By clothing-bag, 13/03/2023

Never wear your new clothes without washing it before!This is what is happening

The emotion of release a new garment does not compare with anything.Unfortunately, you are rarely thought about how many microorganisms there are in that piece, so it is very common to wear new clothes without washing it before.

"They should definitely wash clothes before wearing it"

We will let experts define it a little more."They should definitely wash clothes before wearing it, especially any garment that has direct contact with the skin or with which you are going to sweat," said Lana Hogue, expert in clothing manufacturing that teaches in Garment Industry 411, for Elle Us US.

Because?Most of the tissues, even the natives, are impregnated with chemical substances at different times of their manufacture, to result in softness, texture and color.These chemicals can cause allergies or dermatitis and even can be carcinogens.

New clothes can store fungi and lice

¡Nunca uses tu ropa nueva sin lavarla antes! Esto es lo que sucede

Donald Belsito, a professor of dermatology at the Medical Center in New York, explained for The Wall Street Journal that on many occasions clothing factories and testers are ideal places for the development and conservation of fungi, lice and bacteria.

«I have seen cases of contagion of lice that possibly occur.

The dermatologist insisted that we must pay special attention to: underwear, socks, t -shirts, scarves, interior plants and swimsuits.

Think of all the people who touched or tried it before you ...

"There are not four or five or six people ... They are dozens and dozens if that garment stayed there for weeks or a month," explained microbiology professor, Philip Tierno, to HuffPost.

They made reference to the high number of people who probably tested that same garment that you took home and waiting to be used.Although it depends on the type of clothing, where you bought it and the size, but the expert did a study where he discovered that the most helpful are blouses, pants and dresses.

As soon as you buy your clothes, don't forget to wash it!In the most extreme cases you could catch a flu bacterium or a slight case of dermatitis.So be sure to wash your clothes with detergent without fragrance - to avoid irritations - and without chemical softeners.
