By clothing-bag, 01/11/2022

Woman refuses to pay a fine to do topless in Cartagena: "If men can be without a shirt, me too"

Ruby Macea Pacheco, a 52 -year -old woman, was fined last Sunday, August 22, by uniformed men of the Cartagena Metropolitan Police.The reasons of that comparing are related to their negative response to wear clothes at the top of your body.Without blouse, and without underwear, it was approached by the authority imposed by the infraction.The woman, who spoke exclusively with the informative portal of El Universal, expressed her disagreement with the decision, because, in her opinion, her breasts and nipples are not synonymous with negative things, likewise, she contrasted her situation with that of the men who of the men who of the men who of the men who of the men that, freely, she said, they can walk without a t -shirt publicly.

According to what the woman told that media, she and her friends were on the beach at about ten o'clock in the morning.While they departed, quietly, the police came to tell them that they could not have their naked torso, because, there were families and children in the place.“What is the part of the body with which children have more contact since they are born?Our breasts, our nipples!So how are our breasts and our nipples a danger?Our breasts are not bombs.They are organs to feed this humanity that needs so much love.They are wonderful organs that we don't have to hide, they don't have to discriminate against us. Hacen parte de nuestros cuerpo”, cuestionó Ruby al policía.

La mujer, quien trató de hacerle entender al policía su posición respecto al tema, no recibió respuestas de vuelta, por el contrario, fue sancionada por “realizar actos sexuales o de exhibicionismo que generan molestia a la comunidad en espacio público, lugares abiertos al público, o que siendo privados trasciendan a lo público”. Macea Pacheco es oriunda de Sahagún, un municipio ubicado en el departamento de Córdoba, sin embargo, vive en Cartagena desde hace 10 años.This was reported by the media that managed to talk to her.

Mujer se niega a pagar multa por hacer topless en Cartagena: “Si los hombres pueden estar sin camisa, yo también”

Ruby, punished by the authority for carrying its uncovered breasts, will have to pay, in accordance with what is established in the Police Code, in article 33, a fine that amounts to the 16 current legal minimum wages in force, that is, $ 484.547. Esta infracción es tipo tres, y señala al ciudadano de haber cometido “comportamientos que afectan la tranquilidad y relaciones respetuosas de las personas”.

“Mi amiga que también hizo topless vive en Medellín, no tenía la cédula en la playa y no le pusieron el comparendo, pero ella me ha estado apoyando mucho”, relató Macea quien, además, advirtió que presentó, en la tarde del pasado viernes, una apelación electrónica en contra de la decisión del uniformado.

Ruby Macea Pacheco, as explained to El Universal, is part of the International Raelian movement that, within his philosophy, defends human rights and equal conditions for all. Aquella organización promueve una acción llamada ’Día del GoTopless’, o ‘Topless’, que invita a las mujeres a vivir libremente su cuerpo.According to women's arguments, just as men have permission to walk without a shirt in public areas, women should also have it."We do that action every year worldwide in honor of women's equality day," he argued.

“This year, Gotopalent Day fell August 22, which was Sunday, and I was doing it with a friend and two other girls, which may be and not take off their shirt if they wish, they are in their right (...) Vamos a alegar que los artículos 13 y 43 de la Constitución colombiana nos dicen que tenemos igualdad de derechos hombres y mujeres, pero cuando vamos a hacer esta acción resulta que hay un Código que va por encima de la Constitución colombiana y de los derechos humanos, y nosotras las mujeres no podemos ejercer ese derecho de estar en toples”, explicó la mujer respecto a los puntos clave que usará en su defensa.

In the conclusion of his talk with the newspaper, Ruby said that without weapons, and with arguments, he will battle, then, this situation joins the many who have had to face throughout history. “Anteriormente la mujer no podía mostrar ni siquiera los tobillos, no podía votar, no podía estudiar y ya hay alguien que debe dar el pasito.I'm currently me, and I feel good. Mis compañeras de otros países han estado apoyándome”, resaltó ante El Universal.

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