By clothing-bag, 14/03/2023

The day Chespirito unmasked El Santo: "About to die fulminated"


The fighter is one of the referents of Mexican popular culture.

Por Ivonne Cardiel
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Few people knew the identity of El Santo andinte of that select group is the comedian, Roberto Gómez Bolaños, who had the opportunity to share the stage and know both the name and the face of the masked.

The comedian in his memoir, "without wanting toSpecial function at Madison Square Garden.

He explained that from the big block to Miami, he spoke with the man of the silver mask on the plane, but disappeared at the airport, so he was in charge of looking for him: "I noticed that something that should be there was missing.Ah, of course: what was missing was a couple of fighter masks.And my gaze walked through all the surroundings without seeing the slightest vestige of masks, "Chespirito said in his autobiography.

El día que Chespirito desenmascaró a El Santo:

Upon reaching migration, the creator of the television show "El Chavo del 8" recognized the voice of his flight companion as well as the arthritis suffered.

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While the three waited at the airport, many fans approached to ask for an autograph to Chespirito, who took advantage of the situation to unveil the identity of their companions, but no one believed that those two were Blue Demon and the saint.

"I was about to die fulminated by the looks that Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, true name of the saint (and less badly that he limited himself to throwing looks instead of flying kicks or flying mares!), Especially when I insisted: 'You'll see is the saint! What happens is that the mask was removed '”, although the comedian revealed the identities of the fighters to the public, nobody gave credit to the actor's words, so Santos and Blue DemonThey continued their lives.

The Holy vs fright:


El Santo Blue Demon Roberto Gómez Bolaños Chespirito