By clothing-bag, 13/12/2022

How to design the perfect space to practice yoga at home

¿Tienes un apartamento diminuto? No es necesario que renuncies al yoga, solo tienes que ser un poco flexible.A continuación, la instructora y autora del libro “Every Body Yoga”, Jessamyn Stanley, comparte sus consejos sobre cómo convertir el hogar en un estudio de yoga individual:Cómo diseñar el espacio perfecto para practicar yoga en casa

Mantente firme

Si recién estás comenzando con el yoga, copra una colchoneta (o mat) barata, literalmente de cualquier lugar. Te obligará a ser más consciente de la posición de tu cuerpo para evitar deslizarte, en lugar de depender de una colchoneta ultra adherente.Cómo diseñar el espacio perfecto para practicar yoga en casa

"It's not a good idea to spend a lot of money from the beginning," says Stanley."Sometimes, if you start with a really good mat, you don't learn all body tips that are really necessary to have a more advanced physical practice".

Cómo diseñar el espacio perfecto para practicar yoga en casa

Decora tu espacio

In addition to leaving enough space around his mat to not hit the elbows with any furniture, a yoga space must be attractive, even if it is only a temporary oasis on the floor of the living room with the coffee table run backwards.

Trata de hacer de un ambiente tu área habitual de yoga. Hacer que cierta parte de la casa se familiarice como tu espacio de yoga puede ayudarte a pensar que estás saliendo de la jornada laboral, e ignorar otras distracciones llamativas de la sala de estar; este es el momento del yoga.Cómo diseñar el espacio perfecto para practicar yoga en casa

Cómo diseñar el espacio perfecto para practicar yoga en casa

All customization is optional.This is the easiest step, because whenever it does not stand in your path or distract you, the options are endless.Aromas can also help you mentally locate yourself in the right place.You can put candles, burn incense, or use an oil diffuser.Lavender and sage are especially appreciated for their potentially relaxing effects.Adding inner vegetation with interior plants is one of Stanley's favorite forms to decorate a yoga space.

Anything that speaks to you and relaxes in a mental state that allows you to start concentrating on yoga will serve.You can even meditate before changing yoga.The home meditation space can function as a yoga space.

Cómo diseñar el espacio perfecto para practicar yoga en casa

Controla tu estado de ánimo

Ubica your space near a window or skylight.Natural light stimulates serotonin liberation, one of the chemical substances that makes us feel happy and relaxed.If the windows are not an option, you can use smart bulbs and adjust the brightness and tones when you are to practice yoga.

Apóyate en los elementos

Get at least two yoga bricks.There will be occasions when, regardless of how good your shape and strength is, you will want your arms to have a little more reach to achieve a position.That's where a block is useful.When you need to plant a hand on the floor, but not be flexible enough to reach it, the block will allow you to prepare.

You can also use blocks in other forms, such as lifting the pelvis or supporting the head in other positions.It is the most useful and omnipresent accessory."It's not about helping practice," says Stanley."It's about deepening practice".Other options are the pockets, which are pillows used for support in several positions in which you do not want to use a hard block, and the straps, which can help you reach feet in poses where flexibility is needed.

As with the mat and towel, you can use things that are in the house as alternatives if you want to save money while you are still new in yoga.Paste cardboard boxes with adhesive tape to form blocks.Use books or a sofa cushion.Stanley has even used a garbage boat as a block, and his dog's strap like yoga strap.You really do not need to buy things to practice yoga, he says, although once you start assembling your team, you will begin to realize the virtue of buying elements made for yoga.

Utiliza la ropa adecuada

"You must practice as close as possible to the nude," says Stanley.If you feel comfortable practicing naked, do it.If you can't because you're sharing your home, or just does not convince you, then practice in underwear.

If you are not convinced yet, choose more tight yoga clothes instead of baggy and loose clothing.The most tight yoga pants allow you to be more aware of your body's posture, and less concerned about the extra fabric that gets in your path.It is easy to find a shirt in your wardrobe that works for yoga, but it could be useful to buy a with a little stretching in the material to prevent your movements from restricting.

