By clothing-bag, 30/12/2022

7 tips to choose your underwear without affecting your intimate health

We have a large range of options to choose what garments act like our second skin during the day to day: thongs, thread panties, culottes, high -shot, cotton panties, silk, lycra ... at our disposal we have endlessof tissues, forms and designs, although not all have the same effectiveness to protect us from infections and bacteria.

Taking care of intimate health is important and, therefore, we must bear in mind that the choice of our underwear directly affects many factors related to intimate hygiene.That is why Chilly experts give us 7 advice so that it does not affect our intimate health.

7 consejos importantes a la hora de seleccionar tu ropa interior:


It is one of the most important qualities of underwear, where the fabric has a leading role.To ensure adequate breathability, it is advisable.

2.Synthetic fabrics

7 consejos para elegir tu ropa interior sin que afecte a tu salud íntima

Silk, lycra, polyester or nylon are not breathable and have dyes that can cause adverse skin reactions such as rashes or infections that directly affect pH.Intensic shades, especially red or black, can cause irritations, since the dye is one of the most frequent allergens.


Wearing the humid swimsuit is one of the most frequent mistakes we commit in summer.Either in the pool or at sea, we must avoid keeping the wet swimsuit in our body, as it facilitates the appearance of vaginal infections.


They can be very comfortable and even with some garments they become almost essential, but abusing them is not positive.The tangas strip does not usually cover the entire vagina and, in addition, because of its shape, it favors its backward slide and vice versa.The rubbing from one part allows bacteria to travel freely (for example, streptococcus) and cause vaginal infections.


It is advisable to wear underwear that completely covers the intimate area such as culottes or other sports garments.When we do physical exercise, underwear tends to move and, as with the thongs, they can be very close to the anal area, thus generating a possible focus of infections.


Sleeping without underwear is a good way to improve vaginal health and contributes to reducing the risks of developing any infection, since fungi grow in warm and humid conditions.The vagina is prone to producing moisture during the night, and underwear can catch that moisture, creating an ideal terrain for bacteria.

7.Skin sensitivity

When buying intimate clothing it is transcendental to know the sensitivity of the skin of the same, as well as what products or tissues they usually cause allergies or irritations.It is also advisable to use a specific intimate hygiene gel like Chilly.For example, Delicate Chilly is enriched with soothing elements.Its soft formula with Aloe Vera and Hamamelis, plants known for its extraordinary anti -inflammatory and soothing properties, provides a pleasant feeling of relief.Ideal for sensitive mucous membranes, irritations or redness and for when you have the rule.
