By clothing-bag, 26/10/2022

Preventive imprisonment for band accused of stealing machinery in RM and selling it in Peru

In preventive detention were the four members of the band, accused of the theft of machinery, illicit association and money laundering in the investigation called "The Entrepreneurs". La PDI incautó droga, armas y dinero de las ventas ilícitas.

The East Robber Brigade of the Investigation Police (PDI), specified the disarticulation of a criminal gang dedicated to the theft of machinery in the capital.

The Focus and Criminal Analysis Prosecutor of the Metropolitan Prosecutor.

The detainees subtracted the machinery used in the construction of the construction and mining tasks, through intimidation and the robbery instead not inhabited.After this, they were transferred with false documentation to the Arica region where it was taken from the country.

Prisión preventiva para banda acusada de robar maquinaria en RM y venderla en Perú

"The machinery were taken to Peru through documentation obtained by facade companies where the outputs and delivery of invoices were based on alleged auctions that did not exist," said the prosecutor.

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It is worth mentioning that the detainees are also charged with the crimes of reception, illicit association and money laundering.

In the diligence, drugs, weapons and cash of the illegal activities carried out by detainees were also seized, which were made available to justice and their preventive detention was decreed.
