By clothing-bag, 10/10/2022

Why should you not sleep naked, according to a doctor

A la hora de dormir, cada persona tiene sus preferencias. Algunos descansan con una pijama puesta, mientras otros eligen dormir en ropa interior, o incluso, totalmente desnudos.Por qué no deberías dormir desnudo, de acuerdo a un médico Por qué no deberías dormir desnudo, de acuerdo a un médico

However, there would be a hidden danger in sleep without clothes, according to a doctor.

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Anthony Yon, un médico cirujano popular en TikTok, red social en donde tiene más de cinco millones de seguidores, advirtió en un video que las personas no deberían dormir desnudas debido a las flatulencias que pueden ser expulsadas durante las noches, las cuales rociarían “una pequeña cantidad de materia fecal".

For this problem, he advised that people should sleep at least with underwear, that it would act as a barrier to prevent these particles from dispersing.In the comments he also suggested that it is important to change these garments daily and wash the sheets on a regular basis.

Por qué no deberías dormir desnudo, de acuerdo a un médico


Pero ¿qué dice la ciencia sobre esta afirmación? En realidad, hay pocos estudios sobre este tema.One of them was made by the Australian doctor named Karl Kruszelnicki in 2001, who handles a science program at a radio station in Australia.

According to an article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) scientific journal, a nurse approached Kruszelnicki to ask if she was disseminating fecal matter about medical instruments if she expelled flatulence inside an operating room, and the doctor did not know the answer.

This led him to do an experiment that was that someone expels gases a few centimeters from a petri plate, dressed and with the pants down.Then he made a crop to find out how many bacteria were developed in each soda sample.

The next day, Kruszelnicki found that the sample on which he was with the underwear on the underwear had not developed bacterial activity.On the contrary, the plate on which a sample was collected with the naked subject, had developed bacteria colonies that are commonly found in our intestines and also in our skin.

In a note in the article, the doctor pointed out the following:

“Our deduction is that the area with enteric population (intestinal) on the second plaque was caused by the proceeds itself, while the ring around it was caused by the speed of the gases, which started bacteria of the skin and project themOn the plate. Podemos concluir, por tanto, que los pedos pueden causar contaminación si su emisor está desnudo, pero no si está vestido."

Sin embargo, también señaló que los resultados del estudio no deberían ser causa de alarma, porque ningún tipo de bacteria hallada era peligrosa.(YO)
