By clothing-bag, 05/09/2022

Prepare for the double winter blow that is expected in Chicago and its surroundings

INVESOLAS Low temperatures will be felt in Chicago and Illinois this week due to the double winter blow.By :: Univision, published 6, 2022 - 03:23 pm est |Updated Jan 3122 - 02:08 PM Prace...

Las bajas temperaturas en Chicago e Illinois comenzarán a sentirse esta semana debido al doble golpe invernal, por lo que lo mejor es tomar precauciones.

Aún no está clara la cantidad de nieve que caerá en la ciudad durante las dos tormentas, pero algunos modelos predicen 20 pulgadas mientras que el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional pronostica más de 8 pulgadas.

Double winter blow, what is it?

Aunque no hay una definición exacta de lo que es un doble golpe invernal, Ericka Pino meteoróloga de Univision Chicago, lo define como el impacto de 2 tormentas que afectan una región, una tras otra, casi al mismo tiempo, lo que conlleva a más acumulación de nieve en un lapso breve de tiempo en las zonas en donde se espera la caída de nieve.

Recommendations to prepare for the double winter blow

These are some security recommendations to meet low temperatures and snowfall.

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¿Qué hacer? El Centro para Prevención y Control de Desastres emite una serie de recomendaciones para el tiempo invernal.

Para el hogar De entrada, advierten las autoridades, el simple hecho de mantenerse en el interior no es garantía de estar a salvo.

Prapara the house for winter

Install insulators or thermal coatings and windows suitable for storms.Isolates and protects the water tubes that run outside the house.Clean and maintain the roof gutters.Repair any dropper or filtration on your roofs.Let the sun open curtains or blinds during the day.At night, zoler them to keep heat.Before lighting the heating, add a layer to your clothing.

Check your heating

Get a professional to review and maintain your heating to make sure it is clean and working properly.It is important that heating has outward ventilation.Inspect and clean homes and chimneys.It is ideal to have an alternative heating source with sufficient fuel.If you do not have smoke detector, install it in your home.If you have smoke detector, check the life of the batteries every month and replace them twice a year.Peoples gas recommends using only recent models heaters or with functions such as automatic off.Place the heaters at least six feet of flammable objects.Connect electric heater directly to the wall, without extensions or adapters.Place them on flat and stable surfaces, far from children and pets.

Avoid carbon dioxide poisoning (CO2)

If you do not have carbon dioxide detector, install it in your home.CO2 detectors alert you about the presence of mortal, toilet and colorless gases.Check and replace the batteries of your CO2 detectors.You must do it twice a year.Stay alert about CO2 poisoning symptoms.The main are headache, dizziness, confusion, weakness, stomach discomfort, vomiting and chest pain.

Protect your pipes

Prepárate para el doble golpe invernal que se espera en Chicago y sus alrededores

The Aguas Department gives these tips to avoid freezing and damage to the pipes.

Keep your home with heating.Make sure the hot air circulates under the furniture or where there is plumbing.Keep the water circulating in the key to the input line.If your pipe freezes, use a hair dryer or a heating blanket to run the water, never set fire.

To sleep safe

Turn off the electric blankets when they are not in use.Keep electric blankets away from pets, as they can damage them with teeth or nails.

Heating or Warming Centers centers

With the fall in temperatures, six community centers in Chicago operate as heating centers for those who need it.

The sites operate from 9 5 p.m.Monday to Friday, when temperatures mark less than 36º Farenheit.

Currently, those who go to these centers that use mask all the time are asked to use all the time.

In case of emergency, public libraries and parks will be enabled as heating centers.

More about winter


How can health affect the low temperatures?An expert responds


Double winter blow in Chicago, this is what we know


Double winter blow, this is what awaits Chicago inhabitants this week

2 min de lecturaUNIVISION CHICAGO

They provide between 8 and 20 inches of snow for double winter blow in Chicago

2 min de lectura

Los centros se ubican en: Englewood Community Service Center 1140 West 79th Street, Chicago, IL 60620 312-747-0200

Garfield Community Service Center (24 hours) 10 South Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60612 312-746-5400

Dr..Martin Luther King Community Service Center 4314 South Cottage Grove, Chicago, IL 60653 312-747-2300

North Area Community Service Center 845 West Wilson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60640 312-744-2580

South Chicago Community Service Center 8650 South Commercial Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617 312-747-0500

Trina Davila Community Service Center 4312 West North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639 312-744-2014

In the car

Prepare your car for winter, preferably before winter arrives.Pay attention to the radiator and antifreeze levels.Check the quality of your tires.If necessary, install snow tires or for all types of time.Keep the tank full to avoid ice or freezing of ducts.Use in your cleaners a mixture of liquid suitable for winter.It has an emergency kit for winter in your car, in case you are stranded.

When driving

Conduce despacio Ajusta tu velocidad al mínimo, considera que la tracción es menor, los tiempos de aceleración y frenado se modifican.

Arranca y frena lentamente Al arrancar, hazlo despacio para evitar derrapar y perder el control.When you approach a traffic light or stop, slowly brake to prevent your tires from sliding.If they skid, release the brake pedal and apply it slowly.

Guarda más espacio Aumenta tu distancia con el auto de adelante.This gives you a wide margin to stop or react in case it is necessary.

Mantén el pie en el freno Si importar si tienes frenos ABS o regulares, la recomendación es mantener el pie en el pedal de freno.Ideally, take the heel resting on the floor and, when necessary, apply strength with the tip of the foot in a slow, firm and constant way.

No pares si no es necesario Arrancar desde cero requiere demasiada inercia o fuerza, especialmente en estas condiciones.If not necessary, do not stop completely.

Usa el impulso En situaciones como colinas o subidas pronunciadas, es mejor utilizar un poco de inercia.Try to get to the ascent with some impulse (at low, but constant speeds).When starting to climb, slowly apply the accelerator.Once you reach the top, stop slowly.

To play in the snow

It is common for children to play in the snow during the season.With these tips you can do it safely.

The use of proper clothing, such as thermal clothing, wind -to -proof coats, gloves, hats, scarves and winter footwear is indispensable.Spread sand or cat sand in slippery areas.Walk and perform slow movements, preferably, not to lose control.Prevents children from playing alone, so you can always know if something has happened.Having a loaded cell phone is a good option to notify in case of an emergency or accident.

Prepare for emergencies

The authorities recommend being prepared for any emergency, either at home or in the car.

In the car Los expertos recomiendan estar preparado en caso de quedar varado durante una tormenta invernal.In addition to maintaining the vehicle, they suggest having an emergency kit.

El kit debe contener: Celular y cargador portátil.If possible, extra batteries.Extra items to stay hot, such as hats, gloves, blankets or whistles bags.Non -perishable foods, which do not require cooking or cooling and water.Cables passes current.Flares or emergency lights.Air pump for tires.A sand or sand bag that you can use to give traction.Compass and maps.Lamp and battery radio.First aid kit.Plastic bags (for hygiene).

En casa Las autoridades advierten que permanecer en interiores no es garantía de bienestar durante la temporada.In addition to preparing the house, it is recommended to take other precautions.

Esto debes saber: Almacena alimentos que no requieran cocción o refrigeración.Store water in clean containers.Make sure your cell phone is completely loaded.Stay alert to advertisements and time forecasts.Keep groves or grills out.If you use an electric generator, place at least 20 feet from the house.Install and check CO2 detectors.If your CO2 detectors are activated, get out of the house immediately and call 911.

Esto debe tener el kit: Lámparas y radios de baterías o que no requieran baterías o energía.It is suggested to have a "radius of time" of the Oceanic and Atmospheric National Administration.Extra batteries.First aid kit básico y de primeros auxilios.In case of having young children, having inputs for them as diapers.A sand or sand bag that will be useful in slippery roads.

Dress with at least 3 layers

La capa interior o primera capa: debe ser ajustada y de preferencia térmica.La segunda capa o forro: idealmente esta capa debe ser de un material como polar o lana.This layer must allow perspiration and a thickness that does not prevent mobility.La tercera capa o aislante: esta capa te mantiene aislado del viento o la nieve.Ideally it must be window or a layer of pen, waterproof.

El calzado Palear la nieve te expone resbalones en el piso, por lo que elegir calzado con suela antiderrapante es fundamental.It is ideal for footwear to be high, with waterproof or insulating layer, so that snow or water does not reach your feet.Accompany your shoes with thermal socks helps you stay safe from the cold.Spreading sand or cat for the slippery areas helps improve traction when walking.

Identify problems

Problemas cardiacos El principal riesgo está en el corazón.These are the symptoms of an attack: pain or chest pressure.Pain or discomfort at the top of the body, such as jaw, arms or back.Lack of air, nausea or stunning.

Congelamiento Las partes expuestas del cuerpo pueden sufrir congelamiento.So you can identify it: skin redness.Gray or yellowish areas on the skin.Some parts feel extremely tense or "wax covers".Numbness or limb pain.

Hipotermia En casos extremos, el frío puede llevar a la hipotermia.These are some signs:

Confusion in general.Difficulty talking.Shake or shiver.Hardening of the limbs.Lower reaction capacity.

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