By clothing-bag, 22/01/2023

Coffee is still forbidden for mormons, even if called Latte or Mochaccino


The Church of Jesus Christ of the last days issued a warning to its members that coffee is prohibited -it does not matter how elegant the name is -that vapeo is not allowed despite the multiple attractive flavors and that marijuanaIt is seen unless it is prescribed by medical "competent".

The new guide, included in the August edition of a Church youth magazine, does not include fundamental changes in the strict health code of religion, but clarifications are significant and seem to reflect a growing concern for the adhesion of young membersto the rules.

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The article states that its objective is to clarify problems that could be confused for young people about the "word of wisdom" of religion, a set of rules about which food and drinks are good for members and which should be avoided.


The rules prohibit alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, coffee and tea, and are based on what church members believe it was a revelation of God to the founder Joseph Smith, in 1833.The rejection of the faith to coffee has generated curiosity and more than some jokes, including a scene in the Broadway's satirical “The Book of Mormon”, in which coffee cups appear dancing in the nightmare of a parishioner.


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The new instructions on coffee make it clear that there is no gray area that allows drinks based on that infusion, and allude to the wide variety that could tempt members of faith, widely known as the Mormon Church.

El café sigue estando prohibido para los mormones, incluso si se llama latte o mochaccino

"The word coffee is not always in the name of the drinks that contain it.So, before trying what you think is only the new taste of a shake, here are a couple of general rules: one, if you are in a cafeteria (or in any other store that is known for its coffee), it is possible thatThe drink contains that infusion, so never buy drinks in coffee shops, or always ask if they have coffee ”, highlights the article."Two, drinks with names that include coffee, moca, Latte, express or anything that ends in‘ ccino ’generally have coffee, and go against the word of wisdom".


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As the coffee shops have become very popular in the United States, more young members of the Church feel comfortable by going to sites like Starbucks and drinking frozen coffee, said Patrick Mason, a member of the Church and religious scholar who is the leader of Historyand Mormon culture at Utah State University.For past generations, just entering one of those places was considered taboo, he explained.

The guide fades the hopes of some members, who expected the church to loosen the rules on that drink, he considered.Starbucks recently announced that it would open its first independent store in the Mormon city of Provo, near Brigham Young University, owned by the Church, next year.Starbucks offers some coffee without coffee, such as hot and lemonade chocolate.

"The Church clearly responds to the levels of breach of the current Wisdom word, higher than in previous generations," said Mason.

Jana Riesss, a member of the Church and author, was surprised to discover that four out of 10 active members of the Church under 51 years had drunk coffee during the previous six months, according to a 2016 survey she made for her book "The NextMormons: How Millennials Are Changing The LDS Church ”(The next Mormons: how the millennia are changing the church of the saints of recent days).

He also discovered that younger religious are less concerned than adults to obey the Health Code, one of the ways in which religion is distinguished from others.

Church leaders have occasionally issued similar clarifications based on the change of social norms and the habits of eating and drinking, Mason explained.In 2012, they clarified that the Health Code did not prevent members from drinking soft drinks.

Church leaders provide additional instructions as necessary to guide members about the Health Code, created for the "physical and spiritual benefit of the children of God", according to a statement sent by spokesman Eric Hawkins on behalf of thechurch.The entity refused to say why it decided to broadcast the new clarifications at this time.

Brandt Malone, a member of the Detroit church that presents the Podcast Mormon News Report, would like the section on coffee to have provided guidance to young people on how to order and behave in coffee shops, which are a common place for professional work meetings."Let's teach people how to make the right decisions and think for themselves based on the construction of their religious health code," he said.

Malone and Ries praise the organization's position on vapeo, lamenting by the wrong idea that electronic cigarettes only contain flavorings."Most vapeo pods have nicotine, which is highly addictive, and all of them contain harmful chemicals," says the article.

The passage on marijuana seems to underline the desire of faith to create a space to allow some members to use medical cannabis, while reiterating that their recreational use is prohibited.Faith worked with state legislators of Utah - many of them church members and defenders of medicinal use - to design an appropriate program for health purposes, last year.

"Medical uses are being studied, but like many pain medications, such as opioids, marijuana is an addictive substance," says the article."Those components that create habit should be avoided, except under the care of a competent doctor, and have to be used only as prescribed".

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