, mi caso está en investigación y no puedo hablar del tema.I know I will go with a healthy heart and stronger than ever, ”said the cumbiambero.

"We all have the right to forgiveness and heal our heart.For me women and men deserve respect, my heart does not hold resentment or hate anyone, ”he added.

What happened between Dalia Durán and John Kelvin?

En julio del 2021, Dalia Durán denunció a John Kelvin por haberla agredido físicamente en su departamento ubicado en el distrito de San Miguel. Esto ocurrió la madrugada del 5 de julio.

“I open the door and the first thing he does is get a dagger out of nowhere, on the left side, a very strong dagger.I spoke, I got to my room and said: ‘What's wrong with you’.There was no discussion in between.A strong dagger, left me private.I get in my room to sleep, I didn't say anything, ”he said in the space driven by Magaly Medina.

Pero no solo eso, según manifestó la cubana en el programa ‘Magaly TV, La Firme’, el exintegrante del Grupo 5 también la agredió sexualmente aquel día.

“He took my comforter, took my underwear, he took off his clothes and spread it throughout the room.He forced me to have intimacy, I had told him that he couldn't touch me, ”he explained.


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