By clothing-bag, 24/08/2022

Move and not die in the attempt |Zen |THE WORLD

Before dismantling your life to store it in boxes, breathe deep and take note of these basic tips to organize

Summer is approaching and these dates, in addition to leading to rest and vacations, they are also the moment chosen by many to move from housing.According to a circulating myth, the removals occupy second place in the ranking of stressful experiences, only behind the death of someone dear.This statement is juicy, but false.

"There are universal stressors scales, but they are quite old and the removals do not include even in the top positions," explains Irene Bayarri, an anxiety expert psychologist.The situations of vital change that stress are expected, that is, deaths, divorces, work...However, "a move, as a significant change that is, can trigger stress," says the psychologist Pilar Jiménez, who adds: "Stress itself is not negative, because it is a mechanism of basic adaptation of the organism.It can become harmful when its intensity is very high or when it lasts a lot of time ".

If in addition to moving, it does it worse or forced, add a plus to stress: under mood and anxiety.Asked several people after suffering a transfer, the phrases collected give a good account of fatigue and the tension of the moment: "I will never do it again"."It's a beating unreasonable and place all boxes"."I didn't know that I kept so many things".They are just some of the most repeated.

Tricks to collect

The professionals in the sector recommend doing a good previous cleaning: "If we take more than a few seconds to know if we are going to use something or not, it is better to throw it," says Lorena, Mudanzas and Guardamuebles Silk."If you have been using something for more than a month, you don't use it.In the end, we are double or triple the boxes we thought at the beginning.I tell my clients that the removals are horrible, because, in addition, if you hire the packaging, you have strangers taking your things, "he adds.

However, there are those who do not stress for that assault on their privacy, and leave professionals to collect all their possessions, even "sex toys and marijuana plants," he says.

In matters of pure and hard logistics, the most appropriate is to make boxes for rooms, without mixing them and with signs that indicate stay and content.And without hurry.In the case of very personal or important objects - document, jewelry, keys, underwear - it is better to pack it ourselves, although we have hired that service with a company.

It is also important to put the most urgent hand."I didn't know where essential things were, such as summer shoes and panties," Mary says about her process."I had to dive between boxes and open a lot until they find them," he recalls.Now, that a month and a half has passed, it still has many without opening: "They occupy a quarter of the garage and, really, if I throw them out, nothing would happen.We accumulate too many things, "he acknowledges.

Mudarse y no morir en el intento | Zen | EL MUNDO

The move service for a 90 -square -meter floor and three bedrooms, which includes the packaging in the exit house, is around 800 euros and in a single day it can be liquidated.If we decide to make the boxes, there will be savings in exchange for dedicating at least one week to package and another one - with luck - to undo them and place everything in their new site.

Do not panic

There are strategies to reduce stress, understood as the inability to respond to what we are asked for.Bayarri explains: "We must reduce these demands and in a move we can do so with order, flexibility and sense of humor.If we control what can be a problem and reduce our demand against what we cannot control will stress less.If not, we will frustrate ourselves to any inconvenience and a broken lamp you cannot become a drama, "he adds.

The psychologist recommends to tie some fringes to better survive a move: "You have to plan where we are going to eat and dinner those days and think who children can stay with, if they have.We have to do those days as easy as possible, anticipating the difficulties that can stress more ".

Also, when you arrive at the new destination, you have to prioritize: "The first thing is to place the things of the bathroom, the kitchen and the necessary everyday goods, such as clothing, for a whole week job," he advises.This planning will prevent, for example, that we are stressed to miss basic objects that end up causing some disorientation."In a move the feeling of having your whole life in the air can arise and until your decisions rethink," Bayarri continues.

In the postmudence, "it is best to keep in a single room all the boxes that are unopened and set a deadline to place them.Thus, the disorder is not continuously present ".

But the keyword is flexibility.Pilar Jiménez points out that "the more rigid and controlling our way of organizing, the more risk of negative stress we will have".

What if something goes wrong?We must not aspire to perfection and assume that in a move things can be broken and that perhaps that Boiserie who has presided over his lounge for 30 years is not exactly the same once unarmed and back to ride."There are clients who protest because a glass ashtrack has been splinted.We also stress ourselves because we have to be very careful with everything, but we must assume that in a move that can happen, "Silk.

"Before a setback, you can breathe with the abdomen, counting from one to 10 and repeat, like a mantra, 'nothing happens," Bayarri clarifies.Thus, it is possible to relativize and realize the real importance of things.He insists that it is essential to remember that the insecurity that causes leaving the comfort zone is passenger.The recipe is clear: "Optimism, humor and flexibility".

Avoid unnecessary 'swelling'

A month and a half ago that Mary has moved to a villa."In total, we had 18 days to do it, but in the end, the bulk did it in two," he explains.That physical excess took its toll: "Do not rest when I get out of work and it's a lot of effort.I had a low back pain ".This case is no exception.

In addition to the mental wear that involves starting from scratch with dozens of boxes behind the backs, a move implies a high physical effort that on numerous occasions also entails bad positions of which we are sometimes not aware.Being continuously crouched to collect belongings, hold very high weights overloading the lumbar area and generating contractures or even in transfers from one area of the house we run the risk of injury.Ricardo González, physiotherapist, osteopath and collaborator of the Doctoralia portal, points out the most recurring dangers we face due to the overexertion and repeated actions, and how to prevent them:

The most common injuries

  1. CERVICALESSon frecuentes las lesiones de cervicales, concretamente, cuello y trapecios, que pueden derivar en pinzamientos por malas posturas. También en la zona lumbar, que pueden complicarse con protusiones e, incluso, con hernias. Es la sensación de "quedarse enganchado", en la que quedan afectados músculos como el psoas, que sufre con la inestabilidad.
  2. TENDONESLas repeticiones pueden causar pequeños traumatismos en los tendones hasta el punto de provocar dolor. Así pasa en zonas como la porción larga del bíceps, las rodillas, el tendón de Aquiles y los gemelos, que sufren al ponernos de puntillas para coger libros en alto con una escalera, por ejemplo. Aquí también están las epicondilitis o codo de tenista, por cargas excesivas en los antebrazos.
  3. EXTREMIDADESPueden sufrirse parestesias u hormigueo de extremidades, como las manos y los pies. Un sobreesfuerzo puede provocar tensión muscular y ésta, a su vez, compresiones en las terminaciones nerviosas. Por eso, una carga en el antebrazo podría causar sensación de adormecimiento en las puntas de los dedos. Es necesario estirar los músculos por prevención, que sufren mucha carga.
  4. LUMBARESHay que repartir el peso entre los brazos, mantenernos todo lo vertical posible y evitar flexionar el tronco para cargar las cajas. Lo más adecuado es doblar las piernas y así no cargar la espalda en exceso. Debemos afrontar una mudanza en buen estado de forma, aunque sea caminando media hora al día. Si no, pagaremos el esfuerzo. No podemos estar sentados y de ahí pasar a levantar cajas.
  5. PREVENCIÓNEsos días, de manera temporal, se pueden usar soportes de ayuda como fajas lumbares, muñequeras, etc. Si hay una lesión hay que acudir al fisioterapeuta, sobre todo porque pensamos que sólo son unos días pero, al final, las mudanzas siempre se alargan y no es sólo el cambio de domicilio, sino todo lo que viene después para volver al hogar: compras nuevas, sustituir lo estropeado...