By clothing-bag, 13/09/2022

30 % of the British lava the sheets once a year

The furniture company 'Hammond' has revealed "the dirty truth": 30% of the British population lava their sheets once a year. Un estudio realizado por la compañía bajo el nombre [[LINK:EXTERNO||| |||.000 British.

One in three admits that washes their sheets once a year, a bad habit that leads to the proliferation of mites, bedbugs and fungi in our bed and can even cause the appearance of acne, spots and other skin problems.Therefore, the prescription medical, Aragona Giuseppe, states in the study that the ideal would be to change the sheets once a week for optimal cleaning."Washing clothes and sheets regularly is important for general cleaning and ensuring that the body remains clean and healthy," says Giuseppe, claiming that "if you do not wash these garments you can frequently run the risk of contracting an infection orSimply feel or smell bad ".

But the bad habits do not end there. El 18% de los encuestados aseguraba que lava sus vaqueros una vez al año también. Tampoco lavan su ropa de invierno, como pueden ser las bufandas o los guantes, prendas que fácilmente pueden estar repletas de gérmenes.Aragona advises to wash them after using them five to ten times.

Belfast is proclaimed the city that least washes its clothes

El 30 % de los británicos lava las sábanas una vez al año

14% wash their underwear after more than 10 uses, 19% lava their socks after more than 10 uses, and 15% claim to wash their gymnastics equipment only once a year. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne es la ciudad más limpia, ya que uno de cada seis residentes (17%) lava cada una de sus prendas después de un solo uso.In addition, more than half (56%) of the Newcastle inhabitants wash their shirts after a single use, which is a frequency greater than that of any other city in the United Kingdom.

Según los datos, los millenials son la generación más limpia frente a los mayores de 65 años,de los que solo el 13% tiene una pauta de higiene diaria.

En su defensa, el estudio recoge que el 80% lava su ropa interior después de cada uso, cosa que el propio doctor recomienda.The product and marketing director of 'Hammons', Kirsty Oakes, points out that the main reason for this data is how difficult it is now to have clean clothes given the pandemic situation of COVID-19."We all have those things on our list of laundry tasks that we postpone, and for some people that can literally be the casting.Especially now that many of us work from home and we can spend days without seeing anyone outside our home, it can be tempting to postpone the casting even more, "explains Oakes, who suggests that" we reserve time to renew clothes and always wear clean garmentsEvery day, even if we work from home ".
