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Classes of religion: Mormons-Martha Debayle

We continue with the INFERNAL classes! Today we are going to tell you ALL about the Mormons, which by the way eh, that is not the correct name.

August 1, 2019

Scott McDonough Originally from Salt Lake City, Utah, in the United States, he has been living and working in Mexico for more than 10 years. He comes from a family of several generations of Mormons. He arrived in Mexico to live two years as a missionary in the 80's. After the mission, he returned to the United States to continue his studies and returned to Mexico where he founded his company, Alta Growth Capital. With his wife, Marianne, he has three children, two daughters ages 17 and 16, and a 12-year-old boy. TW: @scottwmcdonoughJuan Carlos Marín He was born in Cuernavaca, Morelos. He became a Mormon at age 21 in 1987 and served as a missionary from 1988 to 1990 in Paris, France. He is married and has two daughters, ages 20 and 15. He served as bishop of a Hispanic congregation in Houston, Texas for 3 years from 2012 to 2015. His eldest daughter is currently serving as a missionary in the State of Oregon in the United States.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints TW: @LDSchurch TW: @SUDMexico

• There are more than 15.8 million members worldwide.• There are 84,000 Mormon missionaries.• 155 Mormon temples worldwide.• The Church is the fourth largest Christian church in the United States, although most of members now live abroad. // Salt Lake City, Utah is considered the world headquarters of the religion • Mexico is the country with the most Mormons in the world outside the United States.

Who are Mormons? What do you believe? To begin with, we must clarify that it is commonly known as the Mormon Church, but its official name is: "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". • Jesus Christ: because he is the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.• Latter-day Saints: Members of the early Christian Church were called Saints.• They were early-day Saints.• Today they are “Latter-day Saints.”• Mormons: Because of their belief in the Book of Mormon as the word of God. • The religion was founded by Joseph Smith, in the United States in 1830.

How did it all start?• According to its founder Joseph Smith, at the age of 14 he had a vision in which he was warned NOT to adhere to ANY religion, because God, through him, wanted to RESTORE the Gospel.• In 1827 , appeared to him in the form of an angel, Moroni, son of Mormon, and the last prophet of the Americans who had once been Christians. • Mormon: He is a character from the Book of Mormon, considered by Latter-day Saints as a prophet, military general and historian. Most of the book is narrated by him.• Moroni commissioned him to find the records of ancient inhabitants of the American continent that were buried on a nearby hill and that contained the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.• Joseph went and sure enough, in a box of stone, found the records on gold plates.• Joseph translated the writings with God's help, and created “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ,” then organized a new church with others.• Missionaries were sent to all parts of the world to publicize this new ideology. Book of Mormon • The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, it is the translation that Joseph Smith made of the holy men of ancient America and confirms the truths found in the Holy Bible. • The Book of Mormon DOES NOT REPLACE THE BIBLE, but are companion works that together teach about God and Jesus Christ. • It is a compendium of various writings and records that supposedly span 600 years of history before Christ and 400 after of Christ.• It takes its name from Mormon, because he would be one of the last prophets to write in it, around the year 390 AD.• The Book of Mormon has been translated and published in 110 languages, including Mayan, Tzotzil, Cakchiquel, Q 'eqchi', K'iche', Guarani, and Catalan.• It was published in 1830.• The most important event recorded in the Book of Mormon is the personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ among the Nephites (one of the mentioned in the book) shortly after his resurrection.

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In it is exposed: • The doctrine of the gospel • The plan of salvation is described • And men are told what they must do to achieve peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come.

The Book of Mormon concludes with a great promise: that those who read it and sincerely pray about it will be able to know through the Holy Ghost that it is true.Divisions of the Book of MormonThe Book of Mormon consists of the following books, each of which is supposedly written by a descendant of Lehi, or some Nephite prophet.

• First and Second Book of Nephi• Book of Jacob• Book of Enos• Book of Jarom• Book of Omni• Words of Mormon• Book of Mosiah• Book of Alma• Book of Helaman• Third and Fourth Nephi• Book of Mormon• Book of Ether• Book of Moroni

Are there differences between the Book of Mormon and the Bible?• The Book of Mormon is the word of God, just like the Bible.• It is Holy Scripture, with a format and content similar to that of the Bible.• Both books they contain God's guidance as revealed to the prophets.• Whereas the Bible was written by and about a people in and around the region of Israel, and spans from the Creation of the world to shortly after the death of Jesus Christ , the Book of Mormon contains the history and dealings of the Lord with a people who lived in the Americas from approximately 600 B.C. and A.D. 400 • The Book of Mormon prophets kept records of these deals, which were later compiled by Joseph Smith. • They believe the Bible is sacred, but consider it the word of God “as far as correctly translated” and that the The “most reliable way to measure the accuracy of any Biblical passage is not by comparing different texts, but by comparing it with the Book of Mormon and today's revelations. • They believe that God sent many prophets to spread His word. word after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Canonical books.

There are four volumes of Scripture considered by the Church as the word of God. These are: • The Bible • The Book of Mormon • The Doctrine and Covenants: This is a book of scriptures that contains revelations the Lord gave to the Prophet Joseph Smith and a few other modern prophets.

The Pearl of Great Price: Includes fragments of the translation that Joseph Smith made of the Bible (the inspired version), as well as the translation of some Egyptian papyri that contain the writings of the prophet Abraham, passages of testimony and history of Joseph Smith and the Articles of Faith Articles of Faith: Thirteen Basic Points of His Beliefs. • Its founder, Joseph Smith, wrote: «The fundamental principles of our religion are… about Jesus Christ who died, was buried, rose on the third day and ascended to heaven; All other things that belong to our religion are just appendages to it.• Joseph Smith wrote a letter to John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Democrat newspaper, in response to his expressed desire to know what members of the Church believed. • That document became known as the Wentworth Letter, and was first published in the Church's Times and Seasons in March 1842.

On October 10, 1880, by a vote of the members of the Church, the Articles of Faith were formally accepted as Scripture:• They believe in God the Eternal Father, in his Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit.• They believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression. • They believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind can be saved, through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

They believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are:• First, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.• Second, Repentance.• Third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.• Fourth, Laying on of hands to communicate the gift of the Holy Spirit.• They believe that man must be called by God, by prophecy and the laying on of hands, by those in authority, in order that he may preach the gospel and administer its ordinances.• They believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, that is, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc.• They believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healings, interpretation of tongues, etc.• They believe that the Bible is the word of God as far as it is correctly translated; they also believe that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.• They believe all that God has revealed, all that he actually reveals, and believe that he will yet reveal many great and important matters pertaining to the kingdom of God.• They believe in the literal congregation of the people of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built on the American continent; that Christ will personally reign on the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradise glory. • They claim the right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and grant all men the same privilege: that they worship how, where or what they want. • They believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates; in obeying, honoring and upholding the law. • They believe in being honest, truthful, chaste, benevolent, virtuous.

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Religion classes: Mormons - Martha Debayle

Basic Mormon Tenets• Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the world.• The family is central to the creator's plan for the eternal destiny of his children.• Today's prophets and apostles are a restoration of models that it existed when Christ was on earth.• We have a responsibility as children of God to care for those in need.

Other beliefs• Virgin Mary: They recognize Mary as the mother of Jesus Christ, but do not adore her.• Jesus Christ: The savior of the world, is the only way by which we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. They believe that in the future, Jesus Christ will again reign on earth in peace for a thousand years. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and will be our Lord forever. • Sin: Men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression. • Atonement of Jesus Christ: The Atonement of Jesus Christ allows all to be resurrected. For those who repent of their sins, it also opens the way for continued growth and progression through the eternities. • Symbols: No official symbol; Cross is not used; The angel Moroni raising a trumpet is seen above Mormon temples.• Commandments: They have the same commandments found in the Bible such as the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ, such as love God and love your neighbor.• Baptism: Baptism in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints requires total immersion in water by a person holding priesthood authority to baptize. It is the means by which individuals join the Church.• The People who are baptized into the Church are cleansed of their previous sins and are placed under covenant to live the principles of the Gospel. • Children are baptized at age eight. Baptism for the dead: A member of the Church may be baptized into behalf of a deceased person by serving as a representative of the person who has died.• In Latter-day Saint beliefs, a person who has died retains the right to make decisions in the next life, and acceptance of the rite of baptism opens the way to continuous progress. • Baptisms for the dead are performed only in temples. Degrees of Glory: They believe that there are 4 places where a person can be for all eternity, according to their works and the grace of Jesus Christ .

Glory or the Heavenly Kingdom (the highest kingdom)• In this place people will live in peace, with happiness, love, and harmony.• The people who will inherit this Glory are those who have lived according to the will of God, those who first sought the Kingdom of God. • They will be able to be with their families as long as they receive the Sealing and Celestial Marriage ordinances to receive this glory.

The Terrestrial Kingdom:• The people who inherit this place will be those who did not accept the Gospel in mortal life until in the Spirit World.• Also the people who did accept the Gospel, but turned away

The Telestial Kingdom (the lowest kingdom)• There will be those who did not accept the Gospel.• These people will suffer the punishment for their bad deeds.

The Outer DarknessThis place will go to those who, through the Holy Spirit, have obtained a testimony of Jesus Christ and after this have allowed themselves to be defeated by Satan, denying the truth.Death and resurrection: Death is not the end. It is another beginning, another step forward in Heavenly Father's plan for his children. The spirit does not die, it will go to the spirit world, where it can continue to learn and progress, and be with loved ones who have already died. Euthanasia: They are opposed to euthanasia, for them the termination of life in this way constitutes a violation of God's commandments.• ALTHOUGH, when death is unavoidable due to some accident, and there is brain death or similar situations, the fact should be considered a blessing and a part of eternal existence that has its purpose.• The members They MUST NOT feel compelled to prolong mortal life by unreasonable means.

Patriarchal Blessings: Patriarchal blessings are bestowed on worthy members of The Church and contain personal counsel from God.• These blessings are meant to be a map for people to navigate the path of life.• There is no set age to receive the patriarchal blessing, but recipients must be of sufficient age and maturity. • The giver of the patriarchal blessing is the patriarch, a man called by Church leaders to give such blessings. fast: On a Sunday, usually the first of every month, they abstain from food and drink for two consecutive meals and donate the equivalent cost, or more, to the Church to help the poor and needy. • The money that is donated is called a fast offering.• The sacrament meeting each fast Sunday is called a fast meeting.• Tithing: They donate ten percent of their income to the Church, thus putting into practice the biblical principle of tithing.• Special holidays: They do not have particular holidays, they participate in typical Christian holidays, such as Christmas and Easter.• Dress codes: They have general principles of modesty.Family: The family is one of the most important symbols for Mormons.• That is why there is a lot of focus and programs to foster family relationships.• They believe that in families led by a father and a mother, children develop virtues such as love, trust, loyalty, cooperation, and service. • They believe that the family endures beyond the grave, and family members can progress through eternity individually.

Genealogy: The study of an individual's ancestors or family history.• For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, learning about their family history is more than an activity sporadic. • Because they believe that families are eternal, it is essential to strengthen the relationship with family members, both those who are alive and those who have died. Temple Marriage: They believe that marriages celebrated in temples are “sealed,” that is, blessed to last for eternity.• Once a couple is married and sealed in a Temple, any children born of that marriage are automatically sealed to their parents at birth.• If the children are born before the couple is sealed, they can later be sealed to their parents in the temple. • Adoptive children also have the opportunity to be sealed to their adoptive parents. FamilySearch: The world's largest genealogy organization. • Since 1894, FamilySearch has worked cooperatively with archives, libraries, and churches in more than 100 countries to make records more accessible so people can find their ancestors.• Every month, more than 3 million people use records, FamilySearch resources and services to learn more about your family history.• These records and services are available online at or at more than 4,600 family history centers in 126 countries, including the renowned Salt Lake City Family History Library. Lake City, Utah.Family History Library: FamilySearch sponsors the world's largest genealogy library, the Family History Library of Salt Lake City, Utah.• This world-famous building is open to the public and admission is free.• The library is staffed by expert genealogy research consultants and volunteers who can help beginners get started on their genealogy or assist experienced family historians in finding new information.• The library's collection contains the names of more than 3,000 Millions of deceased people from more than one hundred countries.

These are the life recommendations of the Dalai Lama, take note

This information is found on:• 2.4 million rolls of microfilm• 727,000 microfiche• 356,000 books, serials, and other formats• More than 4,500 periodicals• 3,725 electronic resources.

Family home evening: Since 1915, the Family Home Evening program, established by Church leaders, has encouraged parents to build and strengthen family relationships.• Today, “family home evenings” are generally held on Monday evenings.• A typical Family Home Evening begins and ends with prayer and usually includes songs, scripture reading, a short lesson on a religious or practical topic, and light refreshments.• Family Home Evenings home are geared for all family members to participate. • The Church provides Family Home Evening teaching materials, outlines, and suggested lessons to help families of all faiths plan and implement this weekly activity together. .

Divorce: When a divorce occurs, spouses have an obligation to forgive rather than condemn, have an uplifting and helpful attitude. • Separated parents MUST maintain a good relationship with their children. • They must remain active in the family. Church. • If they repent for their bad decisions, they can be forgiven.

Sex: Mormons believe sex is sacred.• Not dirty or shameful.• However, outside of marriage, they should refrain from all sexual intimacy.• Sex is, after all, a sacred expression of love not recreation.

Abortion: They believe in the sanctity of human life. Opposes elective abortion for reasons of personal or social convenience, advises its members not to do so.• The Church grants possible exceptions to its members when:• The pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.• A physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious danger. • A doctor determines that the fetus has serious defects that will not allow the baby to survive after birth. Polygamy: There are nearly 16 million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the Last Days and none of them is polygamous. • As a restoration of the ancient church, also some members of the Church practiced polygamy in the beginning like the Old Testament prophets (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc.) and to grow the Church. • The practice ended in 1890 and has been banned ever since, more than 120 years. Health Code: Mormons are known for their healthy lifestyle. The health plan for the Church was first written in 1833 by Joseph Smith, and presented it as a revelation from God.

Among the health code provisions: • No alcoholic beverages • No smoking or chewing tobacco • No “hot drinks” – tea and coffee • Meat should be used in moderation • No drugs

Humanitarian Aid: Mormons make large, organized donations to places in need.• Since record-keeping began in 1985, the Church has donated more than $1 billion in cash and materials to 167 countries that have needed humanitarian aid. • The Church does not discriminate against any religious affiliation, ethnicity or nationality. • Offers hope and the possibility of a life that overcomes disease, poverty and despair. All of this is part of God's plan.

Organization of the Church Lay Clergy• The Church does not have full-time professional clergy at the congregational level.• Even at the highest levels of the Church, leaders called to be full-time Apostles leave more lucrative professions for serve in a lifetime calling as “special witnesses of Jesus Christ” and to oversee the Church throughout the world.• The Church is led by 15 Apostles.• The senior Apostle is the President of the Church, and he selects two others Apostles to be his counselors.• These three make up the First Presidency, which is the highest governing body of the Church.• Twelve others make up the Quorum of the Twelve, which is the second governing body of the Church.• Together, the The First Presidency and the Twelve oversee the entire Church. • Church members hold that this organizational structure originated in the New Testament. • Church members consider all the Apostles to be “special witnesses” of Jesus Christ around the Leaders called Seventies—another office mentioned in the New Testament—assist the Twelve Apostles and serve in various parts of the world.• There are currently eight quorums of the Seventy.• Each quorum may have up to 70 members.• A Some Seventies are assigned administrative duties at Church headquarters, but the majority of them live and work in a specific geographic region of the Church.

Local congregations• The leader of a congregation is called a bishop.• Its administrative “parish” is called a ward.• A group of wards make up a stake, and the stake leader is the stake president.• The term "stake" is not found in the New Testament, but is taken from the Old Testament image of a tent in which the "tent," or Church, is supported by supporting pegs. Branch: In places where there are few members of the Church, they are organized into branches.• The lay leader of a branch is called the branch president.• Branches are overseen by a stake, mission, or district.• Anyone can visit church services adoration of a branch or a ward on Sundays.

Bishop:• A bishop, in addition to watching over all ward members, has the responsibility of guiding the young men and young women of the ward.• He oversees the teaching, missionary work, and spiritual growth of the ward.• Is responsible for conducting worthiness interviews, counseling members, and administering Church discipline. • Must care for the poor and needy, oversees finances, records, and meetinghouse use and security.

Priesthood:• There are two orders of priesthood.• A young man age 12 or older can enter the Aaronic priesthood, seen as an earthly priesthood.• The Melchizedek priesthood can be obtained when a man turns 18. This involves spiritual and celestial duties. Melchizedek Priesthood:• Men who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can administer ordinances, such as bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost and give blessings of health by the laying on of hands.• In a ward, men Those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood belong to either the elders quorum or the high priests group.

Elder:• Elder is one of these offices within the Church, and means a specific position for the one who holds it and requires certain responsibilities and duties.• A General Authority or a male Missionary is regularly called Elder.• Elder means old and in the scriptures we can find this term.

Primary religious formation:• They give great importance to teaching children about God's plan.• For this reason, the Church sponsors the organization of the Primary (founded in 1878) for children between the ages of 18 months and 12 years old.• Primary is designed to supplement religious instruction given by parents at home.• Children gather during worship services for two hours each Sunday to discuss Church doctrine, participate in learning activities, and sing .• Today more than one million children attend Primary throughout the world.

Sunday School:• All Church members ages 12 and older are encouraged to participate in Sunday School classes, which are held each week as part of regular weekly religious services.• Others religions are also invited to participate.• The purpose of Sunday School is to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthen individuals and families through teaching, learning, and friendship.Young Men:• Worthy men are ordained to the office of deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood at age 12. • They advance to the office of teacher at age 14 and to the office of priest at age 16. • One of the primary responsibilities is preparing young men to accept priesthood responsibilities in addition to building in them a testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel.Young Women:• The purpose of the Young Women program is to help adolescent girls build their testimonies of Jesus Christ.• Learn skills that prepare them for their future roles as women in the Church and as contributing members of society.• Young Women leaders plan Sunday classes in which they teach young women gospel principles and how to apply them to their daily lives. Socorro • Socorro's is for women 18 years and older and has the purpose of providing support in the temporal and spiritual needs of all the women of the Church, as well as people who are in need. • The Church's Socorro of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the largest women's organizations in the world.Temples:Mormon Temple:• Temples are not common places of Sunday worship for Church members.• Because of the sanctity of the temples as “Houses of the Lord”, only qualified members of the Church are allowed to enter the temples. • They are the place where the highest sacraments of their faith are performed – marriage and “sealing”. of families for eternity.• Temples serve as the only place where ceremonies such as baptism and marriage can be performed on behalf of those who have died.• Angel Moroni Statue: It is a golden statue that is in most of the temples, depicts a man in flowing robes pressing a trumpet to his lips.• The statue also symbolizes the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.Temple Square:• Located in the heart of downtown Salt Lake City, the historic Temple Square Temple is one of Utah's most popular tourist destinations, and the world headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.• Guided tours of Temple Square are provided free of charge.• The 35-acre area attracts every millions of visitors from all over the world each year due to its famous research libraries, cultural activities and historical buildings. • On Temple Square there are two centers with exhibits and films where visitors can learn more about the beliefs of the Saints of the Last Days.Chapel:• They are the meeting centers of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last Days.• They have a room with capacity for 200 or 300 people.• It is used for religious services every Sunday.• The word “chapel” is also used to describe the entire building or meetinghouse.• The chapel is a center of religious and social life.• The most important part of the week is sacrament meeting held each Sunday. • Sacrament Meeting: Held every Sunday, lasts one hour, and is similar to other Christian worship services.• Men, women, and even children offer prayers and give sermons about the teachings of Jesus Christ.• Hymns are sung, and the sacraments are participated in, similar to communion in other Christian traditions such as the Lord's Supper (The Lord's Supper is represented by bread and water, is blessed and distributed by the priesthood and is received by all members of the church to commemorate the Atonement of Jesus Christ). Mormon Missionaries • A mission is a period of voluntary service, generally 6 to 24 months in length. • In it, Church members engage in proselytizing, humanitarian assistance, or other service, whether either part-time or full-time.• There are currently more than 84,000 missionaries spreading the word of the Church.• Most missionaries are in their early 20s.• They work with a same-sex partner during their mission, with the with the exception of married couples, who work with their spouse. • Missionaries do not request to be assigned to a certain area, nor do they know in advance if they will need to learn a language. • They voluntarily put aside studies, work, and dating ,for two years, in order to serve the Lord by paying their own expenses. Communication with the family is limited only to letters or emails and very sporadic phone calls.• WHAT DO THEY DO? During the two years of service, (18 months female), they dedicate themselves full-time to studying the gospel, meeting with people, and teaching about Jesus Christ and His restored Church.• Their work is a labor of love and most of the missionaries leave with a feeling that they have earned more than the service they have provided. • Their days begin at 6:30 am and end around 10:30 pm. • Male missionaries are addressed by the title “ elder” and women are addressed with the title of “sister”.

Missionary Training Centers• Before leaving for a training center, missionaries receive a letter of assignment from the President of the Church in Salt Lake City telling them where they will serve.• About eighty percent of missionaries are trained at the Church's largest training center in Provo, Utah.• An average of 2,700 missionaries reside there at a time or 24,000 over the course of a year.• In the training centers, missionaries receive religious instruction, are taught languages, and learn teaching techniques.• In addition, before they travel, they develop respect and cultural understanding for the regions and countries in which they will serve.• Training lasts from three weeks to three months, depending on the teaching from language.

Mormon Tabernacle Choir• It is one of the oldest and largest choirs in the world.• It has performed before presidents of the United States (Ronald Reagan).• It has sold millions of records, has won scores of awards, and has captivated the audience. audiences in dozens of countries.• The choir is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Headquarters.• The choir is made up of 360 volunteer singers, members of the Church, from between the ages of 25 and 60, who practice and perform weekly, and are often accompanied by the Orchestra at Temple Square.• The choir's recordings have earned two platinum and five gold discs, including a Grammy Award for interpretation of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic.

FACTS• Joseph Smith received a revelation from God that the original location of the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri.• The American Moses: Brigham Young is said to be the American Moses, or the Great Colonizer.• He rose from the ranks of early Church leaders to guide thousands of religious refugees across the unconquered western frontier of the United States. • He led them into arid territory; they irrigated, farmed, and succeeded in founding many towns.• The CIA and FBI have Mormon recruitment programs.• Their strong morals make them candidates for careers in law enforcement and intelligence.• According to research cited in an article that appeared in the Los Angeles Times in 2000 said that weddings performed inside a Mormon temple have a divorce rate of only six percent. • Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate for the Presidency in the United States States, he is Mormon.• His father, George Romney, who was also a candidate for the Presidency and Governor of the State of Michigan, was born in Mexico in a Mormon community in Chihuahua.• Mormons invented television (Philo Farnsworth), digital sound ( Thomas Stockham), and video games (Nolan Bushnell).• Museum of Mormonism in Mexico: For more than 20 years, the Museum of Mormonism in Mexico was the first in the world and the only one in the country to provide information on the history of Mexican Mormons and the development of the Church with the history of Mexico. • The Church is neutral in matters of partisan politics. This applies to all nations in which it is established. • They do not believe in shopping, traveling, or participating in activities outside the home on Sundays.

The Garments: In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there are no outer religious garments in ordinary worship services.• However, many worshipers wear a garment under their clothing that has deep religious significance. • Similar in design to ordinary underwear, it comes in two pieces and is generally referred to as “temple clothing.”• Not called Mormon underwear, they consider it offensive.• For Church members, the modest Temple clothing, dressed in normal clothing, along with the symbolic garments worn during temple worship, represent the sacred and personal aspect of your relationship with God and your commitment to live a good and honorable life.

August 1, 2019
