By clothing-bag, 10/08/2022

The definitive tricks so that it does not cost you so much to get up the final tricks early so that it does not cost you so much to get up early every day

With the winter schedule already established, the days become shorter and our bodies resist getting out of bed.In winter it costs more to wake up.Linda Geddes, author of 'Chasing The Sun: The New Science of Sunlight and How It Shapes Our Bodies and Minds' has written for The Guardian an article in which he gives some advice so that the awakening is not as hard as it really is.

Is it good to use the mobile as an alarm clock?

In fact there is nothing wrong.In addition, the traditional alarm.A large majority of us wake up with a chosen sound inside your mobile.The sale of alarmrs decreased by 16% in last year.

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What is recommended is to cease the activity with the phone before going to sleep.And if you sleep with him, here are some tips.“Set it in night mode to filter the blue light and adjust the shine configuration to mitigate it.Change it silently and gather it on a soft surface to cushion the vibrations of incoming alerts, ”says Geddes.

Is it better to get up early or afternoon?

This depends on each person and their interior programming.A few weeks ago we talked about chronotypes.There are nightlife, called owls;And those of early hours, called LoTras.This is inside you."These innate sleep preferences also vary with age.The sleep time of the teenagers usually changes about two hours later, while as we age, we become more and more all -like alls, ”says Geddes.

Is it possible to get up at a certain time without an alarm?

The answer is a full -fledged yes.But you have to follow a vital rule: go to bed every day at the same time and also wake up to it.Or so says at least Lisa Artis, Sleep Council advisor."The internal clock of your body will be strengthened and you will begin to wake up naturally at the time it suits you.However, if not establishing an alarm will make you anxious for fear of losing a train or an important meeting, you must configure the alarm, "and adds:" Otherwise, you will spend most of the time in bed worried about notsleep ".

Is the sound with which you wake up?

Los trucos definitivos para que no te cueste tanto madrugar todos los días Los trucos definitivos para que no te cueste tanto madrugar todos los días

There is an investigation that says that adults are more likely to wake up with multiple tone alarms and female voices than with a high tone alarm.“Human beings are conditioned to listen to voices;They are not conditioned to listen to beeps, ”says Niaamh Nic Daéid, a forensic scientist at the University of Duendee.So, you can look for a tone that is not in excess high and not too repetitive.Polyphony.And if you record female voices, then better than better.

And what is the repetition button?

There are very good reasons to ensure that it is a very bad idea.On the one hand, there is that of the interrupted dream, which is not a dream of quality.Then there is that of the impact on your heart.“Although it may be necessary, and even something good, establish an alarm;If you encourage the regularity in the time of your dream and you are repeatedly exposed to it, you are alarming your heart, ”says Geddes.

Do light emitting watches work?

Reality or legend?Dawn simulators are marketed as a smooth way of waking up, the idea is that gradual exposure to light can cause relatively softer agitation than embed a sound to your mind, which means that we experience less inertia in sleep when wewe wake up."There is little direct evidence of this, but several studies have found improvements in people's subjective alertness after being woke up with this technology," says Geddes.

Sleeping with closed blinds affects our dream?

Definitely yes.If you have problems waking up in the morning, it may be useful to have some light entering the windows.It is recommended to open curtains and upload blinds in the first instance as soon as.

Is there an easy way to sleep if you wake up early?

When this happens, it is best to try to continue or maintain the feeling of hibernation.That is, it is important not to light lights, since the light for you is a kind of caffeine that keeps you awake, attacks your heart clocks.Breathe if you have trouble returning to Morpheus's arms and, above all, avoid looking at the clock.

Is there a way to wake up well without disturbing your partner?

Sleep with someone has their good things and bad things.You can ensure 50 % more sleep disorders.It can be particularly difficult if individuals have markedly different chronotypes or if the co -star, ”says Geddes.The solutions: the ones we all know: ear plugs, a huge bed, sleep in different rooms or, failing that, independent comforters.

Are there bedding that guarantees a film awakening?

"There are many statements about how certain sheets and pajamas can help sleep, but, honestly, I don't think there is enough evidence to affirm whether or not, so I would say it is a personal preference," says Artis.The idea is not to be too hot or too cold, because both states can affect the quality of your dream.

Does the temperature of my house affect?

It is quite clear, it can affect.An ambient temperature between 16Cº-17Cº is considered ideal.Since the body temperature needs to go down to start sleep."This is the reason why bed socks or a hot water bag next to your feet can help you fall asleep: they make the blood vessels of the skin open and spill heat," says Gedden.

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And quite the opposite seems to be true to wake up.“The body temperature reaches its Nadir during the early morning, and then progressively increases throughout the day.Several studies suggest that the reduction of drowsiness we experience after we wake up is reflected in a heat transfer from the limbs to the nucleus.It has not been investigated whether to step on the cold ground increases the transition to vigil, but there are reasons to think that it could be like that, ”says Gedden.
